Just another Fox "News" typo, no doubt...
...Just like all of the other ones before it (examples: here and here and here).
  w/ Brad & Desi
  w/ Brad & Desi
BMDs pose a new threat to democracy in all 50 states...
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VIDEO: 'Rise of the Tea Bags'
Brad interviews American patriots...
'Democracy's Gold Standard'
Hand-marked, hand-counted ballots...
GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal 2012...
The Secret Koch Brothers Tapes...
Just another Fox "News" typo, no doubt...
...Just like all of the other ones before it (examples: here and here and here).
The Peter B. Collins Show will come to an end, as of next Friday, according to an announcement by Collins on today's broadcast. After nearly five years on the air, the economic climate, and the stranglehold of rightwing corporate control over the public's airwaves has made it impossible for him to continue.
We've been a regular weekly guest, as well as an occasional fill-in host, for Peter since not long after he first began broadcasting his syndicated show, first heard on Monterey, California's KRXA 540am and, until next Friday, on stations in San Francisco, Eureka, CA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Missoula, MT and on the Internet. His call to us earlier today with the news, a few hours prior to our weekly scheduled appearance during the final hour each Friday, was heartbreaking, but hardly surprising in today's climate for nearly everyone but the vast majority of rightwing whackjob radio hosts propped up by rightwing corporate interests.
After a quick segment, during our appearance on today's show, discussing a number of this week's developments in elections issues, we turned to the matter of his leaving the air, and our belief that the playing field is indisputably rigged against non-rightwing talk radio. It's not a matter of "Progressive Talk" having failed in America, it's a matter of progressives, to this day, not having been given a level playing field on which to compete. Period.
See the bottom of this article for the audio of today's hour, including Peter's announcement (and his very kind "emphatic endorsement" of us to take over the still-available 3p-6p PT daily timeslot on San Francisco's Green 960.)
As our friend and progressive talker Thom Hartmann pointed out on his show this morning, Stephanie Miller, another friend and progressive radio host, noted that she's syndicated on some 60 affiliates from 9 to Noon ET each weekday, while rightwing whack-job Laura Ingraham is on some 300 stations during that same time slot. Yet, Hartmann noted, Miller beats Ingraham in almost every single market where they air at the same time. Does that sound like fair competition, or that "Progressive Talk" has failed? We haven't failed, corporate America, however, has failed you.
More details on all of that, in the audio of today's hour posted below. It should also be noted, by the way, that PBC mentioned he'd be open to the idea of an angel from heaven dropping in to help meet his $5000 monthly nut. If someone could do so, a long shot we both realize, then one of the nation's most intelligent, informative, insightful, entertaining and important progressive voices would likely be able to stay on the public airwaves, where he belongs...
Yes, two Friday the 13ths in a row. Another unpopular day for the Paraskevadecatriaphobiacs and the Triskaidekaphobiacs out there. This will be the last one until Nov.
The judges in Minnesota now have the Franken-Coleman case as their responsibility. Both candidate’s attorneys presented their closing arguments. ...
This was the most remarkable, and enlightening conversation I've seen on television in lord knows how long. Probably since Stewart's last landmark take-down of corporate broadcast media failure in 2004. The conversation here with CNBC's Jim Cramer --- unprecedented over three segments of last night's The Daily Show --- was simply remarkable.
Please take the time to watch this in full, and wonder again why it is that it's a "comic" on a satirical news show who has become America's most out-spoken, most articulate leader on these crucial issues of survival for our nation...
My take-way, though it was never spoken to directly, is that business news and business journalism --- right now more than ever --- must be about real reporting, and real accountability on behalf of the people, as opposed to simply cheerleading on behalf of the business community, as it has been for so long now
Stewart is also owed a great thanks here, in that I believe this may be (or should be) a landmark moment in discussion of this issue. Just as his remarkable October 2004 take-down of Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala on CNN's Crossfire (taken out of our misery shortly thereafter), essentially for the same reason --- using valuable broadcast time to perpetuate blood-sport and/or cheerleading, instead of actual news reporting in the public's interest --- I hope his no-holds-barred conversation with Cramer will lead to a similar re-thinking of the role of broadcast business journalism.
