I listen to a lot of talk radio. For me it is important that I understand the views of all sides when it comes to the issues of the day. The issue of Bill Clinton, children and the increased acts of fellatio among young girls has been on my mind for some time. On October 6, 2005 Sean Hannity finally gave me the proof I need that he does not care one IOTA about children and that he will use children as pawns to get what he wants.
Last weekend I had the unfortunate pleasure of traveling by bus from Oakland, California to Modesto, California. It was the final leg of a long trip from Brownsville, Texas. While 95% of the people on the bus were pleasant there were those 5% who deemed it necessary to expose the rest of the passengers to an endless barrage of profanity. I was offended because it was profanity. It was meaningless to me who was the target of the profanity. These 5% were lucky that I did not have a child with me because I would have raised Cain out of the ground and forced the bus driver to deal with the issue.
On October 6, 2006, Sean Hannity had a guest on his radio show who was the promoter of the profanity. The women was kicked off of an airplane because of the use of profanity on her t-shirt. Mr. Hannity kept on asking her �is it not selfish to expose children to such language when it is targeted towards the President.� (Obviously this is a paraphrase) The key variable which Sean Hannity repeatedly emphasized was �the President� This is what I found offensive, and proof he was only using the reference to the children as pawns to in fact silence speech against the President. People who hide behind children are without shame.
I can assure Mr. Hannity, had I had a child with me on that flight I would have asked the women in a very polite way, while recognizing her right to free speech, to please consider my child. If the women refused, I would have addressed the issue with the airline officials. Had they refused I would have paid the fee to change my flight. Teaching my child that public profanity is wrong would have been the focus of my outrage and not offensive language against the President.
Mr. Hannity did the show to discredit those who oppose the President and not to address the issue of profanity in the presence of children. If this is not true then why did he repeatedly qualify the issue with reference to the insult to the President? Why did he start the show with a focus on the woman�s political views? Shame on Mr. Hannity for using children as pawns to silence political speech against the President. Shame on Mr. Hannity for not addressing the real issue, societies� growing contempt for our children and the use of public profanity.
In recent days Sean Hannity also discussed the increased participation by young girls in the engagement of fellatio. This is an issue which should shock the conscience of the American people. One again Sean Hannity�s focus was not the children. He repeatedly thanked Bill Clinton for our children learning about fellatio at such a young age. According to Sean Hannity if he discusses Bill Clinton�s encounter with Monica ad nauseam month after month on the radio, along with the other self-anointed conservatives on the radio (for the record I have too much respect for conservative doctrine to consider Hannity a conservative) it is then Bill Clinton�s fault that children know about fellatio.
A simple question to Mr. Hannity? If a woman who wears a t-shirt, depicting the Bush family, which says �Meet the Foockers� but with the �oo� replaced with a �u� is being disrespectful of children, how is Mr. Hannity and his likes talking ad nauseam about fellatio not being disrespectful of children and in fact promotion of fellatio among children?
Shame on you Mr. Hannity - our children are not to be pawns in defense of your politics, politics which certainly are anything but conservative.
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
Brownsville, Texas
October 7, 2006
Press Release
Fox News Hannity & Colmes BOTH afraid to discuss Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove is "the greatest men's party on Earth", according to once-regular attendee Herbert Hoover. The private presidential resort is taboo for left and right talking heads.
Call in and ask either Sean Hannity or Alan Colmes at Fox News during their radio shows about the Bohemian Grove and you're likely to get hung up on, yelled at, or personally attacked. It seems there is one aspect to the elite private resort, it's members which include every Republican President since 1923, many cabinet officials, and directors & CEO's of large corporations, would rather nobody know about, none the less talk about on syndicated radio.
The yearly elite summer encampment party has been kicked off each year for well over 100 years with an elaborate ceremony called the 'cremation of care' in which a human effigy is carried to an alter and burned in front of an enormous stone idol while members wear hooded robes and carry torches, complete with a soundtrack and all. Hard to believe for the uninformed. Disturbing for those who are aware.
