"Tom Feeney --- Alleged Vote-Rigging Conspirator --- Introduces New Elections Bill"
(15 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 10/5/2005 @ 1:04 pm PT...
Well well!!!!
We're on top of the little sonofabitch crooks now.....Looks like Feeney's enforcing Torture Gonzales's little law and trying to force it into the public!
""Our goal is to make cheating easier and voting harder.""
For this reason, he would have succeeded....
Beyond Tom: Tom Feeney
This crook Feeney just stepped in it.....He should be not passing go again, never collect his $200, go directly to jail and spill his guts........WE'RE BACK, YOU FREAK!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2005 @ 2:10 pm PT...
All of this is a bit hard to swallow. Of special significance for me is:
"And what if the voter is an absentee voter? According to this bill they will have to include a copy of their ID, with SSN and address and personal information, in the envelope along with their ballot."
As an absentee voter (and generally identity-theft paranoid) I wouldn't entertain the thought of putting all that information into an envelope and send it through the mail. That just screams STEAL ME for FREE CREDIT CARDS. And what then? Long waits at the polls while everyone is 100% ID checked?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2005 @ 2:19 pm PT...
The GOP is so arrogant and it will hopefully bite them in the ass!!
First there was Bushco rehiring Brown as a consultant to keep him quiet, and letting him perjure himself right off the bat.
Then how about Bush bringing Miers into the public eye, though she was complicit in many of his scandals over the years, and may even have knowledge of Bush's overlooking the 8/6/01 PDB?!?!
And now this...letting one of the original proponents of the design of vote-flipping technology present a bill to prevent election fraud...huh?!?!
What stones!! Doug is right - why isn't this asshole in jail?! Anti-intellectualism must be a component of Fascism.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 10/5/2005 @ 3:04 pm PT...
Sounds like we need a pretty large prison cell for the whole crew, Vance....
Delay's money laundering carousel: Blunt & Feeney & co fingered
Did these dirty neocon republicans actually think they could get away with it, and then make MORE illegal contributions on top of that to support election fraud!???
Example: Thomas Noe, the front man for Fraud in ohio.
Michael Brown, another front man for Fraud in Florida doing worse things than Jeb Bush.
Constance Kaplan, a front woman for Fraud who was stupid enough to show how ES&S employees "rigged" the machines to destroy undervotes. I mean come on.
The list goes on and on......Delay and his cartel are crooked sons of guns, and thanks to us Federal prosecutors got evidence.....But what about FEENEY?!
Who knows a special "counsel" in Florida, whos NOT as CORRUPT or anywhere near Jeb Bush or Bill Nelson?! Who knows someone in Florida's democratic party, green party, ANY party who can NAIL this arse FEENEY?!!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2005 @ 3:48 pm PT...
The "blending" of two bills by committee in congress is always an "under the radar" event. IT is under-reported and I hear the Republican majority likes closed sessions in the middle of the night a whole lot. The problem , it seems to me, is shining a spotlight on this entire problem. I know Brad and the Velvets and Black Box have done a whole lot of work to do just that, and Rep Conyers too. But it isn't enough. The public has left verified voting to boil away on the back burner. Someone please tell me how this is going to be different this time? I have contacted my Congressman--more than once---and my homestate of NC had one of the more noteworthy problems with voting machines. But the outrage is not being translated into effective resistance.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2005 @ 3:53 pm PT...
Voter fraud can be counted on fingers and toes ,Election fraud was in the millions of votes ,you figure...
Up to 600,000 against the war in DC ,how many against Election Fraud ?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2005 @ 4:00 pm PT...
These people have no shame. All they do is obfuscate, distort and lie. You can tell when you got 'em red-handed when they start calling you names. It's a dead give-away!
Perhaps we should give some love to Mr. Feeney's opponent in FL-24:
Andy Michaud, "Dr. Andy" (D)
Veterinarian, former candidate for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Andy Michaud for Congress 2006 - FL District 24
I don't know anything about FL-24, if it's blood red or more purple. At least the Dems have a candidate there!
Of course, it all comes back to the corporate shills of MSM. This story deserves front-page scrutiny. And yes, Feeney should be in jail. Does he know Abramof, too?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 10/5/2005 @ 4:38 pm PT...