Stewart's similarly stunning October 15th, 2004 appearance on CNN's Crossfire is re-posted below for your convenience, the video, and highlights from the text transcript were originally posted here...
The Al Franken attorneys rested their case in Minnesota today. Now there is an expected few days of closing arguments and statements and the judges begin deliberation. Meanwhile Franken has picked-up a few more votes and is now around 270 votes ahead of Norm Coleman. The whole contested election issue may come to a screeching halt when there is a decision by the court. The election contest process works on a “loser pays” system. If Coleman loses he will owe all legal costs of Team Franken and that is estimated to be between $1 and $3 Million.
As we expected ex-Hillsborough Co Florida election supervisor Buddy Johnson may have used taxpayer’s money in his campaign for re-election. During last years primary election he was being trashed by a local community activist. He appears to have then sent $16,000 to this activist who suddenly became one of his most vocal supporters....
Imagine, if you will, that the situation had been reversed, and that it had been Norm Coleman who was found to have received more votes than Al Franken for the U.S. Senate seat in MN.
Imagine if Al Franken's campaign, as opposed to Norm Coleman's, had now been found to have disclosed the names and credit card numbers of their donors on their own website, where they also inappropriately stored the unencrypted three-digit security codes of contributor credit cards, violated state law by failing to notify anybody about it, and then lied about it.
Imagine if everything --- actually, if any one of the dozens of improprieties --- that Norm Coleman has pulled since the November election, had been done by Al Franken instead.
Might Sean Hannity be repeating, over and over, something akin to the following for three hours a day on the radio (over our publicly-owned airwaves), and during his hour-long solo Fox "News" freak show, five days a week??...
IN TODAY'S REPORT: Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen...on ice; Obama's EPA reverses the Bush EPA again... and AGAIN; American wilderness loses by two votes in the House; PLUS: Mr. Jones goes to Washington! All that and more in today's Green News Report!
Love notes and complaints, all welcome in comments here. Or drop us a line at GreenNews@BradBlog.com! All GNRs are always archived at GreenNews.BradBlog.com.
Info/links on stuff we talked about on today's episode, plus MORE green news, all follows below...
Yet another touch-screen voting machine broke down, in yet another "hotly contested" election, in yet another Democratic-leaning district yesterday. Due to the failure, the actual results are completely unknown, unreliable, and unverifiable, and yet, one candidate (the Republican, as coincidence would have it) has been named the "winner" by 89-votes out of 12,000 cast in the Fairfax County, VA, Board of Supervisors special election.
We are as completely sick of writing these stories by now, as we're sure you are of reading about them, so we'll bury the details below the fold, for those who want the skinny on what happened...You're welcome...
The Texas legislature battle over a new expanded Voter ID bill included an all-nighter for testimony from invited ‘experts’. This was supposed to be followed by public testimony but that did not begin until 6:30 in the morning so the large list of interested public was whittled down by people leaving during the 20 hours of ‘expert’ testimony. It is telling that proponents of the bill did not call either the US Attorney or the Texas Attorney General to testify about the amount of voter fraud that would be stopped by more restrictive ID requirements. The bill was passed by one vote in the Senate. There will be one more procedural vote and the bill will then go to the House.
Broward County, FL, has dropped all charges against a local Election Integrity advocate whose arrest, described by an election official and other colleagues at the time as "outrageous," was captured on video tape late last year.
Ellen Brodsky, who had been a non-partisan candidate for Supervisor of Elections in last November's election, was arrested at the apparent behest of the office of the county's current Supervisor of Elections --- Brodsky's Democratic opponent in the race --- Dr. Brenda C. Snipes, while trying to view public, post-election counting and canvassing of ballots.
She was charged, at the time, with "disorderly conduct" and "trespassing," forced to spend the night in jail, and not released until nearly 6:00am the next morning, even though her son had posted the required $25 (twenty-five dollar) bail for her by 8:30pm on the evening of her arrest.
