"Rep. Heather Wilson Accused of Felony Vote-Buying in New Mexico; Reporter Quits After News Director Scrubs Story"
(25 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 3/4/2008 @ 6:57 pm PT...
I just got back home from our Texas caucus. What a pleasant experience, compared to this story about a congressional campaign for sale ... or so it would seem.
Anyway, I wanted to point out a benefit of a caucus AFTER a primary that uses electronic voting machines.
The caucus should match the vote, and so, since everyone must say in public who they voted for, it is even better than an exit poll perhaps.
Other than that they are useless when they follow a primary.
Yep, it is a felony to vote twice except in Texas
I hope the allegations in this thread are wrong and the eye witnesses are mistaken, but if true the House must expel her forthwith!
There are enough criminals in the government already.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/4/2008 @ 6:59 pm PT...
I hate this woman cuz she was instrumental in silencing Howard Stern from the free airwave with her power and tears.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 3/4/2008 @ 8:15 pm PT...
Common sense should justify rolling back corrupt legislation by Oath Breakers.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:02 am PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:12 am PT...
Yep GWN, different day, and different results. I voted twice yesterday, as I pointed out in post #1, and sure enough when I got up this morning the caucus results are different from the election machine results.
Reprehensible Wilson should be ashamed of herself, as Hillary should be. Last night she could have had a decent victory speech, but she chose instead, evidently like R. Wilson, to corrupt our process.
Hillary said she "won Florida". What a corrupt state of florida mind to say that when she was the only one on the ballot because the other dem candidates were not on the ballot by choice because the rules of the party did not recognize the Florida primary.
She is very bushie. And now she thinks Florida and Ohio are her big wins. In my book those states are contaminated and so is her state of mind unfortunately.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:37 am PT...
All of the candidates were on the ballot in Florida, they made a deal that they wouldn't campaign here tho.
Hillary won Florida by name recognition because of the New York factor.
In Michigan, everyone agreed to remove their names from the ballot except one and we know who that is, it's the same one that wants them delegates counted now.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:48 am PT...
Floridiot #6
How can one win a game everyone agreed not to play? Sounds like bushie justice to me.
Speaking of bushie justice, Brad's thread about the 60 minutes blackout in Alabama (Siegelman story) has new legs because the FCC is going to investigate ... evidently because of 20 or so complaints.
PS. Speaking of bushie elections, there are some stories out there that Ohio results do not match the exit polls:
First Exit Polls:
VT Obama - 67, Clinton - 33
OH Obama - 51, Clinton - 49
TX Obama - 50, Clinton - 49
RI Obama - 49, Clinton - 49
(HuffPo). Deja vu all over again?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:58 am PT...
I know Dredd, messed up.
The only state that seems to have their shit together is Vermont.
The last hold out until 1790(ish) and Bush Cheney are now outlaws there, he-he
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean in FL-13
said on 3/5/2008 @ 5:54 am PT...
Wow, DREDD/ FLORIDIOT!~ Fascinating. I wasn't sure until now where the DREDD does reside--always thought it must be some, undisclosed, mysterious location. I was right. TEXAS.
So Hillary wins the TEXAS PRIMARY by 3%(?), but once again OBAMA wins the caucus? How does that split shake down the delegates, Dredd?
FLORIDIOT~super stats. Wow, again. Five'll get you ten that FLORIDA/ MICHIGAN will be the tide that turns this for Hillary somehow. FL. STATE DEM CHAIR KAREN THURMAN (officially on the payroll for the STATE REPUB CHAIR) managed to keep the DEM DELAGATES DOWN with her own posturing/ did not object to new PRIMARY DATE despite the DNC bylaws which could not have been more clear.
As a result of this incompetance (?), an attempt to remove THURMAN by George Maurer from her post at the FDP convention was shouted down, ridiculed, lamb-basted by STATE PARTY DEMS calling themselves "the NEW, REALITY-BASED PROGRESSIVE WING of the Democratic Party..."
Funny, I call them "sell outs".
I posted that disgusting video is right here:
Funny, even though that gross DISNEYWORLD convention was a CANDIDATE-LESS affair this year,
THURMAN and buddies still found time and money to throw a GINORMOUS birthday party for Hillary, in absentia. Cake the size of a football field.
Everyone had buttons that read, "SCREW HOWARD DEAN" and kept honking on mightily about the importance of PARTY UNITY. REPUBS were often used as a shining example of party protocol.
It was damn creepy.
Isn't it amazing in these primaries how Hillary keeps "coming back" just in time to save her campaign?
FLORIDIOT--do you think we'll throw another primary for them to rig? If so, wanna get together for another round of citizen exit polling and some late-night hooch?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 6:46 am PT...
Jeannie, if Howard was smart he would just divide the delegates for Mich. and Fl. up 50/50 and walk away.
If he runs the primaries over again and lets say H loses this time, all hell would break loose IMO.
Or not seat them at all would be what I would do.
