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Latest Featured Reports | Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Another Birthday for Brad
(It seems like they happen almost every year!...)
Biden Out, Endorses Harris, Dems in Array:
'BradCast' 7/22/24
Party unites behind Vice President, moves from turmoil to relief to inevitable uncertainty about risky path ahead; Listeners ring in...
President announces intention in letter to American people, follows up with Tweet declaring endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris...
Sunday 'You Are Here' Toons
THIS WEEK: Recovering nicely! Hillbilly heroin! Cooling rhetoric! Standing by!...And much more in our latest collection of the week's best political toons...
What J.D. Vance Forgot to Tell You (and Lied About) at the RNC: 'BradCast' 7/18/24
Also: More pressure from top Dems for Biden to reconsider candidacy; Judge nixes GOP vote suppression suit in NV; Biden calls for SCOTUS reform, national rent control...
'Green News Report' 7/18/24
  w/ Brad & Desi
Toronto crippled by extreme storms, flooding; Heat related costs rising in U.S.; Extreme weather and aging dams; PLUS: Marathon Oil pays record fine under Clean Air Act...
Previous GNRs: 7/16/24 - 7/11/24 - Archives...
Holding on for Dear Life Amid the Political Whirlwind: 'BradCast' 7/17/24
Guests: Heather Digby Parton and 'Driftglass' on politics after the shooting, Dems still fighting over Biden; Trump's chooses Vance, RNC's 'unity' convention...
Cannon's Corruption: 'BradCast' 7/16/24
Guest: Attorney Keith Barber; Also: Menendez 'guilty' on all counts...
'Green News Report' 7/16/24
Texas grid buckles under multiple disasters; Hurricane Beryl damages now estimated at $3 billion; PLUS: Climate crisis flip-flopper J.D. Vance gets GOP Veep nod...
Amid the Assassination Attempt Aftermath:
'BradCast' 7/15/24
Also: Trump stolen docs case dismissed; Vance named as GOP Veep nom; Callers ring in...
Sunday Monday 'Google Project 2025' Toons
After a brief pause following Saturday's assassination attempt of Donald Trump, we are back with our latest collection of last week's best political toons...
Meanwhile... : 'BradCast' 7/11/24
Biden's tenuous candidacy; Trump and Orban; Inflation, prices falling; Climate liar Inhofe dies; California's stunning solar revolution...
'Green News Report' 7/11/24
Beryl fallout continues: Flooding, power outages, sweltering heat; New FEMA flood risk standards; PLUS: House Repubs seek Freedom for Refrigerators!...
BMDs pose a new threat to democracy in all 50 states...
VIDEO: 'Rise of the Tea Bags'
Brad interviews American patriots...
'Democracy's Gold Standard'
Hand-marked, hand-counted ballots...
Brad's Upcoming Appearances
(All times listed as PACIFIC TIME unless noted)
Media Appearance Archives...
'Special Coverage' Archives
GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal 2012...
Felony charges dropped against VA Republican caught trashing voter registrations before last year's election. Did GOP AG, Prosecutor conflicts of interest play role?...

Criminal GOP Voter Registration Fraud Probe Expanding in VA
State investigators widening criminal probe of man arrested destroying registration forms, said now looking at violations of law by Nathan Sproul's RNC-hired firm...

Arrest of RNC/Sproul man caught destroying registration forms brings official calls for wider criminal probe from compromised VA AG Cuccinelli and U.S. AG Holder...

Arrest in VA: GOP Voter Reg Scandal Widens
'RNC official' charged on 13 counts, for allegely trashing voter registration forms in a dumpster, worked for Romney consultant, 'fired' GOP operative Nathan Sproul...

His Super-PAC, his voter registration (fraud) firm & their 'Americans for Prosperity' are all based out of same top RNC legal office in Virginia...

LATimes: RNC's 'Fired' Sproul Working for Repubs in 'as Many as 30 States'
So much for the RNC's 'zero tolerance' policy, as discredited Republican registration fraud operative still hiring for dozens of GOP 'Get Out The Vote' campaigns...

'Fired' Sproul Group 'Cloned', Still Working for Republicans in At Least 10 States
The other companies of Romney's GOP operative Nathan Sproul, at center of Voter Registration Fraud Scandal, still at it; Congressional Dems seek answers...

The belated and begrudging coverage by Fox' Eric Shawn includes two different video reports featuring an interview with The BRAD BLOG's Brad Friedman...