The "disorderly conduct" charges were dropped some time later, following the release of a video tape of the incident as posted by The BRAD BLOG in the days following the arrest. The tape, reposted again at the bottom of this article, revealed that Brodsky's conduct had been anything but disorderly when the county police were summoned by Fred Bellis, a deputy election official from Snipes' office, and Brodsky was thrown into handcuffs and hauled away.
While Brodsky's trial on a "trespassing" charge had been set to start today, a last-minute offer to drop all charges, in exchange for admissions by Brodsky that she would not be disruptive in the future, was sent to her last night from Snipes' attorney.
"There was no way I was gonna agree to such demands," Brodsky told The BRAD BLOG today, following the county's dismissal of the court case. "We offered our own compromise," she said. "We will accept a withdraw of all charges, and will, as I've always done, agree to follow Florida law regarding public meetings." It was an oral agreement.
Her attorney, Tanner Andrews, echoed her sentiment. "We agreed to do what we're already doing. We'll obey the law," he explained during a phone call this afternoon. "I could agree not to rob the bank next Sunday and it'd have the same legal effect," he added...
-- Brad Friedman, The BRAD BLOG
Okay, so I've been asked on several occasions, since the election last year, what I regard as the top priorities for election reform in the U.S. of A. In hopes of keeping it simple, stupid, at least until I hear opinions on these back from you folks, here is a summary list of the most important, and most eminently-doable-at-the-federal-level reforms as I see it.
I welcome your thoughts, recommended changes, additions, etc. For the moment, this is not meant as a comprehensive list of all needed reforms, particularly at the various local levels. But it's meant as a list of the big ones, as I seem them, and the ones for which I believe we could actually find a consensus in this Congress sooner rather than later. Nor is this meant as whitepaper with arguments and details for each item. But hopefully most regular readers of The BRAD BLOG will understand what these reforms entail and why they are necessary, as written in this summarized, simple list.
After hearing from you all, I may post an updated version later and/or set these up on their own page, in order track legislation for each of them as they roll (or don't) through Congress. Here's the list...
Today a very heated debate began in the Texas legislature over a more robust Voter ID law than the state presently has. The new legislation would require a photo identification or the use of alternative forms of identification such as utility bills or bank statements on top of a voter registration card or other personal identification. The GOP will call witnesses to include officials from Georgia and Indiana, two of the states that require a photo identification. Democrats will be calling witnesses from civil rights organizations.
Al Franken’s attorneys, in Minnesota, have said they will probably rest their case tomorrow. ...
IN TODAY'S REPORT: Obama's carbon cap-and-trade plan may get capped...by Democrats; The Environmental Protection Agency decides to protect the environment; ATTN: Disinfo wingnut on the move!; PLUS: The British slimed minister...All that and more, in today's rather lively Green News Report!
We love feedback! Leave it in comments, or drop us a line at GreenNews@BradBlog.com! All GNRs are always available at GreenNews.BradBlog.com.
Info/links on stuff we talked about on today's episode, plus MORE green news, all follows below...
It has been called to my attention that when I speak about the issue of ‘Voter ID’ I really mean ‘Photo ID’. Most, if not all, states require that a voter show some form of ID when they go to the polls to vote. That is a requirement that makes sense and the ID can be in the form of a driver’s license, passport, or even a utility bill. A requirement for a ‘Photo ID’ requirement for voting, based on some unsubstantiated concerns about voter fraud, is the issue. ...
According to Media Matters, 'liberal', 'Obama-loving' MSNBC has now shown the following misleading graphic at least twice to support stories suggesting that Barack Obama is somehow responsible for the alarming drop in the Dow-Jones industrial average...
And here is the graphic they are not showing, making it quite clear that the plummet has little to do with Obama's Presidency...
The "Liberal Media" strikes again!
(For the record, Media Matters also notes that it's not just "liberal" MSNBC, of course. The wingnut propagandists at Bloomberg and WSJ, along with Fox "News'" Chris Wallace, are also banging the same misinformative drum. So, naturally, MSNBC finds it necessary to not miss a beat.)