"VIDEO: Scenes From Outside the Stunning Deposition of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds"
(30 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 2:33 pm PT...
This is very important information. In addition to the 5-6 hours worth of video, I hope a distilled, shorter video of the deposition highlights can come out which will make for easier dissemination and viewing by the public.
- Tom
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Adam Fulford
said on 8/9/2009 @ 3:33 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 3:37 pm PT...
Thank You Ms. Siebel,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing this. As an EX worker who once had a security clearance I realize most people don't realize that you never know what the clearance demands of you until it's too late. You have trained for your job, you wait for your investigation to clear, and finally you get the position, with caveats.
Caveats that require you to give up your Constitutional Rights.
That's why I am an EX secured worker. I chose to quit the job rather than sign that document.
And it's why I don't put my name on my thank you note to you.
However, with deep appreciation, I thank you. And Brad too.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 8/9/2009 @ 5:25 pm PT...
While Sibel's explosive testimony pertaining to the Turkish infiltration and compromise of the US government is enough to shake one's confidence in our government, her final words on this video took my breath away.
(Emphasis added) At least now some of this is all out.
How much more and on how many subjects/crimes is the government hiding, not just with Sibel Edmonds, but numerous others who from secrecy oaths and fear of prosecution will not or cannot step forward?
One gets the impression that this is but the tip of the iceberg.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 8/9/2009 @ 6:13 pm PT...
Comment #2: corrupt, but not cowardly. They're doing what they're designed to do: propaganda for the wealthy, the military, corporations, and the government...but only if they government's doing their bidding.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 6:14 pm PT...
Waiting breathlessly for the video upload.
To see it happen will be a blow for freedom and against fascism everywhere!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 8/9/2009 @ 6:14 pm PT...
Sibel Edmond's story from yesterday getting ZERO coverage in the "mainstream media" is just more proof piled upon more proof.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 7:35 pm PT...
I'm just now tuning in to CSPAN that appears to have been recorded earlier today that was a call-in/commentary show that reflected on the anniversary of Nixon's resignation.
In it John Mashek of the Boston Globe and US News had the nerve to say when reflecting on Nixon's resignation and Clinton's impeachment, "It shows again, that probably the worst thing that politicians can do is coverup a wrongdoing, because the press is going to hop all over, that and rightfully so. I mean if you're going to dig behind somebody or someting and not come out and come clean, that the press is going to be after you, and I think that thst is a lesson that still is not learned." A caller took issue with him that Reagan and George Bush didn't have to answer for his crimes.
Mashek then reaponds, "Well, there was no coverup with Reagan and Iran/Contra. I think the caller is wrong. As he said, we were wrong, I don't believe there was a coverup in the Bush white house either. The voters certainly spoke last November, I think strongly against Bush's legacy rather than Senator McCain. He was carrying that around his neck, but I disagree with the caller. I don't think there was a coverup and the American people had an opportunity to speak out."
Oh Boy! Had only someone been able to get in a call to respond to squash his whole argument with noting that just 24 hours earlier there was an ACTIVE coverup by the media of wht Sibel was testifying about, and that the lesson's learned line he had is shown to be complete hogwash by what just happened yesterday! Man I wish I'd caught it when it was live earlier...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 9:45 pm PT...
Interesting thread here about one of the cofounders of the Velvet Revolution
It basically alleges that the co-founder of the VR voting activist group is someone who served time in federal prison on charges of bombing and narcotics trafficking and now essentially has set up VR to give naive liberals an outlet for allegations of voter fraud, an outlet that can easily be dismissed due to it being headed by someone who's dirty.
Not that I've independently researched any of this of course, or can vouch for it personally, but it does seem to make sense in light of some of the "perception managing" behavior I've observed on this blog for some time now. I hope I'm wrong.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/9/2009 @ 10:07 pm PT...
That's election fraud, Gos, election fraud.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 10:19 pm PT...
I am so happy that Sibel Edmonds finally got a chance to speak out.
She is an intelligent, beautiful and courageous woman. I believe every word she has to say about these matters.