Activist and author of The Resistance Manifesto .com, John Conner is relentlessly perusing the mainstream media and trying to get them to discuss this little known topic. "When I first found out about the details of the Bohemian Grove, I was disgusted" explains John Conner. "If my neighbor was doing such a thing, I would call the police. It's completely bizarre, disgusting, and satanic; and I can't believe that our Presidents and a select few high ranking public officials enjoy an annual mock human sacrifice ritual in the redwood forests of Northern California."
What's more surprising is how few people have heard of, or even believe what hear about the activities which go on inside Bohemian Grove, and how well of a secret this secluded elite resort is, and how well it has been contained.
"I'm really disappointed in Alan Colmes at Fox News" expresses Conner. "I can understand Sean Hannity gate keeping and not talking about it, since he's one of the Republican Party's biggest cheer leaders, but I can't believe that Alan Colmes won't talk about this. Conner has been calling into the Alan Colmes Show as well as the Sean Hannity show and asking for answers."
Despite the supposed 'Friday Night Free-For-All' in which Colmes says any topic is fair game, and the call screener asks only a name and town, calls with questions about the Bohemian Grove get cut off almost immediately.
While Alan Colmes simply cuts off callers, sometimes freaking out about the calls, Sean Hannity repeatedly insults the caller and hits the dump button. Michael Savage seemed surprised, and open to listen for a bit before he hung up with disgust after hearing about the ritual.
Sean Hannity rapid fired, "You're out of your mind, you're a sick-o" and concluded "this guy's a nutcase" after John Conner called up the show and wanted to talk about the Bohemian Grove summer encampment party.
"I think Alan Colmes is afraid that Fox News will fire him if he talks about the ritual. He's just a paid punching bag for Sean Hannity on the New World Order's network, Fox News" says Conner.
Click on links to listen to calls:
Alan Colmes freaks out.
Sean Hannity avoids the question and verbally attacks.
Sean Hannity 'very aware' of Bohemian Grove and been invited but never went.
Michael Savage surprised by claims, says he's going to go crazy.
Alan Colmes hangs up immediately and says John Conner is a 'phony' and 'a fraud'.
Rick Roberts freaks out and plays creepy music.
More phone calls can be heard at
What's the big deal about the Bohemian Grove? Why insult the callers and play twilight zone music in the background every time someone tries to bring up the topic? A close look at the activities which occur during the kickoff of the encampment reveals what the gatekeepers in the media are trying to hide. A bizarre mock human sacrifice of which magnitude is beyond words. And membership and guest lists containing some of the most popular names in the world.
In the summer of 2000 filmmaker and radio host Alex Jones snuck into the 2700 acre compound in a secluded redwood forest in northern California and secretly videotaped the cremation of care ritual and released the footage on a DVD titled Dark Secrets, Inside Bohemian Grove, marking the first time ever video has been made public of the bizarre ceremony.
When most people first hear about the Bohemian Grove's ritual they think it's a joke, or a hoax, but see things differently when then realizing that the San Francisco Chronicle has reported on the rituals and delves into the elite nature of the club and that National Geographic published a photo of the 'cremation of care' with the caption, "To purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite Bohemian Club participated in a 1915 Cremation of Care ceremony-complete with candles and a robed and hooded comrade to guide him. This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco and uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat. But today the ceremony involves burning a mummy-like effigy named Care at the foot of the group's mascot: a 40-foot-tall (12-meter-tall) concrete owl." [NOTE: it is not an owl; it is the Demon Molech from the Bible whom people were sacrificed to and does not resemble an owl, they only say it does so it doesn't freak people out.]
In 1982, a reporter from Time Magazine reportedly infiltrated the club only to have the story killed. Dirk Mathison, the San Francisco bureau chief for People Magazine once infiltrated the Grove, only to be spotted by an executive of Time Warner, the owner of People Magazine, and was promptly removed from the property and his story killed. It was scheduled to appear in the August 5th 1991 issue but didn't.
Philip Weiss of Spy Magazine successfully infiltrated the Grove in 1989 and published a piece describing what he had seen. And let's not forget the New York Post reported Gay Porn Star Serves Moguls on July 22, 2004 in a report by Richard Johnson exposing a homosexual film star was working at the Bohemian Grove doing who knows what.