Mr. Maurer is right.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 8:38 am PT...
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 8:56 am PT...
Jeanie #9
So Hillary wins the TEXAS PRIMARY by 3%(?), but once again OBAMA wins the caucus? How does that split shake down the delegates, Dredd?
The primary alone chooses the delegates as far as I know. The caucus is suplerflous, and I can't see it being much more than a waste of time ... except ...
The only useful purpose a subsequent (following) caucus would have in my estimation is to verify the voting machines.
The caucus is done in the open and who you vote for is spoken out in the open.
So, if it conflicts with the results the machine spits out, Houston, we have a problem.
It is sorta like an exit poll, only the results are spoken in public instead of a pollster.
And when there is a conflict I doubt the machines not what the people say out in the open in front of everyone.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 8:57 am PT...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Pokey Anderson
said on 3/5/2008 @ 9:40 am PT...
Responding to #12.
Sorry, the post-primary caucuses in Texas are NOT meaningless. The primary chooses 55% of Texas delegates. The caucuses choose 29% of Texas delegates. (The rest are superdelegates.)
It is a hybrid system. Turnout in Houston at the caucuses was AMAZING --- 200, 500, 600 people came out, compared to a few dozen in recent history.
The caucus process is sort of a winding road --- those chosen at the caucus for Obama and Clinton then go to regional Dem conventions, which then choose people to go to the state convention, which then chooses people to go to the national Dem convention. But, the caucuses are definitely a source of almost 1/3 of Texas' delegates.
And, because of the way the districts and delegates work, with the Dems awarding the most delegates to the DFW Metroplex (Dallas Ft Worth) and Houston area (26 each), and less to rural areas where Clinton happened to be stronger, Obama may ultimately not do badly at all in Texas.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 9:54 am PT...
Were Texas and Ohio counted by machine? and does anyone have a source for the "unmodified" exit polls?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Mike Shelby
said on 3/5/2008 @ 10:10 am PT...
As a recognized election integrity activist in Arizona I've had numerous interactions with the press following actions we've taken at the State Legislature, with the Maricopa County Elections Dept., the Secretary of State, during elections, etc. On three separate occasions by separate reporters from local affiliates for ABC, CBS, and NBC (while I was special advisor to the democratic candidate for Secretary of State) I was approached and interviewed.
Each was very excited because we gave over facts, evidence, verifiable and corroborated information they could trust. One reporter even went so far as to swear me to exclusivity because she wanted to do a series of articles for "Sweeps Week." They took notes, we exchanged contact information and emails, and I forwarded information with websites they could check for themselves.
I NEVER HEARD FROM THEM EVER AGAIN! I believe their station managers killed the stories.
And, it happened again just last month. At a press conference at the State Senate to announce findings regarding issues with the Sequoia Elections Systems, their BPS software, and the Maricopa County Elections Dept. less than competent practices; a local radio reporter queried us (all available on YouTube btw) carefully, she took a serious interest in what we were exposing, we exchanged contact information. Like I said, that was over a month ago and we haven't heard a word!
Still wonder why we continue to scratch and fight for every bit of realization by the voters that they are being, or at the very least in danger of, being hosed!?!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 10:10 am PT...
What happens to Edwards 26 delegates?
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 12:06 pm PT...
Pokey Anderson #14
Thanks for clearing that up, no need to be sorry.
I placed my vote, voted for precinct chair, secretary, and then left.
It was my first time and 90% of the people there were first timers too! At least I voted as I was supposed to, even tho I did not really understand what was going on.
About half stayed after the candidate votes ... to select people to be the delegates.
There was a very good cross section of the community, young, middle aged, and older folk. Everyone was quite friendly.
The turnout everywhere seemed quite amazing for Texas ...
I still think a caucus may be a good way to verify ... or not ... the election machines.
If done right it could raise flags about the results reported by the machines.
At the primary I put my paper ballot thru the scanner and it said my vote had been recorded, but it did not tell me who it thought I voted for ... so like I say ... it is a faith thang.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 12:21 pm PT...
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now
{from "Renegades Of Funk" performed by Rage Against the Machine}
This is a message out to all the astroturfers who have been filling the internet with bull about Bev Harris, BradBlog, RawStory, and any other people and domains dedicated to truth and justice. I am not a BevBot or a Bevamite or whatever your ilk have come up with lately to make a mockery out of free speech concerning the lack of election integrity in America.
The following is probably mostly old news to a the majority of readers here, but I do believe it is very important for newbies and fence sitters to understand that there has been a convoluted, organised effort to destroy the election reform movement.
I am not trying to overshadow this important story about Heather Wilson alleged to have been buying votes. But I do think it's important that we help out newbies and fence-sitters for when they eventually will come across the disinfo whitewashing the election fraud. Yes, it's fraud. There can be just so many anomalies before one cannot deny that much of our electoral system is rigged.
