"'Vote-Buying' Congresswoman's Campaign Rep Worked for Blogger Who Mercilessly Slammed Story"
(31 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 7:39 pm PT...
"Book em all Danno", or should I say Brado? Can't you just hear that music?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 7:54 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 8:02 pm PT...
Seriously though Brad, I agree with NY Times you deserve a Pulitzer!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 3/6/2008 @ 8:26 pm PT...
I'll take it, Ancient! Does it come with a cash prize?
(Yes, that was a bald attempt to help folks notice that their support, via our Fundraiser this month would be greatly appreciated! Lotsa swell premiums, that I'd love to send out to someone!)
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 3/6/2008 @ 9:06 pm PT...
Good work again, Brad!
I've been saying for a while(and I've heard others say it, too) that we're the new Roman Empire, meaning sort of beyond decadent and falling. But now I'm thinking we've transcended the Falling Roman Empire and that they're not even in our league anymore. This is my country and I can't imagine leaving, but it's getting too crazy here. Every day dysfunction, dishonesty, and denial reach new heights. Or depths. I'm thinking of dropping out for a bit. I can't take it.
But thanks, Brad, for being a voice of sanity and humanity.
David Lasagna
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 9:55 pm PT...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 9:56 pm PT...
I can't help thinking of the similarities between what Haussamen has done here and what Bob Woodward did in the Plamegate affair. Both appear to have been tone deaf in regards to the ethical issues raised by their lack of disclosure about a potential conflict of interest in the stories they whined and opined about.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 10:19 pm PT...
Yeah Brad, it does from soon as I'm done with these new coarses (I've already contibuted) and get a new f ing job, cuz I won't take money from sleazy, queazy, makes me uneasy employers! You know, like 2/3 of the congress ought to feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 10:31 pm PT...
And might I just add 9/10 of the media?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 10:40 pm PT...
Excellent point Steve #7. Like way too many who used to hear the calling, it looks like a bought and sold thing now!
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 11:30 pm PT...
Haussamen looks like the worlds biggest douchebag.
She looks like Woody Harrelson with a blond wig.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 5:17 am PT...
This movie is:
Huzza Man And The Cheshire Puss
Do It For The Congresscrook
Wextry, Wextry read all about it. New garage industry emerges in well red states:
Sponsored by the managers of wannabe truth tellers, locally controlled by biggy brother.
These guys think a GED is "gummit educashun duhvice", and when they become bigger brother, they squeeze out turd blossoms:
Al-Qaida terrorists may be plotting more urgently to attack the United States to maintain their credibility and ability to recruit followers, the U.S. military commander in charge of domestic defense said.
(Yahoo News). Their basic sentiment is "fear was good enough fer daddy, so its good enough fer me and I'm uptite fer Amurka." What they don't know is that that al is under their own Amurkan control and is a false flag op against America.
American flag waived, Amurkan flag waved.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 5:32 am PT...
Momma, don't let your little brats grow up to be hussa men or kos suckers:
The Harris results reflect the findings of a Harvard University study conducted last year, which found “nearly two-thirds of Americans do not trust campaign coverage by the news media.” A few other recent surveys offer some explanation for the public’s distrust:
– Two thirds of Americans - 67% - believe traditional journalism is out of touch with what Americans want from their news.
– The harshest indictments of the press come from the growing segment that relies on the internet as its main source for news. The internet news audience is particularly likely to criticize news organizations for their lack of empathy, their failure to “stand up for America,” and political bias.
– Democrats, Republicans and independents have decreased confidence in the accuracy of media reports on the war.
These [daze], the slogan “most trusted name in news” doesn’t mean as much as it once did.
(Think Progress, emphasis added). American flag waived, Amurkan flag waved.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Michael Swickard
said on 3/7/2008 @ 7:45 am PT...
Ok, you want disclosure, you got it.
I write a free column once a week for Heath. This same column also appears in a number of newspapers the next day.
But for Heath it is free. Whoeee, this is America, who wants to live forever or die rich, eh?
And, I met Whitney once when she worked for Steve Pearce a number of years ago, though our time in a room together wouldn’t make a three-minute egg.
I have never met Wilson or White. I have never been to a state meeting for either Republicans or Democrats. I would rather return to 8th grade than attend one of those meetings.
