By John Gideon on 2/13/2007, 4:36pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The groups and individuals endorsing this statement commend Congressman Rush Holt for all that is excellent in HR 811, the "Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007" --- such as the ban on wireless communications, requirements for disclosed source code and hand audits, and the mandate that testing labs be contractually independent from vendors. However, we cannot, with good conscience, give our endorsement to HR 811. We believe we have a duty to call attention to the bill's unacceptable shortcomings and to call for the needed amendments.

In a press release to respond to the Princeton statements about Sequoia’s lack of security mechanisms in their voting machines Sequoia says, “Election security encompasses people, processes and voting technology. And all of Sequoia's voting systems have numerous safeguards to detect any attempt to tamper with a machine or election results --- as true security demands a combination of features.” It’s funny that Princeton Professor Appel found none of the security safeguards present in the machines he has inspected....

  • NAtional: Essential Revisions to HR 811 LINK
  • NAtional: U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair, Donetta Davidson, Knew About Problems of Voting Machine Test Labs But Kept Quiet LINK
  • NAtional: Millender-McDonald urges election reform LINK
  • NAtional: Election Security Encompasses the Equipment, People, Processes & Voting Technology LINK
  • NAtional: House Administration Chair Calls for Full Funding of HAVA LINK
  • NAtional: U.S. Senate sees first bill to ban paperless voting LINK
  • NAtional: Senate bill urges e-voting paper trail LINK
  • FL: Optical-scan proposal gets mixed reviews LINK
  • FL: High Time for Voting Reform LINK
  • FL: Radio Ralph: Voting Machines LINK
  • IN: Editorial - Vote by mail gets early stamp of approval LINK
  • MD: Early Voting Bill Stalled Again in Md. Senate by Republicans LINK
  • MI: State voting machines for disabled conk out LINK
  • MI: State reports glitches in voting machines for disabled LINK
  • NJ: Suit Seeks to Ensure Ballot Safety in New Jersey LINK
  • NM: Editorial, 02/13/2007 --- Guv’s cinemuseum pick on hold; needs new look LINK
  • TX: Democratic Party sues state alleging electronic voting glitch LINK
  • VA: Voting machine changes advance LINK
  • WV: WV Democratic Party Chairman Casey Endorses Resolution Requiring Election Paper Trail LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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