Good job brad blog..........who in there right mind pays any attention to the corporate main stream media today anyway............they are finished!!! They just don't know it yet!
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 8/9/2009 @ 11:36 pm PT...
Way to miss the point agent. Read the thread maybe?
[ed note: Oh? You had a point? Is THAT what you're calling it? --99]
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 1:28 am PT...
First off, your term Voter Fraud is different than Election Fraud" (boy I am sick of this explanation over and over and over and over)
Voter Fraud, is for example a voter trying to vote twice, or someone unregistered trying to vote, or someone voting at a polling place which is not their polling place.
Election Fraud, is where people counting the vote destroy votes, or electronic vote tabulation devices are used to rig elections.
Your term "naive liberals" actually is a nasty stab at "all voters" since it doesn't matter what party your from if your vote is being rigged by an invisible electronic signal in what is supposed to be a transparent election by law. As an electronic tech, and a voter who has been in more than one political party, I find it insulting.
Just because someone served time in federal prison on charges of bombing doesn't mean they actually did it. And as far narcotics trafficking (pot which should be legal) if I was a juror (I wasn't) I would have nullified the case. And requested a sample of Dan Quayle's hair for a drug test, and if he was smoking it would request he be removed from office or at least his security clearance yanked.
But the way you word this in your nice little packed psyop style paragraph is extremely creepy. (the same style crap that set me off just two days ago, and I promised I would not get mad again 99/BF)
As far as VR being easilly dismissed, I can tell you right now, there is NO electronic vote tabulation device which can not be cracked. (hacked = cracked for the mainstream people)
I myself could manipulate the tabulation if allowed to legally. And if I was a dirty programmer (it only takes one insider) I could do it that way, and if I was a semiconductor manufacturer I could do it that way as well. So when you say easily dismissed I suggest you go read up on what happened during California's top to bottom review, and then go read up about red team - blue team and the USAF worrying about kill-switches at the doping level. Hint: in elections it doesn't need to be a kill switch. But could be.
When you say Allegations, I say I am telling you this kind of election fraud attack can happen, has happened, and will happen again as long as electronic vote tabulation devices (and electronic poll registration devices) are not outlawed nationally. It's not allegation, it's fact. It's called physics and electronics. And while I am not some bla bla bla certified professor with some host of degrees, I am qualified to carry out exactly what I just told you, if I was given a chance legally. I can make any machine fail in one second if given legal access to it and screwdriver. Crack - boom, machine done. 0 votes. extreme example? yes but it proves it's not just some allegation.
So you said you "hope your wrong" , I can tell you right now your absolutely wrong.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:01 am PT...
A quick followup about doping level backdoor logic bombs.
So basically what you have is a situation where if the entire manufacturing process has no oversight, ANYTHING can be in the logic of the semiconductor chip with the part number stamped on it.
It could be a kill switch
It could be an RF receiver logic bomb
It could be hidden logic which waits for a signal
The only way to detect such an exploit, is to destructively reverse engineer it under an electron microscope.
So are we doing that with all the semiconductors on our electronic vote tabulation devices?
Answer: NO
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:12 am PT...
One last note: While most folks have focused on the software part of electronic voting, I have always countered ALL of their arguments with the hardware side of this argument.
Open source vs. Closed source = moot point, they both run on hardware.
Now while I agree it would be more likely a software exploit be used, the hardware is completly ignored.
If you ignore things in our elections, it could be China or North Korea picking our president, and that's not acceptable to me.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:15 am PT...
Oh, Phil, don't put yourself through it! Gos doesn't give a damn about election fraud or our ability to be taken seriously. He's on a crusade against a blogger with a Jewish name he doesn't feel condemns Israel roundly enough for their heinous crimes against humanity. Since he isn't getting satisfaction, he's just trying to be as nasty as he can think to be. Let him go ahead and link dangerously mentally ill paranoid schizophrenics. People can see it for what it is.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:38 am PT...
How interesting, no comment of mine has ever been "awaiting moderation" after I posted it before.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:41 am PT...
So much ad hominem agent, why don't you just call me a commie?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/10/2009 @ 2:53 am PT...
