By John Gideon on 1/22/2007, 4:52pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of and VoteTrustUSA.Org

The Election Assistance Commission has some explaining to do. The secrecy that pervades the EAC, which oversees testing and certification of voting systems, holds dire consequences for our electoral system. Both chambers of Congress need to work to dispel this culture of secrecy. / In the past year, concerns about the accuracy and integrity of computerized elections have entered the general consciousness and become accepted as serious. Issues that [were] addressed in the March 1, 2006, edition of the Spectator have since been written about in the national media, and the momentum has grown for legislative solutions to be found at the federal level. A new Congress is getting under way, and decisions will be made that will profoundly affect the way Americans cast and count their votes. While computerized voting has been touted as a way to make elections easier and the results more reliable, an increasing number of voters, poll workers, and election officials have concluded that the process in 2006 was more difficult—not easier—and confidence in the tallies has been undermined. Many activists and legislators now question both the wisdom of relying on software to record votes, and the degree to which our elections depend on computerized voting systems and the manufacturers that sell them. ...

  • NAtional: Unlike Ballots, EAC Shouldn't Be Secretive\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NAtional: Unverifiable Votes
    Our Election System Is Broken. Can the New Congress Fix It?\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NAtional: State Legislators, Election Officials Tackle Voting Issues\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NAtional: Worries about the “Stakes” In Wisconsin Right to Life
    Is Campaign Finance Deregulation Now In Progress?\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NAtional: New Chair of House Administration Addresses Concern About Electronic Voting Machines\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NAtional: E-voting controversy overcasts its success http://www.selfservicewo...m/article.php?id=16842\" target="_blank">LINK
  • FL: Editorial - Give vote to 'no vote' option,00.html\" target="_blank">LINK
  • FL: Groups battle for fair elections
    Florida coalitions have different agendas\" target="_blank">LINK
  • IN: Tippecanoe County - Work set to begin on voting centers\" target="_blank">LINK
  • IN: Tippecanoe County - Work on pilot voting system to being this week\" target="_blank">LINK
  • MA: Marlborough - Council will mull voting machine replacement\" target="_blank">LINK
  • NY: Cayuga County - State delays voting machines\" target="_blank">LINK
  • OH: Marietta County - $50K jump in board of elections ’07 budget http://www.mariettatimes...new76_122200781312.asp\" target="_blank">LINK
  • TX: Hill County - Election Lawsuit Papers Reissued http://www.hillsbororepo...8;wpage=1&sc=1012\" target="_blank">LINK
  • WA: Snohomish County - Mail election cost a little less than 2004's vote\" target="_blank">LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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