John Conner is on an endless mission to expose the Bohemian Grove and cremation of care ritual along with the elite membership including George W. Bush, and says he's going to bring it into the consciousness of the world, along with The Resistance Manifesto. "They are mocking the fact that they are the 'evil rulers of the world' and if you really want the truth they are worshiping Lucifer and the annual meeting is made up of many Skull and Bones and Illuminati elite, but that's a whole different story."
Contact: John Conner -
Talking Points
Hi, I'm John Conner, thanks for reading this right now.
Bill O�Reilly Spins Away From Bohemian Grove Questions
Call the Radio Factor and ask about the elite Presidential resort,
get hung up on, and insulted.
That's the subject of this evening's �Talking Points Memo.�
The �No Spin Zone� host, Bill O�Reilly is following suit with other mainstream media mockingbirds like Hannity & Colmes, and refusing to address the Bohemian Grove in a serious manor and the satanic rituals which are performed each July with elite attendees such as George W. Bush and other presidents and powerful political figures.
�How do you feel about the private presidential resort the Bohemian Grove [Bill interrupts] I don�t know what you�re talking about, and I don�t care� AUDIO (17 sec) This was on a Friday when Bill was having an �all skate� in which he takes call after call on any topic�.or so he says.
I could understand getting hung up on if my call was out of the blue, or off topic, but this was his �World Famous All Skate� where O�Reilly says �you can ask me whatever you want.�
[Bill] �Let�s go to John in San Diego, what�s going on John?� [Me] Can you address the Bohemian Grove club private presidential�[hung up on by Bill] �You know these guy in San Diego they�re just�the weather�s just too nice there�here�s what happens�not everybody�you go out to the beach�and some kind of substance gets in your mind. And John just demonstrated it.� AUDIO (28 sec)
Bill�you�re getting paid tens of millions of dollars, and you�re a so called expert of politics and pop culture and you don�t know about the Bohemian Grove in 2006?
Forgive me for educating you Bill, and culture jamming your show and posting the audio on my website.
Spin that Bill.
Just think of how many listeners type into Google �bohemian grove� and guess what they find? What the Illuminati and Skull and Bones elite have been doing for over 100 years. Having a sacrifice in effigy to Lucifer in the Bohemian Grove.
They find out, what the Bohemian Grove is, and what happens there. Get the picture?
Remember, they are the PUBLIC airwaves�and you have a call in radio show, so it�s not like I�m bothering you at home or on your cell phone like a stalker. I�m calling 1 877 9 NO SPIN, but all I�m getting is spin, and all you�re doing is being a gatekeeper.
This isn�t news worthy? C�mon. The video isn�t some Fox alien autopsy hoax, Alex Jones got the video in 2000 (Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove), the Bohemian Grove Action Network has been protesting the grove since the 1980�s, David Gergen said in a video interview it was, �none of your damn business� if he had been to the grove for the cremation of care ritual...
I have photos from the estate of a dead bohemian member of the ritual, several copies of official annals of the Bohemian Grove have been made public containing photos of George W. Bush and his father in the grove, Philip Weiss of Spy Magazine successfully infiltrated the Grove in 1989 and published a piece describing what he had seen.
And let�s not forget the New York Post reported Gay Porn Star Serves Moguls on July 22, 2004 in a report by Richard Johnson exposing a homosexual film star was working at the Bohemian Grove doing who knows what; and even employees have obtained guest lists and even video of Molech during the daytime as well as other aspects of the club! So it�s not like we don�t have the evidence!
This is why I�ve been obsessed with exposing the Bohemian Grove to the world, because it�s not a �theory� or some UFO or sketchy Bigfoot video, it�s because most of the �allegations� are true!
What about the San Francisco Chronicle reporting on the rituals? And the National Georgraphic publishing a photo of the cremation of care? Or the Time Magazine reporter in 1982 who infiltrated the club only to have the story killed?
And, don�t think you�re too clever when mainstream media mockingbird talk shows go to a new caller ID based computer system which logs each name and number, easily allowing for numbers to be blocked, while rejecting callers who have their caller ID blocked. They might also go to a 60 delay to ensure no caller makes it on air unless its permitted by the gatekeers. By the time my calls cause that system to be implemented, I will have inspired countless others who will continue where I left off. Culture Jamming the Mainstream Media with the Truth.
And that�s �The Memo.