Why Archives Need To Be Maintained
SluggoJD wrote:
David Allen, Bev's former, fired publisher, has this to say about the recent expose' on Diebold's Robert Pelletier: "She claims that the site hosting this MP3 is a Diebold front, but offers no proof."
No proof David?
(courtesy of
Today, I will take people step-by-step through the evidence that proves Diebold's Robert Pelletier is behind a covert campaign to harass and malign Bev Harris, and other folks involved in BBV research....
David Allen Shilling for Steven Hertzberg:
7. Interesting to note
that Steven Hertzberg [is] one of Bev's early victims, and has been attacked in this forum by Bev supporters for his failure to embrace various Bev "truths". The usual tactics were used, insinuations that he was secretly in the pay of Diebold, et al.
And now we are seeing aspersions cast again.
Can you tell me when ESI was ever a paid lobbyist of any voting machine vendor?
I take it then that if you disagree with ESI's report, you find the voting machines in Ohio to be completely reliable?
Mod Mom tried to get him to stop trolling.
Hertzberg has been criticized by Ohio ER groups NOT because of BBV
but for his failure to respond to inquiries on a report based on precinct level data collected by many within the ER community. He promised a report and after many attempts to contact him regarding this, he never replied. He re-surfaced in the spring of 2005 after it was announced by Matt Damshroeder (R Director of the Franklin Co BOE) that ESI/Votewatch would be working with them. His report for Damshroeder left many to question his intent. He was invited to make his case at the spring 2005 CASE-Ohio ER Teach-In, but declined to participate.
More recently, after the May 2006, while working for Cuyahoga Co his comments on the disastrous election (I will have to search for the link) stated voters were satisfied with the electronic voting machines. (This after the disastrous election which led one 60+ old man to attack the machines.)
Nothing to see here, move along. Or check out that grifter Bev Harris. Yeah, that's the ticket.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Carol Davidek-Waller
said on 3/5/2008 @ 1:21 pm PT...
My New Mexico friends tell me Wilson is a real piece of work. I hope the good people of that state who are dying to dump her will get behind this reporter and take this fight all the way home.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 4:43 pm PT...
So...where is the New Mexico Attorney General on this? Shouldn't there be an investigation at this point?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 3/5/2008 @ 5:34 pm PT...
Good job Brad... I've sent a link to this page to the Albuquerque Journal's tipline site.
I hope they pick up on this story!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 3/5/2008 @ 6:59 pm PT...
Has there been ONE discrepancy yet, where the exit poll favored Hillary, but "the count" favored Obama?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 3/5/2008 @ 7:55 pm PT...
Brad and Bradblog: Thank you for this story of a failed democracy in action and another example of criminal pirates in power using their corporate mass media effectively to eliminate the truth to portray "their damage control fantasy" as reality.
As long as electronic computer voting is used, you can count on ALL future Federal elections to be fake elitist shows paid for by multi-national corporations and the military industrial complex.
There are no bigger loser murderous criminals than the bushit adminstration and their accomplices. The Republicans and Democrats are 1 party that act like they have different agendas.
We are still at war.
There is no talk of criminal prosecution for the numerous crimes against, people and other species by the bushit administration. A quick example:Bush administration officials removed the wolf off the Federal Endangered Species Protection list last week and armed 2 airplanes to carry out airial killings to slaughter 900 wolves. A policy move against the will of the majority of people who expressed their opinion not to during the open comment period. This is important to note since this is the only way Americans can voice their opinion on these kinds of issues after bush changed the rules of US forestry in December 2004. Only 1 month after bush stole election Presidential election #2.
The bushies around Yellowstone have also been busy using taxpayers money to kill the American buffalo setting traps in Yellowstone at the only place they survive. The bushit part of the story is they are claim local cattle could catch desease from wild buffalo bison that there is no evidence of let alone even 1 case in which this occured. The story bigger that this simplification but the bushit isn't.
These fcking aceholes liars and their anti-environmental agenda thinks they got it made. They better hope their plan for a US police state prior to the next election goes unhitched and happens real soon because otherwise these fcking loser inbred pirates are all going to jail. Guantanamo's finest will appreciate the removal of habius corpus once the bushit administration arrive.
Hey cheney-bushit and accomplices: Have you been fighting terrorism by given the nuclear bomb to any other contries lately since Pakistan and in turn North Korea got it from you? Or have you just been doing the US corporate mass media blackout to cover your disgraceful treasonous actions? Remove your US flag pins so I can stick through your eyes.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2008 @ 7:04 am PT...
It looks like Ohio and Florida are just bad. How do they say bad in Texas. Just plain old ugly. Keep up the good work. Hillary is looking a lot like Bush these days. How sad. Heather Wilson and New Mexico politics need a sound investigation all the way around. Richardson looked relaxed after having surrendered to the Ugly Beast they call the Machine. Funny how when they step out of the machine, the politicians with any serious respect for counrty go on to do great things. Good luck. I'll keep reading.