The Rats Will Play!!
an OPEN THREAD inspired by DemocracyFest and Prup (aka Jim Benton)
By Winter Patriot on 7/14/2006, 9:39am PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

Elsewhere at The BRAD BLOG we've had a very interesting discussion. Its subject matter has been all over the place (as things often are here) but in essence the discussion revolves around the traditional BRAD BLOG approach to comments (where everything is considered more or less on-topic, more or less all the time) and the question of whether this approach is still suitable for a blog which has become more and more --- some would say "entirely" --- dedicated to a single issue. It's a serious question, and at this point it seems there's no easy answer.

In the (hopefully-not-too-distant) future, The BRAD BLOG hopes to evolve into a multi-page blog, where our material can be arranged in a meaningful way (election-related news on the front page and everything else someplace else, for instance, maybe, we'll see...) but at the moment we are stuck with what we have. One page. Chronological order. All kinds of stuff. What to do?

As you know by now, Brad has hit the road for his trip to DemocracyFest, and following the traditional BRAD BLOG approach to road trips, he's left the keys to the blog with his lowly and nearly frozen friend...

... who has been thinking about the question alluded to above, and scratching his head so hard it started to bleed. But then he had a really wild idea: a totally original thought that has surely never occurred to anyone else in the entire history of blogging:

What if we had an OPEN THREAD? What if we had a place where it was decidedly OK to talk about non-election-related topics? That might even give us a chance to stay on-topic on the election-related threads. It's a truly novel idea, is it not?

It's lucky I thought of it before I bled to death! But then again I had some help.

Hat tip to Prup (aka Jim Benton), who broke a few eggs but might have started an omelette.

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