Repub Sec. of State Gessler ignores expanding GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal, rants about evidence-free 'Dem Voter Fraud' at Tea Party event...

FL Dept. of Law Enforcement confirms 'enough evidence to warrant full-blown investigation'; Election officials told fraudulent forms 'may become evidence in court'...

Brad Breaks PA Photo ID & GOP Registration Fraud Scandal News on Hartmann TV
Another visit on Thom Hartmann's Big Picture with new news on several developing Election Integrity stories...

The GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal reveals insidious nationwide registration scheme to keep Obama supporters from even registering to vote...

Scandal spreads to 11 FL counties, other states; RNC, Romney try to contain damage, split from GOP operative...

Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) sends blistering letter to Gov. Rick Scott (R) demanding bi-partisan reg fraud probe in FL; Slams 'shocking and hypocritical' silence, lack of action...

VIDEO: Brad Breaks GOP Reg Fraud Scandal on Hartmann TV
Breaking coverage as the RNC fires their Romney-tied voter registration firm, Strategic Allied Consulting...

After FL & NC GOP fire Romney-tied group, RNC does same; Dead people found reg'd as new voters; RNC paid firm over $3m over 2 months in 5 battleground states...

EXCLUSIVE: Intvw w/ FL Official Who First Discovered GOP Reg Fraud
After fraudulent registration forms from Romney-tied GOP firm found in Palm Beach, Election Supe says state's 'fraud'-obsessed top election official failed to return call...

State GOP fires Romney-tied registration firm after fraudulent forms found in Palm Beach; Firm hired 'at request of RNC' in FL, NC, VA, NV & CO...
The Secret Koch Brothers Tapes...

By John Gideon on 6/18/2007 8:35pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Ohio’s Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, has announced a plan to hire a firm to determine whether her state’s voting machines work, are secure, and can function under heavy volume. This is pretty much the same thing being done in California. Why don’t the two states join forces and save the taxpayer some money by sharing the costs?

Also, in a decision that I’m sure pleased Sen. Diane Feinstein and other protectors of corporate secrets over voters, an appellate court in Florida found that Christine Jennings has no right to examine programming source code that ran the machines that undervoted in her race last Nov.

Links to those stories, and today's other notable voting news items, all below...

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By John Gideon on 6/16/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

In his WebLog New Yorkers for Verified Voting’s Bo Lipari relates:

The 800 pound gorilla of software development has moved forcefully into New York State, supported by voting machine vendors using Microsoft Windows in their touch screen voting machines and other systems. Over the last two months Microsoft and a cadre of high paid lobbyists have been working a full-court press in Albany in an attempt to bring about a serious weakening of New York State election law. This back door effort by private corporations to weaken public protections is about to bear fruit.

These are the same lobbyists who left a closed door meeting with Senator Feinstein with a satisfied smile on their faces just before her corporate protecting election legislation, S-1487, was completed and filed.

That, and other voting news stories from today all linked below...

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By John Gideon on 6/15/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The Juneau Empire reports:

Alaska elections officials spent $1.7 million for electronic voting machines to help disabled voters cast ballots and wound up with a costly system that's never seen much use. Some legislators say they wouldn't object if the $3,500-apiece touch-screen machines were scrapped. The machines were forced on the state by "those yahoos in Washington," said Rep. Mike Doogan, D-Anchorage, after politicians spent too much time listening to "glib lobbyists with something to sell."

Sounds like the same “glib lobbyists” who have had an effect on federal voting legislation in the House and especially in the Senate.

That story, and links to many more of today's notable voting news items, listed below...

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By John Gideon on 6/14/2007 6:05pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Concerned about overseas and military voters? According to the Military Times:

Continued problems and the high cost of fixing them make it unlikely service members outside the U.S. will be voting by electronic ballot in 2008, according to a new congressional report. The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, says it is already too late for the Defense Department to resolve issues that have stymied electronic voting before the 2008 election. The report also says that without some guidance from the Election Assistance Commission, which has been busy with other projects — including problems with electronic voting machines — electronic voting may not be available to service members abroad in time for the 2010 elections either, as mandated by Congress in last year’s defense authorization bill.

That story, and today's other notable voting news, all linked below...

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By John Gideon on 6/13/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

According to an article on BRAD BLOG a recent study by a doctoral candidate at Rice University found that approximately two-thirds of voters failed to notice malicious changes made to their DRE review screens during mock election testing. Approximately two-thirds of another group of voters failed to notice vote swapping that took place on their review screen. If two-thirds of voters do not review the review screen when voting on a DRE what makes anyone believe that voters will verify a voter verified paper audit trail printed by a printer on the side of their machine?

