"McCain Hearts ACORN! Was Keynote Speaker at Group's 2006 Rally!"
(19 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Progressive Mews
said on 10/13/2008 @ 5:21 pm PT...
LMAO!!! The whole story is hysterical, and McCain's campaign is the hypocrisy that keeps on giving. WOW
I love that last kicker in this entry too - "preconditions" indeed.
KUDOS to ACORN! They are doing an exemplary job of standing up for themselves in the face of all the disgusting accusations.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2008 @ 7:36 pm PT...
So the Cinncinnati Enquirer has a story on voter fraud in the 2002 and 2004 elections. They asked every Ohio precinct if there was any fraudulent votes. AND THERE WAS.
How much you ask?
10% no
5% no
1% no
.05% no
.005% no
.0005% nope
The actual percent? 0.0000444%
In all of Ohio, with over 9,000,000 votes they found 4 voters voting that should not have been allowed to vote. Yep, lots of voter fraud out there. The story is here http://news.cincinnati.c...81013/NEWS0106/310130049
Take a look at my site
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2008 @ 9:03 pm PT...
That's the lie of the week. What will be the lotw next week? They must be saving some real whopper for the 28th. Something that's so damning that it's worth millions of votes and can't be countered in time.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2008 @ 9:15 pm PT...
In otherwords, he was for it before he was against it!
Flip-Flop-Flip...Johnny McLAME, waffler extriordinaire.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/14/2008 @ 4:47 am PT...
You know if you go on Youtube and search "ACORN" all you get back are page after page after page of Reich wing lying ass lunatics lying through their teeth.
This is how they are going to steal this election or at least this is their plan.
Sadly they will probably get away with it because the rethuglicans will relentlessly spew this bullshit every where continuously 24/7.
ACORN will "try" to fight this by themselves but the absolutely WORTHLESS democrats will not lift a finger to help them, if anything they may try to distance themselves from them and as usual apologize for doing nothing wrong.
This wont change the REAL election but it will give them the EXCUSE they need to steal it by denying 100s of 1000s to vote in key swing states, just enough to get it close enough to easily steal.
The democrats are determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of overwhelming victory.
So much so that it really doesn't pass the smell test.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 10/14/2008 @ 5:51 am PT...
Wilburrr... So Socialism rescues capitolism . . .
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Jim Jones
said on 10/14/2008 @ 8:47 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 10/14/2008 @ 9:23 am PT...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/14/2008 @ 5:19 pm PT...
Olbermann Lays it all on the line TONIGHT!!!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 10/14/2008 @ 5:34 pm PT...
Don't know about other fascist media Talking Points campaigns. But out here in Sacramento, we had at least Tom Sullivan (1530 KFBK AM Radio today) talking crap about Acorn and completely spinning the facts, Then over at the Broadcast Television front Sharon Ito on News 10 (10.1 DT / 10 Analog) doing similar propaganda spin.
It would be funny if people didn't believe it.
But people do believe it and that get's law enforcement to do the wrong thing. e.g. raiding ACORN, and not the people that turned fake names in.
It gets fascist media to ratchet up the noise, eventually nothing will be left but the propaganda lies. Now they're talking about how they have arrested ACORN members. Yet I haven't heard a specific name quoted of one member.
And finally it get's people to believe the lies about voter fraud, and focus on that instead of electronics, and election fraud which has destroyed our Constitution, and much more!
Nunyabiz has it right, Worthless Democrats won't fix it. Because of that, it won't stop fascist media lies. It won't counter sue the cops. It won't help tell the story correctly. It's won't overhaul the morass of bullshit that has infected our elections with terminal cancer.
Putting officials in jail will. Firing the law enforcement responsible for this will. Putting the canvassers that tried to meet their quota to get paid will (which is where the real problem started, yet exploited by media.) Forcing fascist media to make public apologies will.
I am sick of this shit.
Also notice every time some important political thing happens fires break out in California. Who in the GOP is lighting those? Karl Rove perhaps?
It's time for these fuckers to spend the rest of their days in our country in prison.
No more snooping on citizens, the citizens need to snoop on the officials. No more unconstitutional law, rollback all that shit! No more representatives that break their oath of office--life in prison for that shit!
Are you stupid people reading this (not the bradblog folks) going to wait until you have nothing before you get off your fucking ass? Surely some of you assholes in fascist media have got to realize that the shit you spew every day is going to come back and bite your own life's livelihood in the ass?
I have no respect for you then. Your an idiot, and idiots get people killed. Your worse than a terrorist in that respect, cause at least that we can fight, meanwhile, an idiot will fuck up every time guaranteed. Your actions or in-actions are going to ruin my country, my home, my economy. Your upturned nose insolence will be your own fall. You need to start caring about this country. Not like the "lawless nationalists do" but as God Damned fucking Americans that know right from wrong do!
If this country does go into depression, it will be your fault, and the day you ask me for an orange, because your starving to death, I am going to ask you to give me your + $100,000 camera. No camera, no orange.
Then go read/listen what Naomi Wolf said.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 10/14/2008 @ 5:57 pm PT...
. . . with No K.Y. on (david frum) the Rachel Maddow show !
Dave save it for fox pal...
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/14/2008 @ 7:42 pm PT...
What will they claim next? That Obama is really a woman in disguise and gave birth to a Chinese two-headed baby? No wait...he's really an alien from outer space and then they'll find video of McCain "pal-ing around with ET!"
This is too freaking funny! This campaign of McCain's gets more ludicrous with every passing day!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
For the weak minded
said on 10/15/2008 @ 11:49 am PT...
This is definitely a web site for the weak minded fools who want to believe the BS from the Bahama Mama. It is a good thing someone I know sent me the link instead of having to read and/or listen to you Buffoons from the main stream media.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/15/2008 @ 2:53 pm PT... opposed to the weak-brained who believe that 26 years of deregulation makes for a President who's a regular guy...right.
13 homes.
Will service anything you can get between those quivering lips.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
For the Weak Minded
said on 10/15/2008 @ 5:55 pm PT...
#14 I cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed baffoon.
26 years NOT Counting the time served in the military fighting for your rights to be the Baffoon you are now!
If I were a betting man I would say you never served a day in your life.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 10/15/2008 @ 6:04 pm PT...
At least you are honest enough to state that you are "for the weak minded" and so that surely means you will be voting for the man with the worst military record I ever heard of... and he has NOT improved with age.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 10/16/2008 @ 5:36 am PT...
99 beat me to it.
McSame is a complete idiot, he "graduated" if you can call it that something like 893rd out a class of 896 from West Point!
Its a good thing the Vietnamese shot him down before he single handedly crashed every jet in the navy.
He sang like a canary with his tail feathers on fire while a prisoner.
He has voted AGAINST damn near every good veterans bill in the past 26 years.
and he is the son of an Admiral that committed TREASON against the US that caused the deaths of 134 American soldiers.
Like father like son.
His record, both military and congressional SUCKS.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 10/16/2008 @ 9:44 pm PT...
Hey, won't this mean that all those people associated with Acorn, all those new voters they've helped, will now vote for Obama? Mccain shoots himself in the foot again.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 12:37 pm PT...
I don't know how its being played out in the USA, but here in Britain they are saying the election's over and Obama is steaming home to victory.
Is this the case?
I love the USA, spent most of August there. It really is the greatest place on earth!