"'Daily Voting News' For March 18, 2006"
(29 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
We Count.
said on 3/18/2006 @ 11:20 pm PT...
Bev Harris just posted an inspiring diary about a hands-on investigation of actual voting machines (new Diebold Tsx touchscreens) in Utah, at Daily Kos.
Bless you, Emery County Clerk Bruce Funk [and Utah voting advocates Kathy Dopp and Jocelyn Strait].
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 2:20 am PT...
The increasingly certain method for detecting election fraud is going to come from exit poll science:
"Exit polling is a well-developed science, informed by half a century of experience and continually improving methodology"
(link here, page 7, bold added). See also Polling and presidential Election Coverage, Lavrakas, Paul J, and Holley, Jack K., eds., Newbury Park, CA: Sage; pp. 83-99).
It is the number one weapon against fraudulent elections. But as with most fraud, the strength and the weakness in all systems is in the people of the system.
We know that "Edison/Mitofsky samples voters for a nationwide exit poll as well as for each state's exit poll" (ibid).
We know then, where the attack to establish the coverup will come from. We can expect a major movement to corrupt Edison/Mitofsky from the inside. That is the pattern we see in the electronic voting machine industry.
Lets take a look around and check them out.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 3/19/2006 @ 2:56 am PT...
The BBV-underwritten investigations in Utah are yielding multiple bombshells in their results. It is much, much worse than anyone suspected.
Major multiple stories are breaking here.
If all the Diebold TSx machines are not immediately recalled it will be prettyhard to understand why not. Even the description of just the power cord safety issue is mind-boggling--not to mention all the architectural backdoors that would seem to guarantee the possibility of hackable elections into the forseeable future.
All together now, "RECALL!"
Three cheers for (Utah) Emery County Clerk Bruce Funk for being 1) observant and 2) having the integrity to be determined to have an independent investigation of all his county's "new" TSx voting machines.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 5:40 am PT...
Catherine A #3
I read one of the articles you mentioned (link here).
Astounding that after the lawsuits, rejections, and press about the crappy machines, all Diebold can do is make the machines worse.
Thanks for the heads up Emery County Clerk Bruce Funk and BBV.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 5:44 am PT...
Dredd, Edison looks pretty innocent on the surface here
A possible back door could be here but nothing noteworthy unless someone recognizes a name in the candidates bios. pdf
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 7:57 am PT...
Floridiot #5
Thanks for the lead. I will continue to follow these to where they lead.
One interesting stop off is Thor Tech, who did the software to generate exit poll results real time and distribute it.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 8:13 am PT...
Hey Dredd, thanks
I went to your link and looked at the page designer
Tom Hickey is his name, I googled that name and went to this page here
If this is the same guy , it could get real interesting
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 9:32 am PT...
There is also a couple Republican Tom Hickeys
One in Mich. one in OK
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 10:30 am PT...
Floridiot #7
I took a short cut and clicked at the bottom, which went to ... which is under construction.
Whois lists the owner as a Tom Hickey from NY close to where Thor Tech is.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 11:41 am PT...
I'd sure hate it if that one your looking at is related to this one
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 12:28 pm PT...
I do not think there is any nexus between Thor Tech, anyone working there, and Edison/Mitofsky, in terms of direct nefarious scheming.
I can envision that since such a big deal has been made, and is being made, and is going to continue to be made, about exit polls, I think there will be an attempt to compromise the exit polling entities.
If it has not already been done.
But the place to look is Edison/Mitofsky, not the other. I mean as a first resort.
Edison/Mitofsky already came up with reasons for the radical and unplausable discrepancy in their exit polls and the official results published in Ohio and in Florida.
With everything else I know, that is what makes me suspicious. Of Edison/Mitofsky not Thor Tech.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 1:18 pm PT...
Dredd, you said,
"If it has not already been done." Thats what I was trying to get at, on my link read Mark Gembicki's bio, that would tie it all the way back to where I think the alleged pre-selections for pres are coming from (if the two Thors were tied together, somehow, so that would be the Military Industrial Complex)
Its a conspiracy worthy of Rense, Madsen, Jones and me
Makes the world a more interesting place
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 1:31 pm PT...
There is a new player in the mix. I have found that it appears Edison/Mitofsky may not have done the Ukraine election.
Remember that the white house paid for exit polls in the Ukraine election (link here).
But evidently the Edison/Mitofsky entity did not do it (link here). The actual entity was evidently The National Endowment for Democracy (link here).
This needs a follow up.
But I am beginning to see that if there is more than one major exit poll entity, and one is good and honest, then we still got game!!!
There are some people the republican criminal machine cannot break.
I am still digging.
Keep digging.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 3/19/2006 @ 1:48 pm PT...
Guess who is on the board or an officer of The National Endowment for Democracy?