I was a registered lobbyist at the New Mexico Legislature twice in the last 22 years, the last time when Bruce King was governor. In fact, Casey Luna, the Lt. Governor made me a Colonel Aide de Camp which impressed my mother but otherwise made no difference in my life.
And I have met Dave Cargo aka Lonesome Dave a number of times.
Let’s see other disclosures… hmmm, I worked for KOB-TV when Nixon was president. At one time or another I have written for many New Mexico newspapers as a stringer. I once had a dog named… oh, I guess you don’t need to know my dog’s name but it was a political name.
Gosh, I hope I have disclosed enough…
The problem you have is the 79 year-old Cargo, who at 37 was one of the nation’s youngest governors has been beat (like a rented mule) in every subsequent election in New Mexico and Oregon. I like bitter in my coffee and ex-wives, but not as someone to hang a story on.
In my brief time with Governor Cargo a couple of years ago he did not impress me with his insight or acumen about New Mexico, though we both enjoyed the steak at the Broadcaster’s Annual Convention in Albuquerque where I picked up an award and he was introduced to polite applause.
Before going too far with this story as the very independent Heath advises… think carefully about how pissed off Dave Cargo is with the current Republican establishment.
Sorry, I had to wipe the laughter out of my eyes for a minute at the two words, “Republican Leadership.” They can’t hit water from a boat.
Now on Heath’s blog I defended Democrat Brian Colon last month and there was no flame.
You get the zippo award for just biting to be biting. But, as they say in piranha water, biting to be biting only goes so far in polite company.
What I said on Heath’s blog is:
“One possible correction is the esteem that Dave Cargo has in Republican circles. I am not speaking for anyone but myself here. After watching “Lonesome Dave” for several decades, it seems to me that he has always been a somewhat likeable loose cannon. Contrast him with Carrey Carruthers, also a Republican governor who is very well liked on both sides of the isle and you can see why Cargo feels left out.
Look at what ( wikipedia has on Cargo and then think of his comments. Might be true, but you are correct that we should be careful that sour grapes are not talking.”
Anyway, hope you get to the bottom of this story without making up a story.
And, like Heath, if you find that the bunny trail is just a bit too strange, I hope you are gutsy enough to just say so and endure whatever flame comes your way.
Michael Swickard
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Paul McCarthy
said on 3/7/2008 @ 8:10 am PT...
Well, I guess Haussamen is now the laughing stock of the blogosphere! It does suggest that he's personal friends of the Heather Wilson crowd. Three cheers for Brad!
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
New Mexican
said on 3/7/2008 @ 8:46 am PT...
Michael Swickard: You could at least get the name of former Governor Garrey Carruthers right. Garrey, not Carrey.
You imply the story contains no facts because you personally view Dave Cargo as a "loose cannon." Does that view also pertain to State Sen. Joe Carraro and State. Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones, who not only have made similar charges about vote buying, but have also come out publicly to accuse NM GOP operatives who support Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White's primary candidacy for Congress in NM's first district of threatening them with a smear campaign and more if they would challenge White in the primary?
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 9:45 am PT...
OT ~ Just thinkin, Since the lobbyists are the inside players or stuper delegates in this demcrockracy there should be a registry for scrutiny.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 9:48 am PT...
Swickard's comment is a lot of words with no where to go. He doesn't say Cargo is a liar, or even that he distorts the truth. So what is the point? If he thinks Cargo is lying then he should give his reasons for thinking that. Actually I'd like to hear more from Swickard, because I think his background and experience gives him a base to work from. We all might pick up some valuable insights about what going on there.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 10:04 am PT...
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this story is becomming a PROCESS story and not a FRAUD story, and pretty soon, not even your regular "gaggle of geeks" (as I like to think of your regular blog commenters) are going to care much.
Isn't there some other thing happening here in the USA? Isn't there some sort of primary-like election going on to decide whether or not the Democratic candidate against John McCain who will receive 47.1% to McCain's 48.3% in the General in November will be a white woman or a black man?
Stop for a minute Brad and take a look at the table from 10 feet up and verify that your emphasis has not drifted too far in one direction.
Just a thought.
charlie L
Portland, OR
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 10:04 am PT...
Michael Swickard #14
I think you have missed your calling. You should write opinion columns or the like. I will hold off on suggesting a list of periodicals you would find favor with. I have to figure out why you think "defending democrats" is a cause celeb first. Have you ever tried Bad Frog beer?
