"'Daily Voting News' For June 17 and 18, 2007"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
John Dean
said on 6/18/2007 @ 9:59 pm PT...
John, thank you for everything you do. I have a feeling you're going to be a very busy man in the coming weeks.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Victor Berry
said on 6/19/2007 @ 3:49 am PT...
Proprietary source code for counting votes? What a joke! Does somebody else have a patent on "addition" and the source code developers don't want to pay royalties for its use? I smell a big fat rat! I think the source code developers are using the patented "subtraction" and maybe "division" too.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 6/19/2007 @ 5:10 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/19/2007 @ 6:08 am PT...
I made that suggestion months ago via email and got no answer.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 6/19/2007 @ 6:46 am PT...
IF we were going to use electronic voting machines then I'd be upset.
BUT if this means more people will turn against electronic voting machines, then it's a big win.
Probably, the issue which has Micro$oft upset is that part of the election voting software is their operating system and they don't want anybody looking into that pile of crap and seeing how insecure it is (and perhaps how it's rigged to help the NSA spy on us).
Boo hoo for MS.
Yea for America.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 6/19/2007 @ 8:26 pm PT...
I simply can not comprehend why the Dem's are not screaming bloody murder about voter suppression and the 3 or more congressional seats that were lost by very slim margins and with highly irregular elements. The Dem's are actively allowing Karl's dream of a one party country to come to fruition and willfully presiding over their own inevitable extinction. Seemingly with relish.
And if Jennings were to win, then we would have a lot easier time passing the laws the Dem's want. SO WHAT IS THE DEAL?!
It's enough to make a person a conspiracy freak!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 6/20/2007 @ 4:44 pm PT...
No one I know would want to f**k Feinstein John, so what do we do with her?
I mean, piece is piece, part is part, and Dieann is Dieann dude.
Got remedy?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 6/20/2007 @ 9:29 pm PT...
The US Congress and State election official have gleefully privatized our vote counting apparatus.
If a candidate or private citizen now wishes to audit the vote counting process they are told to drop dead, go away, or keep your nose out of other peoples business which is of no interest of yours.
How did the counting of our votes become a top secret, proprietary, need to know - closely held information process ? We have been shut out of the process that counts our votes,.. to the detriment of our democracy.