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By Brad Friedman on 1/4/2005, 2:59pm PT  

If just half of the people who read this blog every day take the time to call, fax or email U.S. Senators asking them to join Conyers' challenge to the Electoral Results, the Senators will be drowning in calls, faxes and emails.

If you (and I do mean you) have been sitting on your hands hoping that things would get better...somehow...then you too are responsible for whatever it is this country (and world) may become as a result of your inaction.

If you hope to see a change in the results of a horribly tainted election, hope to see George W. Bush's phony "mandate" and self-proclaimed "political capital" be exposed for the opportunistic fraud that it is, or hope to see real Election Reform in the future so that such questionable outcomes like the one we've seen in 2004 simply can no longer occur due to a reliable and transparent election system, then you must act NOW.

Here are a few things you can do today. We recommend you do as many of them as possible:

  • Call your Senator by phone at 1-800-839-5276 and demand that they join Conyers in objecting to Electors not seated by the Rule of Law!!
  • Email your Senators through True Majority and demand that they join Conyers in objecting to Electors not seated by the Rule of Law!
  • Email several Senators through Progressive Democrats of America and demand that they join Conyers in objecting to Electors not seated by the Rule of Law!
  • FAX a few Senators! [UPDATED Link to different Fax-o-matic, probs reported with previous link!]
  • Write your U.S. House Representatives and demand that they join Conyers in objecting to Electors not seated by the Rule of Law!
  • Attend the rally in D.C. on Jan 6th at 10am in Lafayette Park across from the White House.
  • Attend a vigil at John Kerry's house in Boston. (through 1/5 only)
  • Watch this 24 minute film online, be outraged, and let others know about it!
  • Use the "Email it someone!" link at the bottom of this blog item to send this info to everybody you know!
  • As they say on TV...Act NOW! And as if your democracy depended on it! You have but one full day left to take advantage of this great offer! Don't delay! Start clicking! Start dialing!

    Make noise. It does make a difference!

    UPDATE 1/5/05 3:25pm PT:Please see the several latest items for updates on activities in D.C. today, and various information about contacting Senators, etc. This is just a quick update to mention that after being unable to get through to Sen. Barbara Boxer's office in D.C. and Los Angeles for the last three hours or so, I was finally able to get through to her San Diego office at (619) 239-3884. There are additional numbers for her at her website here.

    They are open until at least 4:30pm PT, and have told me that currently the tally for this one operator at the San Diego Office is currently approximately 250 calls in favor her challenging, and 10 against.

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