Do not write things that give credence to what anyone other than justice just us requires, and I could move on dot org.
There may be an opening at the Department of Justice Just Us ... oh wait ... Gonzo has gone now ... perhaps sweet home alabama hath an opening in the apologetics department?
Oh ... that's right, really, really right, they stopped making mistakes and "don't need no stinkin apologies apologetics no more".
And remember the famous last words of the treasurer of the House GOP campaign money, who is up to his gills in FBI agents, "He who flames could be need deep in water".
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 10:21 am PT...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 3/7/2008 @ 10:24 am PT...
Michael Swickard -
Your attempts at swiftboating Gov. Cargo (R) are all well and good. Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, they do not speak to the charges that have been leveled not only by Cargo, but by State Sen. Carraro (R), State Rep Arnold-Jones (R), and now others.
Strawman arguments and red-herrings are all well and good if one is trying to cover one's ass.
Fact-based reporting concerning the possible commission of voting felonies is much better if you're a journalist, as I am, and as Haussaman claims to be.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 11:39 am PT...
JoJ #21
Right on the f**king money JoJ!
... based on his picture I would have voted for him! He is an adorable lovely looking man.
Yet he willfully participate in the holocaust of the 1940's.
And some Amurkans posing as Americans have participated in the Iraq holocaust, including the "anti-holocaust" senate "democrat" Joe "Snow-Job" Lieberman.
But I haven't asked that question ever since the revolution.
You figure out when that was.
Love to all, it is such a wonderful realm!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 3/7/2008 @ 11:47 am PT...
All of Swickard's points about Cargo amount to a hill of...nothing. There is clearly systemic corruption in the New Mexico Republican Party. Not only did State Senator Joe Carraro also make the accusations concerning the vote-buying operations where Darren White is concerned, he also claims to have been threatened by the New Mexico Republican Party if he continued with his bid for Heather Wilson's CD 1 seat, and others have claimed to have been threatened also. The same blogger, Dennis Dormzalski, broke this story also, excerpted at the DFNM website.
As I am on the ballot for my state senate district in New Mexico, all of this bodes well for me. Voters are simply tired of corruption, Democrats and Republicans alike.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 12:04 pm PT...
Hey Carlie L, wasn't it you who suggested before the 06 election "we" should game the damn dre's for our side? Real great solution ace.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 12:09 pm PT...
That was suppose to be CharlieL #19. I remembered cuz it blew my head you would have even suggested such a stupid thing!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Ron Domino
said on 3/7/2008 @ 12:13 pm PT...
Brad, tell Pat Allen and 770 there is one more site out here covering the real political news of New Mexico. I've just started to highlight stories just like this one.
I just discovered your site and have saved the link. Keep up your good work.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2008 @ 6:10 pm PT...
New Mexico Statute:
1-20-11. Offering a bribe. (1969)
Offering a bribe consists of willfully advancing, paying, or causing to be paid, or promising, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable consideration, office or employment, to any person for the following purposes connected with or incidental to any election:
A. to induce such person, if a voter, to vote or refrain from voting for or against any candidate, proposition, question or constitutional amendment;
B. to induce such person, if a precinct board member or other election official, to mark, alter, suppress or otherwise change any ballot that has been cast, any election return, or any certificate of election; or
C. to induce such person to use such payment or promise to bribe others for the purposes specified in this section.
Whoever offers a bribe is guilty of a fourth degree felony.
(New Mexico Law, emphasis added).
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 3/7/2008 @ 10:52 pm PT...
CharlieL said:
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this story is becomming a PROCESS story and not a FRAUD story
Wait for it, Charlie.
Isn't there some other thing happening here in the USA? Isn't there some sort of primary-like election going on
Seems like that one's being somewhat covered elsewhere, as I recall.
Stop for a minute Brad and take a look at the table from 10 feet up and verify that your emphasis has not drifted too far in one direction.
I do that every day, my friend. You may want to join me up here at 20 feet. The air is much clearer, and you can see the forest for the trees.
Stay tuned.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 3/8/2008 @ 12:54 am PT...
Sometimes I have the tinfoil fear that we are being set up for McCain. The ptb's could astroturf that, sadly enough, America isn't ready for a woman or African-American as President.
There's no way in hell McCain could ever be elected legitemately. If McCain is elected, without doubt the system is rigged.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 3/8/2008 @ 2:38 pm PT...