Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
By John Gideon on 9/26/2008, 4:09pm PT  

Forty-one states have voter registration deadlines between Oct. 6 and Oct 20. One of the tools that states need is the online system provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that allows states to match Social Security Numbers on voter registration forms. So what does the SSA do? They schedule a total shutdown of their National Computer Center Building for annual maintenance from Oct. 10 to Oct. 13.

States are extremely busy right now checking a record number of new voter registrations. Closing down SSA’s online system, even over a weekend, will result in many new registrations not being filed and those new voters not being able to participate in this election. The chair of the Election Assistance Commission, Rosemary Rodriguez, has sent a letter to Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue asking that the SSA reconsider the date of the shutdown.

There is now evidence, and an investigation by a county District Attorney, that the fraudulent act of “slamming” is happening in two California counties; San Bernardino and San Joaquin. “Slamming” is the act of changing the party affiliation of a voter without their consent and knowledge. ...

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