I like commies! I have tried hard to like you....
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 3:04 am PT...
a clue. I've had my comments await moderation, when they had a lot of links.
A lot of links can equal spam. I don't know if you operate any websites but it's not been so fun the last few years. Countermeasures include grepping through messages for x amount of url links. Where x can be set by the operator. The addition of captcha's to make sure your human. Blacklists against crap that just pounds your websites.
I am Not saying your spamming. But if you posted something with a lot of links in it, it obviously got tagged by WP (wordpress filters.)
Nobody is calling you a commie. At least, I am not calling you that. I am saying your wrong about VR, and it's base as it currently exists.
I did a lot of growing up in the last nine years. I didn't even care about elections before 2000. But where I used to say, ignorance, I now call it corruption. I have learned a lot of lessons over the past several years. As ignorance is no longer an excuse for what is going down as our elections in conjunction with technology.
Again, I am not calling you a commie. Simply saying that VR has legitimate gripes with the election system as it is completely flawed. Common sense is out the door, when public chain of custody of ballots should be in the door.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 5:57 am PT...
GOS --- 1. Your link does not work.
2. Your attack on the Velvet Revolution is ad hominem. The suggestion that "the Velvet Revolution is set up VR to give naive liberals an outlet for allegations of voter fraud" because "allegedly" one of its co-founders is a convicted felon is like saying that the Republican Party exists as an outlet for right-wing nut cases like you because some of its members, like G. Gordon Liddy are convicted felons.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 8/10/2009 @ 6:15 am PT...
First of all, GOS's link says:
Invalid Input Parameter
The information you requested cannot be displayed one or more input parameters has invalid syntax.
If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator.
Click here to go back to previous page.
...when I click on it.
Second, those who disagree with the truth of a message, attack the messenger.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 8:51 am PT...
Hmm... Well GOS did succeed in getting us to deflect from the topic of this thread I guess.
Back to the topic, Brad, might the deposition video being hitting youtube soon today (or in other places)?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 10:41 am PT...
Maybe it will be like the NASA moon landing footage.... someone taped over it, probably a Simpsons marathon or something.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
genoki san
said on 8/10/2009 @ 11:31 am PT...
Still waiting for some MSM coverage. Reality is slipping away .. here we come Johnny Depp to join you in Wonderland ..
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 8/10/2009 @ 9:12 pm PT...
Do you know how I can tell when one of Brad's news pieces is huge ?
The right wing trolls storm this blog with their counter *intelligence* crap.
I've watched that happen for some weeks's uncanny. When one of Brad's stories threatens to further expose the corrupt, fascist goings on of the last 8-10 years (actually 30 years)...The right wing cyber goons flood here and attempt to further spew lies and misinformation.
I don't know if they know the truth themselves or not...but they are so deluded/clueless by the mind fuck they've been given by the MSM and corporate programming.
It's eerie to watch them...they're totally ignorant and fully programmed and are being aimed and fired at those that dissent or seek the truth. They attempt to drown out truth and dissent with noise and town halls...and even in cyber space...
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/10/2009 @ 9:26 pm PT...
They rent warehouses, hangers at old military bases, industrial park buildings and set up thousands of stations with destitute people getting paid nearly bubkes to do it. I call them shill mills. We are a regular stop for them. We keep a couple around so they can make more money.... See, the oligarchy will PAY to spread their crap around. They pay Tush Lumpboil, probably, the most of any of them, but they pay all the way down to the poor starving shills who will do it for pennies, all in the hope of getting in good with the criminals who can bring them into the fold. Do everything they tell you, with style, and no hint of conscience and maybe someday you will be making Lumpboil bucks. It's a living....
This is a fascist country.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 8/10/2009 @ 11:44 pm PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 8/11/2009 @ 9:06 am PT...
I just heard some ditz quoted on NPR, re: Abomina's plan for a public option: "I don't want my country turning into Russia, some communist country..." Man alive! I'd much rather live in Russia than in the Unholy States of Amnesia...
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
snap note
said on 8/12/2009 @ 1:52 pm PT...