... The Honorable William H. Frist !!! other Senators and Ambassadors (link here) ... well ... keep digging ... otherwise the federal government may hire this entity to do the next US elections exit polling ... because Edison/Mitofsky thought "republicans were shy" ...
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/19/2006 @ 3:09 pm PT...
Daily KOS has something about e-vote fraud??? Let me do a double-take, and get my glasses checked...
Next, Huffington Post should start running stories on the #1 problem and most important story in American history---e-vote fraud (by Republicans...let's just say's by Republicans).
And I don't like the Republican attitude "party before country". I'm sure if the Democrats were hacking the vote via e-vote machines, they'd be crying, "our democracy is stolen". They are quiet because they are the ones benefitting from it. This is hypocrisy, and "party before country." Right is right, and wrong is wrong...except with Republicans, who say, "it's OK, if WE are benefitting from it."
Also, the Republican party is not a conservative party anymore. They let fascists take over their party. It is up to them to throw them out...not Democrats, not us, not anybody but Republicans.
Even if the vote is hacked in 2006, I believe it will be brought to everyone's attention this time because we're all on to it. We will broadcast the pre-election polls and the exit polls, and scream far and wide this time.
And when the Republicans lose their majority, it will be for a long time. And it will be for a long time, because they did nothing to throw out fascists from their party. They are thinking, "let's not say anything about e-vote fraud, because we are benefitting." This attitude will be the attitude that causes them to go down as the party that stole our democracy.
If the Republicans-backers were on the band wagon with us, right now, fighting for democracy and all of our votes counting, not just Republicans, then they would be seen by us as having some integrity.
The Republicans remain silent on e-vote fraud because they are benefitting.
The Democrats remaining silent on e-vote fraud...I cannot explain.
There are 3 possible reasons for the Democrats remaining silent on e-vote fraud:
1. They are stupid and meek and have no backbone.
2. They are doing something about it "behind the scenes" that even we don't know about.
3. They are waiting to have elections stolen from them in 2006, so they can bring the statistics out in the open, meaning they are prepared but being silent about it.
I hope it's not #1.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/19/2006 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Note for Republicans: Your votes were stolen, too, in Ohio. The Republican-dominated district where Schmidt beat (I use the term "beat" loosely) Hackett 51%-49%, meant a majority of Republicans had their votes stolen, too. Republicans & Democrats alike wanted the straight-talking Iraq War vet to represent them, not the witch Hackett, who called Murtha a coward.
So, it has already started for Republican voters, too. You have your chance to join in and fight for everyone's vote counting. And joining the rest of us, who want the person with the most votes to win, regardless of party. If I was convinced beyond a doubt that a Republican legitimately won an election in one of these 51%-49% GOP victories, I would have no trouble accepting this. Because I am for the person who gets the most votes wins, regardless of party affiliation.
I just want everyone's vote to count, because it is the most important right in this country. So be it, if "my guy" doesn't win, as long as everyone's votes counted.
And, by the way, has anything been done since the 2004 elections, where Democratic precincts had long lines and not enough voting machines? Not that it matters...but it would show that the Democrats are actually concerned. What have they done to insure their voters will not have lines of sometimes 12 hours in their consituents' voting precincts??? Haven't seen any news on that. I suppose, it will just happen again....
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/19/2006 @ 3:19 pm PT...
One last thing about voting.
Why hasn't anyone introduced legislation to make voting day a national hollliday and day off? What holiday is more important than that? People don't vote, because they know they do not have the time to wait in 10 hour lines.
Why do I suspect, that if this legislation was introduced, 100% Republicans would vote against it???
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/19/2006 @ 3:27 pm PT...
Dredd: Is your theory that next the Republicans will try to infiltrate the polls? That makes sense.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/19/2006 @ 3:47 pm PT...
Here is an interesting 4-page article from uscountvotes on the early exit poll shifts...
Did you ever notice, the MSM went out of their way to explain the exit polls discrepancy, but did they actually explain "synching-up" the exit polls to the "final count"? I never thought of that. Remember the actual exit polls changed somewhere after midnight, to be closer to the final count?
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 3:45 am PT...
Big Dan #18
Exit poll science provides tools that have been used for decades successfully. Accurate predictions are the legacy of these tools.
The 2000 and 2004 official election results were at odds with the exit poll predictions.
Those doing the polls, Edison/Mitofsky, were of the popular mindset "it can't happen here". This mindset is not prepared to entertain any notion of election fraud as the reason for the massive first time discrepancies.
They instead offered the explanation that "republicans were more shy than democrats" and that is why the massive discrepancy. They did not even consider vote fraud.