Also the EAC announced [PDF] today that they have terminated the interim accreditation of CIBER Labs due to a lack of required notification of key personnel changes. Wyle notified the EAC that Shawn Southworth left CIBER and went to work for them. CIBER apparently forgot to make that notification.

Links to those stories, and the other notable voting news items today, all listed below...

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If Voters Don't Notice Incorrect Votes on The Review Screen in Front of Their Face, Why Would They Notice it on a So-Called 'Paper Trail' Printed Afterward?
By John Gideon on 6/13/2007 9:35am PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

A new study supports the contentions of Election Integrity advocates who oppose Rush Holt's election reform bill on the basis that it allows for the use of Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting systems. Supporters of the bill claim that the bills mandate to require so-called "Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail" (VVPAT) printers on such DRE systems mitigate the concerns about the machines notorious inaccuracy and proven tamperability. The new study strongly indicates otherwise.

In her recently released doctoral thesis, “The Usability of Electronic Voting Machines and How Votes Can Be Changed Without Detection” [PDF], Rice University researcher and Doctoral candidate Sarah P. Everett reveals that review screens, presented to voters at the end of the voting process on DRE voting machines, fail to be effective.

Of 66 participants from the general Houston population, with a median age of 45 and an even distribution of educational levels only 32% of the voters noticed that malicious changes had been made to their review screens during mock election testing.

A further test was accomplished with 101 participants, with an even gender split (51 males, 50 females), a median age of 40, with most having either some college education or holding a degree. Of those, only 37% of the participants noticed that vote flipping had occurred on their review screens during mock election testing.

Also shocking is that of those 101 participants 6% walked away from the voting machine without pushing the button to cast their ballot. Instead, they just left the voting process at the final review screen. Thus, had this been a real election, a full 6% of the voters would not have had their ballots counted at all.

So when only about one-third of the voters actually review their ballot on the ballot review screen and notice problems why would anyone think that adding a "Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail" printer to a DRE will solve any problem? Rather than adding useless and expensive printers; why not just get rid of these machines all together?

In fact, Ms. Everett states, when it comes the use of DRE voting systems [emphasis added]...

[A]s the situation currently stands, voters cannot be depended upon to check the validity of their vote. Many security experts and election reform groups are calling for VVPATs to be required on all DREs and as of the 2006 elections, nearly half of the states mandated that their DREs have paper trails (, 2006). However, these studies show that solutions to DRE security problems that require voter verification of their ballots may not solve vote-flipping problems. Users are not even checking their ballots on the review screen that is presented directly in front of them.
The findings here suggest that it is highly unlikely that voters will detect changes to their ballots on the VVPAT that prints out on a roll of paper next to the machine if they are not even noticing them on a screen presented directly in front of them.


Take action to amend the Holt Election Reform Bill!
- Email Congress!
- Call you members!
See for more details, coverage, talking points & information on all of the above!
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By John Gideon on 6/12/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Today’s news finds a scathing review of the Senate’s answer to the Holt Bill, HR-811. Senator Feinstein’s S-1487 was supposed to be the repository for fixes to the Holt bill; or that’s what the Election Integrity community was being told all along. However, S-1487 is a terrible response to problems the voters have been facing. Also in the news, Sarasota Co. has formally announced their plans to scrap their ES&S iVotronic DREs in favor of Diebold optical-scan machines and AutoMark ballot marking devices.

Links to those voting news stories, and many more today, all below...

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By John Gideon on 6/11/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

There has been a lot of banter back and forth between members of the Election Integrity community who are on both sides of whether presently filed legislation should be passed or dumped. Today’s news finds four articles on HR-811 that discuss the issue in depth. We encourage everyone to read the four articles so they know what are the arguments. Today’s articles are from Ellen Theisen and Pam Smith, both members of the EI community; Michael Collins, of the media; and Mark Ritchie, the Secretary of State of Minnesota. Tomorrow Ellen Theisen will follow her article on HR-811 with another article on its Senate companion bill, S-1487, which is much worse and will be hard for any civil rights organization to support.

Links to those stories, and the other notable voting news today, all below...

