"Audio Archives from Brad's Guest Host Gig for Peter B..."
(7 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 4/9/2006 @ 2:14 am PT...
It's so relaxing to fast forward through the commercials!
Great job, Brad.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 4/9/2006 @ 2:23 am PT...
Been waiting to hear this archive! This is late notice, but Mark Krispen Miller is on Book-TV (C-SPAN 2), tomorrow at 1:00pm Eastern for his book Fooled Again, about the stolen election of 2004 (yes I said stolen, I'm no lawyer, but I'm not stupid). For some reason it's not listed on the schedule at CSPAN yet, even though they've been giving alerts on the TV. Should be a good one.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 4/9/2006 @ 2:41 am PT...
Correction on previous comment. Mark Krispen is on TODAY, Sunday the 9th at 1:00pm eastern.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 4/9/2006 @ 6:11 am PT...
I heard Brad get shaddupped by Ed, trying to hog his compliments from the station owner 
I also heard Brad mention Dredds comment, dude your famous now (at least to those who listened, and some aliens out in space about a million years from now who will be monitoring our airwaves)
Good job Brad, by the way
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
kamery cyfrowe
said on 5/1/2006 @ 6:41 pm PT...
I am very interested this theme, with attention I will read following informations.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
John Dowd
said on 5/10/2006 @ 8:09 pm PT...
Right at the end of the Ed Asner interview he cites one fact about 9/11 that bothers him--the speed with which the Patriot act appeared and was forced upon congress. Ed's made the point that the gov't could not possibly have generated the 350 page bill so quickly, and must have had that all planned. The implication being that there may have been some kind of conspiracy behing 911 itself.
But Al Franken said in his book, "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell them" that the Patriot act provisions were lifted for the most part from legislation that Max Cleland had been trying to get passed for quite some time, but the Republican's wouldn't give him the time of day about his pet security ideas, then when 9/11 happened, they stole the idea, claimed it was theirs, and filled up the bill with so much crap like workers signing their rights away and so on, that Cleland couldn't sign it into law in good conscience, which the Republicans then used against him to get him defeated, claiming that he was not patriotic. And of course, the no-paper-record DRE easy-to-hack Diebold machine in Georgia helped too. In case youdidn't know, one of the details Bev Harris found on the Diebold ftp site was a file of instructions about how to modify results--the computer directory was "Rob Georgia". She described it as a complete kit, with instructions and sample data files for use in testing, etc.
So anyway, I don't think Ed Asner is right about the significance of the Patriot act appearing quickly after 9/11. Yes it was not all written after 9/11, but we know where it was written before 9/11, so no mystery.
That's not to say that there are not many deeply troubling things about the 9/11 events, and people should dig, and publicize what they find, and make up their own minds. The thing that bothers me the most is why the third tower fell. Supposedly it was due to a fire in the basement from diesel fuel, but excuse me? When was the last time a fire caused a skyscraper to fall like that? It had not been hit by a plane, so I just don't get it.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2006 @ 5:46 am PT...
Cleland couldn't sign it into law in good conscience, which the Republicans then used against him to get him defeated, claiming that he was not patriotic. And of course, the no-paper-record DRE easy-to-hack Diebold machine in Georgia helped too. In case youdidn't know, one of the details Bev Harris found on the Diebold ftp site ...
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