A study done by 8 Phd's and one MS pointed this out and that fraud must not be ruled out (link here). They said:
"3. Inaccurate Election Results [fraud]
Edison/Mitofsky did not even consider this hypothesis, and thus made no effort to contradict it. Some of Edison/Mitofsky's exit poll data may be construed as affirmative evidence for inaccurate election results. We conclude that the hypothesis that the voters’ intent was not accurately recorded or counted [fraud]cannot be ruled out and needs further investigation" (ibid. at page 3, bold and "[fraud]" added).
Edison/Mitofsky and the MSM, who used the data, can't bear to even consider that America could be corrupted in its election processes. Frankly it is beyond me how the hell they figure and stubbornly hold to that when the public does not trust the republican president nor the republican congress, and electronic voting machines have been outed.
Anyway, I hypothesize that since republicans have taken over the voting machine companies, they will try to take over exit polling. It is open to question and debate how they will try this.
They already have one company I discovered, and posted in #14 above (link here). My suspicions indicate that we should check out any deals between republican operatives in the republican regime and Edison/Mitofsky to see if they are trying to compromise from within.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 5:47 am PT...
Hey Dredd, this is one nasty site that I found on your link
There is way too many directions to go, but this one seems to be the root of all of our problems in the world today "Strengthening Corporate Governance" is one of their objectives, and on the bottom it says "sponsored by USAID"
P.S. my router overheated yesterday, thats why I went away
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 6:12 am PT...
Floridiot #21
Glad you showed up again.
I have become puzzled now. I have come across several entities that seem to be involved in exit polls.
I have tried to keep some nexus between the Ukraine election which exit polls showed was originally fraudulent. Then massive demonstrations caused a new election.
It is not clear to me who did the actual exit polls. One story says it was "the U.S. government-funded National Democratic Institute" (link here).
If so, that entity is a bi-partisan non-profit organization (link here).
Another entity I found and mentioned in post #14 above now appears to be bi-partisan as well, even though Senator Frist is involved.
What I am trying to find out now is did they subcontract Edison/Mitofsky to do the actual exit polling and calculations upon that data?
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 6:50 am PT...
Dredd 22, I guess between NED and CIPE, their whole objective is for world corporate governance;(aka Fascism), under the guise of Democracy , but I'll keep looking around anyway, (kinda like looking for a certain mosquito in the rainforest)
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 6:58 am PT...
And for anyone else who thinks "WE the People" are going to have our Government back anytime soon, Check out my link on CIPE, and see the evil that lurks within, right out in the open
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 8:56 am PT...
Dredd, heres a couple of polls taken by some nefarious looking outfits in Ukraine from the paragraph I clipped from Global Reasearch
"While the Ukrainian exit poll figures publicized in the Western media do support claims of electoral fraud, the exit polls themselves are not above suspicion. The most widely disseminated claim has been that an authoritative exit poll showed Yushchenko to have won the election with a 6 percent lead; Yanukovych’s governing party would thus have stolen the election, fraudulently swinging the vote by 8.7 percent. According to better-informed reports, however, two distinct exit polls were conducted. One of these, organized by the right-wing U.S. think-tank Freedom House and the U.S. Democratic Party’s National Democratic Institute (NDI), and carried out by the Kyiv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (see Vasovic), perhaps as part of a group calling itself the Exit Pollconsortium (see Kubiniec), found that Yushchenko won 54 percent of the vote to Yanukovych’s 43 percent. (It may be this poll that is referred to by the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Public Opinion and Democracy in its claim that "an exit poll conducted by independent research firms" showed Yushchenko to have won by 54 to 42 percent.) The other national exit poll, based on interviews rather than questionnaires, was conducted by Sotsis Company and the Social Monitoring Center, and gave Yushchenko 49.4 percent of the vote to Yanukovych’s 45.9 percent."
Now, how about that Freedom House ?
Carry on
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 10:10 am PT...
The Freedom House, (yes the Freedom House formed by Eleanor Roosevelt) was incorporated with the National Forum Foundation, which then changed its name to The Denton Foundation, whose goals are mentioned (wow)
And their both linked to the National Endowment for Democracy
She's a well oiled Democracy and Jesus spewing at the barrel of a gun machine we're lookin at here
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 10:59 am PT...
Good digging. I read some and you are correct. There is "something happenin' here ... what it is ain't exactly clear" (Buffalo Springfield).
Lets keep following these folks.
What I am interested in is how the US Treasury money gets to them.
I think the money is going to them like it was going to reporters (MSM) who were doing the republican dictatorship's bidding.
They look to be in position to dominate a campaign against the exposure of a fraudulent election, done on fraudy electronic voting machines.
They would do it thru fraudy exit polls conducted by republican operatives.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 11:42 am PT...
A little about who NED is tied to Here
Guess who ?, click to see for yourself
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 3/20/2006 @ 5:02 pm PT...
The point I am trying to make is why in the Global Reasearch article, Is the Democratic Party polling system
right out in the open, but the Republican polling system has to be hidden under many layers ?, unless their up to no good, which in this case, seems to be