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By John Gideon on 6/10/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Did you know that the Iraq Spending Bill passed by Congress last week also guaranteed that states that had not yet complied with HAVA would not lose their funding? Well it did that. A hidden provision in the bill extended the HAVA deadline for purchase of new voting systems out two years. Who benefited from this extension? New York state and at least one Pennsylvania County; Bucks....

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By John Gideon on 6/8/2007 11:05pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The New Jersey Star-Ledger reported today:

Seeking to avoid voting scandals like those experienced in Florida and Ohio in the past two presidential elections, a coalition of good government and lobbying groups yesterday proposed six bills to improve New Jersey's election process. The New Jersey Citizens' Coalition on Help America Vote Act Implementation, a group of 30 organizations, offered the measures in the hope the Legislature and Gov. Jon Corzine will approve them before the state's presidential primary in early February. The key measure (S-507) proposed by the coalition --- and the only one presently embodied in legislation, sponsored by Sen. Nia H. Gill (D-Essex) and Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer) --- would outline a procedure for the mandatory audit of election results. The bill would use the margin of victory in a race to determine the extent of an audit. In closer races, more election districts, chosen at random, would be scrutinized.

Links to that story, and the other notable voting news items today, are all below...

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By John Gideon on 6/7/2007 6:20pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The Connecticut House has voted 150-1 to follow the unanimous “yes” vote of the Senate to require audits in 10 percent of randomly selected polling districts during state elections starting in 2008. Only 13 states require audits of election results, and most stipulate far less than 10 percent of polling places. Our congratulations go to the voters in the state of Connecticut.

The Sarasota County, Florida Commissioners decided that not only will they follow the mandate from the voters to dump their ES&S iVotronic DREs but also to dump ES&S. One commissioner said, “I’ve lost faith in ES&S entirely”. The county will now turn to Diebold to provide their optical-scan voting system.

Links to those stories, and many other such notable voting news items from today, all follow below...

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By John Gideon on 6/6/2007 6:35pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

We know that money is tight and that elections integrity is not one of the fashionable issues to support with what money you can afford to give to an issue. However, may not make it to another election if we don’t get some help. If you use our resources please help us to maintain our website and to continue providing those resources for you. Please help us out by going HERE. Thank you all again.

Today's notable voting news stories, as always, are all linked below...

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By John Gideon on 6/5/2007 8:00pm PT  

It has now been well over a year since has bothered you with a plea for funds to keep our work going. We are proud to announce that we have been accepted as an activity under the auspices of International Humanities Center and, as such, any donations to VotersUnite are now tax deductible. We have appreciated the assistance that we have gotten in the past and will likewise appreciate any help you can give in the future. “Daily Voting News” and the data gathering and report writing that we do all take a lot of time and we know from comments from all of you that you use our work in your work. Please help us to continue to help you. Go HERE and give generously. Thank you.

And of course, links to today's notable voting news stories all follow below as usual...

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By John Gideon on 6/4/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

In a combined statement Common Cause, VerifiedVoting.Org and VoteTrustUSA have said the following to Senator Diane Feinstein regarding her election reform legislation:

There is copious evidence that e-voting machines are prone to malfunctions and vulnerable to malicious software attacks, yet over 35 million registered voters will cast their vote on an unverifiable, unauditable, paperless electronic voting machine in November 2008 unless Congress acts urgently to correct this unacceptable reality. Voters everywhere agree that all voting systems should produce a verifiable, re-countable paper record. We know too much to recklessly gamble with the 2008 Presidential election.

This statement is in regard to the lack of any solution in the Feinstein bill to address the widespread problem of paperless voting before the 2008 Presidential election.

That story, and other notable voting news today, all linked below...

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By John Gideon on 6/3/2007 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

When people try to make elections issues into a partisan issue we always tell them it’s not partisan; it’s about democracy. Actually it is very hard not to be partisan because we all are one way or another. It’s also not easy to be non-issue oriented. Some have said that because we feel a particular way about certain legislation that “Daily Voting News” will be used as our ‘bully-pulpit’ to spread the word only about our view point while stifling the other side.

Well, we are not Fox News Network. There’s a disclaimer at the bottom of every DVN that says that our view may not always match the views given in the articles we link to. That’s because we post articles from all over and we don’t take sides when we post. In fact, about the only things that I have consciously left out of DVN are articles that attack people or organizations that are in the Election Integrity community. If there are few articles posted that meet your particular view point it’s because none were written or I could not find them in my normal search places. Write an article/blog and get it posted somewhere and let me know. I’ll post it....

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