Guest blogged by Jon Ponder, Pensito Review.
And no, the first Muslim was not Sen. Barack Obama. It was Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.). Now there are two:
Andre Carson, grandson of the late Democrat Rep. Julia Carson, was elected to serve the balance of her term in the U.S. House of Representatives in a special election.
She died in December 2007, after serving 11 years in the heavily Democratic district.
The younger Carson, 33, a member of the Indianapolis City Council who converted to Islam about a decade ago, will serve out the remainder of his grandmother's term through calendar 2008. He beat Republican Jon Elrod and a third party candidate with 52 percent of the vote to 44 percent for Elrod.
Ellison was sworn in on a copy of the Koran owned by Thomas Jefferson. No word yet if it will be used by Rep. Carson.