Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

In this space yesterday I mentioned that the Colorado state Election Director, Holly Lowder, had resigned and no reason had been given at that time. It seems that an investigation shows that she shared an address and phone number with a vendor of software services to her office and to 30 counties in the state. Of course everyone is telling the media that she just retired but the fact that this retirement happens just two months before a national election raises many eyebrows.
In previous DVNs we talked about Indian River Co, FL and the idiocy of doing an experiment in the middle of a real election. If you will recall the experiment led to an error which caused some ballots to be double-recorded. The Supervisor of Elections had reported 5,189 votes had been counted twice but yesterday she claims that she “misspoke” and that the total is actually over 10,000 votes.
And finally Palm Beach Co, FL has essentially admitted to a total disaster in election administration. The state has certified the primary election except for the one judicial race in question in Palm Beach Co. Every candidate in every race probably has good reason to question the results in their particular race. The state will probably now step in and oversee the election in November. There is no longer any confidence in that office. ...
- AL: Selma - Leashore will get manual recount
http://www.selmatimesjou...will-get-manual-recount/ - AZ: 2 Dist. 26 hopefuls in limbo as vote counts drag on - CO: Colorado elections director resigns amid inquiry
http://www.rockymountain...or-resigns-amid-inquiry/ - CO: 'In Bed With Voting Vendors': Details Revealed on the Abrubt Resignation of CO's Election Director - CO: Vote counting to go smoothly for Garfield County
http://www.postindepende...&ParentProfile=1074 - CO: Pitkin County - Sec. of State readies PitCo for Election Day - FL: Clem says twice as many votes were miscounted in Indian River County than initially reported - FL: Nassau County - Mandated election recounts don't change outcome
http://www.jacksonville....0608/nen_328641883.shtml - FL: Palm Beach County - Ballot Problems Persist; Close Race Still Unresolved - FL: Palm Beach County election mess passed on to the courts - FL: Palm Beach County – Editorial – Save the Nov. 4 Election
http://www.palmbeachpost...eadedit_ballot_0906.html - FL: Election Chaos Strikes Palm Beach Again - MI: Leelanau County - Recount doesn't change outcome
http://www.leelanaunews....t-doesnt-change-outcome/ - MI: Plymouth Township - Canvassers uphold decision in Plymouth Township recount
http://www.journalgroup....lymouth-township-recount - OH: Secretary Brunner Clarifies Challenge Laws to Protect Voters
http://www.sos.state.oh....20Releases/20080905.aspx - OH: Montgomery County - 375,000 absentee ballots mailed
Elections officials hope that early voting will help cut down on Election Day hassles.
http://www.daytondailyne...06/ddn090608ballots.html - PA: Northampton County - Election officials expect record voter registrations
http://www.lehighvalleyl...91813760.xml&coll=3 - TX: Critics worry voter ID proposal would disenfranchise citizens
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**