In Case You Missed 'Em... Our Most Important Stories from the Last Week
By Desi Doyen on 7/7/2007, 12:27pm PT  

Guest blogged by DES

Hope you had a fabulous Independence Day! While Brad is out and about traveling on various speaking engagements and posting where possible, our Guest Bloggers are doing the heavy lifting to bring you stories and analysis that matter, that you won't find anywhere else.

The biggest story on last week's list: Fallout from Bush's unprecedented commutation of "Scooter" Libby's prison sentence dominated the newscasts and the marbled fat halls of punditry, as apologists and critics joined in the chorus in the continually-escalating drama that is the Valerie Plame/CIA Leak case. (Guess the Bushies didn't read the DoJ handbook, and are blaming Clinton --- again.) As our newest guest blogger Jon Ponder reveals, the Bush Administration is now publicly operating under "Justice for me, but not for thee."

Second biggest story from the last week: The Obstructors of Justice (Department of Gonzo) continue to bob and weave to hide from congressional oversight, but the Summer of Accountability inexorably rolls forward. What extra-constitutional tactic will the Bush Administration try next? Perhaps VP Dick "A Law Unto Myself" Cheney and his anti-Constitution minions in the Office of the Vice President are working overtime to bring you the latest in bizarre interpretations of the Constitution. If you're down with OVP, you get out of jail for (nearly) free... (at least until you're discovered on the newly-released "DC Madam" phone list... or Cheney-fatigue sets in...)

Although the leaders of the astro-turf group ACVR have "hit the mattresses" for now, the long tentacles of their trumped-up campaign to spread the Republican Myth of Voter Fraud across the nation have surfaced (again) in the U.S. Attorney Purge Scandal, this time in David Iglesias' New Mexico. Perps in the Jack Abramoff Lobbying and Bribery Scandal are also trying to escape further scrutiny (there are so many --- are there any congressional Republicans not involved?)...

And be sure to give a listen to Brad's debate with Larry Norden of the Brennan Center, as they try to sort out just what is going on in the controversial Holt bill on the Peter B. Collins Show...


Leahy Prepared to Hold Bush, Cheney, Gonzales in Contempt of Congress...
Blogged by Brad from Nashville...It's not easy keeping up from the road. But we're doing our best....

ACVR Reached into New Mexico U.S. Attorney Firing; More Details Unearthed in GOP 'Voter Fraud' Front Group's Central Role in Republican National Strategy to Game Elections
Founder, Front Man, Thor Hearne, Crawls Out from Under His Rock to Provide a Few Laughs
Even as His Vote Suppression Efforts Continue to Haunt the DoJ, America's Electoral System...
Blogged by Brad from Nashville...


'Thriller' Audio: Brad Debates Larry Norden of Brennan Center for Justice on Holt Election Reform Bill
Peter B. Collins Show Hosts Extremely Lively Discussion on Pros and Cons of Controversial House Bill's Allowance for Use of Dangerous DRE Touch-Screen Voting Systems
ALSO: CA SoS Debra Bowen Refuses to Support HR 811, Concerned About Putting 'Paper Trails Into Statute'...
Blogged by Brad from Nashville after Escaping Atlanta...

BREAKING: Bush Commutes Libby Sentence
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

A Crook in the White House
From Throwing Sand in the Umpire's Eyes to Throwing Out the Umps
Guest blogged from D.C. by Margie Burns

VIDEO MASHUP: Michelle Malkin's Law & Order Hypocrisy
Two 'Democratic' Fox 'News' Strategists Agree Commuting Libby Sentence Was 'Right Thing to To Do'
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Suprise, Suprise: Commutation of Libby Sentence Violates DoJ Procedures
Fitzgerald Unhappy, But Thompson and Guilliani Thrilled
As Bush Senior Prepares to Roll Over in His Grave...
Blogged by Brad from Nashville...


Bush True to His Word: He DID Promise, After All, That Any Leakers Would be 'Taken Care of'
'I Want to Know Who It Is' Said Commutator-In-Chief Before Failing to Launch an Investigation to Find Out
UPDATE: Refuses to Rule Out Pardon...
Blogged by Brad on our way out of Nashville...

Says 'Both Crossed the Rubicon Last Night', 'Even Nixon Knew When It Was Time to Go'...
Blogged from D.C. by Margie Burns

VIDEO: MSNBC's Dan Abrams Puts Lie To Bush Claim That Libby Sentence 'Excessive'
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer


VIDEO MASHUP: Like Bush Father Like Bush Son
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Does Libby Get Off Scot-Free?
Bush's Commuting Prison His Terms May Mean Not Even Probation for Libby
Will the Libby Defense Fund Pay the $250,000 Fine for Millionaire Libby?
Guest blogged by Margie Burns

The Declaration of Independence --- Now More Than Ever
On America's Fourth of July...
Blogged by Brad from St. Louis...


Another GOP Front Group Goes 'Missing' on the Internets
Italia Federici's 'Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy' Makes Like Thor Hearne's 'American Center for Voting Rights', Cutting and Running from Her Online Propaganda Site...
Blogged by Brad from "Thor" Country (St. Louis, Missouri)...

Note to USA Today: Al Gore Won, No Matter What Frank Luntz Tells You
Paper Passes on Unchecked Rewritten History - Despite Paper's Own Findings - from Top GOP Propagandist...
Blogged by Brad from St. Louis...

EXCLUSIVE: Injunction Lifted, 'DC Madam' Can't Confirm Cheney On List
Phone Records To Be Shared With Media and Bloggers
Deborah Jeane Palfrey Admits to BRAD BLOG She Had No Way of Knowing Who Her Associates Were, Leaving Clients On List Open to Blackmail...
Guest blogged by Joseph Cannon


Victor Rita Case Makes Libby's Commutation Look Suspicious
Bush Admin More Involved in Case Than Earlier Accounts Indicated...
Guest Blogged by Jon Ponder of Pensito Review

New Poll: Majority of Nation, Independents Favor Impeachment of Dick Cheney
Near-Majority Favor Same for George W. Bush
So What Are We Waiting For?
Blogged by Brad from the road in St. Louis...


Libby Apologists Now Support Bill Clinton (Apparently)
But Who in the Anchor Chair Will Bother to Point That Out?...
Blogged by Brad from St. Louis...

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