Would Clint Curtis testify to a Grand Jury for crying out loud!???
Lets get this together...Who knows a special prosecutor in FLORIDA?!???
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/6/2005 @ 8:31 am PT...
Doug, I believe that there are no special prosecutors in Florida or anywhere else, for that matter, until they are appointed by someone like, say, the justice department or the governor. And I'm no expert, but I don't believe "we" can just empanel grand juries. Any of us 6 or 7 out there know anything about this type of law? Can we force referendums onto ballots via petitions? Let's not just rant and rave (although it sure does feel good sometimes), let's find a practical way we can actually throw these bums out, and switch to paper and pencil ballots and supervised hand counts by volunteer citizens and witnessed by any interested citizens, as they do in Canada or Germany (it was the US that imposed this standard on the Germans post-WWII, and it's still working fine for them).
Love and Peace and Lot's of "Hard Work" - Bob
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 10/6/2005 @ 10:52 am PT...
Maybe the logical thing to do here is to have Clint Curtis, or someone speaking on his behalf (Brad?) contact Fitzgerald's office and ask if they would be interested in what he has to say.
If they are not, then perhaps they can refer you to someone who would be.
I agree, these people must be stopped. The time is now.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 10/6/2005 @ 11:00 am PT...
Or perhaps if anyone here is an attorney, that might be the move. Maybe Brad or Winter could put you in touch with Clint, and then put in a call to Fitzgerald's office. A call from an attorney would have a bit more weight.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/6/2005 @ 12:43 pm PT...
Tom Feeney is what being a neo-con today is all about. That we have members of Congress like him is living proof that elections are rigged.
It is quite painful for many of us to listen to George Bush giving speeches as though he had been duly elected as our president. For those of us aware of the cons long-standing plans for invasions in the Middle East (there new world order). We who read of their expressed needs for a new Pearl Harbor type event to gain support for such invasions. It is most difficult for those of us aware of the long-standing friendships between the Bushes and the Ben Ladens and of past favors rendered to listen to this now. We hear again his using that same event to justify their wars and for grabbing further powers and further restricting our freedoms. All is this is quite trying on those of us who have faced honestly all available facts involving 9-11, and those of us who are painfully aware of all evidence that is being still withheld from us. To know that we are listening to the worst kind of criminals using their-own criminal deeds of that day to justify further crimes against the people of this country and much of the world.
It is a truly drastic type of character disorder which permits so much planned devastation that they might pursues there agendas of greed and premeditated plans for shifting all wealth. For those of us with a clear grasp of what they have done and of what they are now attempting to do, it is quite difficult for us see the likes of George Bush standing behind a presidential podium and still successfully deceiving some, still blaming there extreme misdeeds on others and using them to justify continuing on their most dangerous missions.
Those of us who, by whatever means, have been able to avoid being deceived now have a real burden upon us. We need to do all that we can to make others aware as to the magnitude of what we are up against.
Hopefully the indictments will arive in time to save some of the country from their ongoing efforts.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 10/6/2005 @ 6:35 pm PT...
Good point....
Fitzgerald would no doubt understand it breaks the law, but he has no jurisdiction for Florida.
We need to bombard the Justice Department and get someone into Florida or an independent counsel.
We could start with standing beside Conyers and Congress and repeatedly mailing them about the situation, about Clint Curtis's evidence and so on....
Not sure if they'll buy it right away...But we don't want the evidence destroyed by Gonzales or anyone, the vote-rigging problem is EXTREME so its an extreme case.
Here is the Department of Justice....Start flooding them about doing some investigations..
Note that Feeney's a little on the insane side....We need someone who has no connections to crooked Jeb Bush or Bill Nelson!
Doug E.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2005 @ 4:31 am PT...
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
yank had enuf
said on 10/9/2005 @ 11:46 am PT...
Thanks to bloggers like John Gideon, we are getting the whole picture about what Tom Feeney is up to now>>> on the surface, "paper trail " looks good, but as Gideon points out, how it is used (or not used ) by the states makes unverifiable paper like having no paper at all!
I've put together a Political Friendster thread that includes the significant "players" in the Tom Feeney alleged vote-rigging conspiracy story (hopefully more , as it progresses) ... please feel free to add on any notables I've left out !