Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
There is a lot of voting news today so this will be the morning edition of today’s news. There have been voting machine problems reported around the country. All of the reported problems, so far, have been on DRE machines. None of the reported problems would have been solved by the inclusion of a vvpat printer or an audit. In fact, of the reports we have seen so far, the inclusion of vvpat printers on DREs has actually caused problems with paper jams.
Headlines for those stories, and the other notable voting news items so far today, all follow below...
- NAtional: States Prepare for Tests of Voting-System Changes;ref=us&oref=login - NAtional: Perspective: The Democratic Party's dangerous experiment - NAtional: 'Crash tested' e-voting machines spread doubt on Super Tuesday
http://www.theregister.c..._tuesday_evoting_doubts/ - NAtional: AUDIO: How Do You Know If Your Vote is Counted Accurately or Even at All? - NAtional: Super Tuesday: An e-voting report from the trenches
A closer look at three states' e-voting readiness
http://www.computerworld...060961&pageNumber=1 - NAtional: Why America Needs Coalition – Clean Elections and Freedom - AR: Tuesday will test success of Arkansas' earlier party primaries
http://www.pbcommercial....p-state-ar/d8uk84c82.txt - CA: Counting votes --- it ain't fast food, folks!\ - CA: 20 Calif. Counties Scrap Electronic Vote Machines - CA: Columnist - Thomas Elias: Voting machines back on track
http://www.appeal-democr...tml/election_voting.html - CA: Columnist - Peter Schrag: A one-of-a-kind Rube Goldberg election machine - CA: After a reboot, does my vote count? - CA: State Officials Predict Slow Vote Count
http://www.nbcsandiego.c...ews/15222388/detail.html - CA: Los Angeles County - California's Butterfly Ballot?
http://www.huffingtonpos...utterfly-ba_n_84969.html - CA: Riverside county back to using paper ballots - CA: Riverside County - County using all-paper ballots
http://www.signonsandieg...80205-0359-election.html - CA: San Diego County - Out of touch: Voting machines sit idle - CA: San Diego County - Registrar staff expects to work through night
http://www.signonsandieg...080205-9999-1n5vote.html - CA: San Joaquin County - Paper ballots filling in for touchscreens - CA: San Mateo County - Dozens to help oversee voting
Local Democrats volunteer to ensure smooth counting
http://www.insidebayarea...mes/localnews/ci_8172879 - CO: Editorial - Lessons in other states' elections - GA: Extra eyes on the polls for presidential contests - GA: Georgia voters head to the polls for Super Tuesday - GA: Glitches Reported at Metro Atlanta Polls - GA: State workers fan out when problems arise at polls - GA: Habersham County - State still investigating Habersham
Several reported violations in July election means polls may be monitored - GA: Hall County - Glitch slows things to start with at Wilson II polling place - IA: Culver, Mauro disagree on paying for voting machine upgrades - IL: Early voters took their chances
Those who chose candidates who dropped out knew it could happen,CST-NWS-brown05.article - IL: ELECTION '08: State officials alert to voter fraud - IL: Chicago and Cook County - Some voters face minor problems, delays, election officials report
http://www.chicagotribun...webfeb06,0,7841800.story - IN: Requiring IDs, Revoking IDs
http://www.brennancenter...uiring_ids_revoking_ids/ - MO: St Louis - Some technical issues reported at polls in St. Louis - NJ: Hudson County - N.J. governor vote delayed because of poll problems - NJ: Hudson County - Machine problems at Corzine's voting station - NJ: Hudson County - Technical Difficulties Delay The Vote In Hoboken
Several Voting Machines Malfunction - NJ: Hudson County - Some Voting Machines Malfunction On Super Tuesday
Technical Difficulties Delay The Vote - NJ: Hudson County - Hoboken voting machine now working - NJ: Hudson County - Computer Glitch Delays Corzine’s Vote - NY: Lawsuits could jeopardize NY's compliance with federal voting law - NY: Ruling rocks N.Y. voting debate
State Supreme Court gives touch-screen company's bid new life.
http://www.stargazettene...-1/ARCHIVESdate=20070313 - NY: Chemung County - Chemung Leg. Approves New Voting Machines - NY: Debate in Essex Co. over voting machines for the disabled
http://www.adirondackdai...cles.asp?articleID=10272 - NY: Otsego County - New voting machines ordered
http://www.thedailystar....cal_story_036040042.html - NY: Saratoga County - Saratoga stuck with obsolete voting machines?
Upgrades in parts of county don't meet the newer requirements of federal law - NY: Ulster County - Hearing focus is voting machine law
http://www.dailyfreeman....dept_id=74958&rfi=6 - OH: Large number of people want paper ballots; shortage feared
http://www.bucyrustelegr...80205/UPDATES01/80205003 - OH: Cuyahoga County elections board fires one ballot printer
Replacement scanner ballots ordered after six tests fail - OH: Cuyahoga's plan to vote on paper goes before federal court judge - OH: Franklin County - Paper ballots await voters
http://www.columbusdispa..._A6_4298T5M.html?sid=101 - OH: Union County officials contest state's decision on paper ballots
http://www.columbusdispa...voting_wrap.html?sid=101 - PA: Editorial - It’s time to fix voting - WV: Kanawha County - Audit finds flaws in table games election, but determines no laws were broken
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**