"Bob Woodward, Washington Post Clueless About 'Vote Caging'"
(5 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/23/2007 @ 12:37 pm PT...
Woodward... No Woodie for vote caging . . . Hmmm...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/24/2007 @ 5:22 am PT...
Bob "groupthink" Woodward is a warmonger and an Israeli firster. Come on the reason he did not ask tough questions before the invasion is because he was all about it. This is a journalist who went out and publicly undermined Patrick Fitzgeralds investigation of the outing of Valerie Plame/Wilson all the while knowing that he was one of the informed of her identity. This guy was trying to protect one of the out Plame traitor team members. This guy was willing to try hard to protect the Bush team that undermined National Security.
Woodward was recently at Ohio University. His talk was a joke, he was a showboat, making fun of Bush (very popular these days). When asked about what he had learned about the pitiful reporting on the run up to the invasion of Iraq and how those lessons could be applied to Iran. Woodward said "Iran is dangerous"
Woodward should be prosecuted for his public efforts to undermine Fitz's investigation and trying to protect the traitor team who have undermined National Security
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/24/2007 @ 11:22 pm PT...
To "educate" Republicans and well-paid Washington Post reporters and managers like Woodward and Leen, I would like to propose that political left-leaning folks organize a caging operation of their own to bring it "home" to them.
Since many of these affluent folks have two or more residences and don't live in a single residence year-long, they should be sent letters to their residence of record at a time of the year when they are mostly likely to be vacationing at their second or third home, with those letters marked expressly to not be forwarded to the other residence.
It would be interesting to see how many such letters would be returned to sender with a stamped message that the affluent resident did not retrieve the letter. Their legal residency could thus be challenged at the polls like so many of their poorer brethren who have very different circumstances and reasons for their mail not reaching them.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 11/25/2007 @ 7:05 am PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Mark A. Adams JD/MBA
said on 11/25/2007 @ 3:28 pm PT...
If this were not so sad, it would be funny.
Maybe they would investigate election theft if they only knew what it was.
Here's a clue. If the "official" results do not match the exit polls, the election may have been stolen.
Here's another clue, if the "official" results are contradicted by affidavits from the voters showing how they voted, the election was stolen!!!
But the facts don't matter when your job is on the line, and the facts don't matter when control of the US is at stake. Do they, Bob?
Unfortunately, the MSM propaganda machine lies all over the place about the craziest things. Check this out for example