By John Gideon on 4/13/2007, 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

A press release from the office of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) begins:

In the wake of a news report that the Election Assistance Commission altered its findings to overstate the pervasiveness of voter fraud, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) today asked the Senate Rules and Administration Committee to look into the matter. Menendez has written Committee Chairwoman Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), expressing his concern over the revelations and asking her to examine the process by which the EAC report was produced. Menendez maintains that the use of the EAC to advance a political agenda is a blow to the integrity of the electoral system and that an investigation into the motivations behind the panel's report is warranted.

Links to that item, and all the other notable voting news stories today, follow below...

  • NAtional: Sen. Menendez Asks Committee To Examine Altered Voter Fraud Report LINK
  • NAtional: Sen. Menendez Asks Sen. Feinstein To Investigate The EAC LINK
  • NAtional: Feinstein and Durbin Seek Response from EAC Regarding Allegations of Altered or Delayed Studies LINK
  • NAtional: Sequoia WinEDS Does Not Comply With 2002 Voting System Standards LINK
  • NAtional: Pending Election Reform in Congress Doesn't Give Citizens Right to Sue LINK
  • NAtional: Election officials predict chaos, protest reform bill LINK
  • NAtional: It's a Good Thing PFAW Isn't Supporting Anti-Smoking Legislation LINK
  • NAtional: Don't trust online voting, speaker says
    MIT prof keynoting Usenix is seriously underwhelmed LINK
  • NAtional: Tall Tale of Voter Fraud Unravels: Voting Rights & Election News LINK
  • CA: San Diego County - No. 2 hired for county voter office LINK
  • CA: San Diego County - Michael Vu Hired As County's Assistant Registrar Of Voters LINK
  • CA: San Diego County – Boo Who Vu? LINK
  • CA: Nevada County Clerk working for City of Rio Vista LINK
  • FL: Pembroke Pines - Pines ponders mail-in voting
    Pembroke Pines and state legislators are considering ways to allow mail-in voting for city offices. LINK
  • FL: Sarasota County - Stones Unturned: Gaps in the Investigation of Sarasota's Disputed Congressional Election LINK
  • IL: Officials brace for slew of races LINK
  • MS: Harrison County - Sec. Of State, Party Leaders Weigh In On Touch Screen Voting LINK
  • MS: Harrison Co. decides to dump touch screen voting machines LINK
  • MS: Harrison County decides to return to paper ballots LINK
  • NJ: Polls still off-limits to disabled LINK
  • NJ: Ocean County - Voting machine critics urge use of paper method LINK
  • NY: Council eschews touch screen voting - Unanimously votes to replace lever voting machines with paper ballots LINK
  • PA: Court keeps alive lawsuit over Pa.'s electronic voting machines LINK
  • PA: Rare Court Victory for Opponents of Electronic Vote-Counting Machines with No Paper Trail LINK
  • PA: Press Release - Secretary Cortes Provides Facts Regarding Banfield Objection Ruling; Voting Systems Work Well in Pennsylvania LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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