Guest blogged by Jon Ponder, Pensito Review.
Here's an interesting development in the increasingly heated speculation about what led Sen. Trent Lott to announce his resignation from the Senate yesterday.
On Larry Flynt's website, Flynt has posted an excerpt from PageOneQ, a Washington-based website that has a record of accurately identifying closeted Republican politicians:
This boy-next-door is male escort Benjamin Nicholas, whose blog, 15 Minutes, helped him make some connections in business and politics.
One of these connections is rumored to be [Trent Lott, who is] rumored to have planned a resignation by the end of this year to avoid being scandalized by Hustler publisher Larry Flynt. Flynt had, back in June, offered cash rewards for substantiated accounts of sexual liaisons with elected officials.
To which Larry Flynt responds:
Meanwhile, at Huffington Post, the idea that Lott had any sort of relationship with Benjamin Nicholas is "put to bed" by none other than Nicholas himself:
"There's nothing to be said, as Lott and I have no connection whatsoever," Nicholas wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "How these 'quotes' have been fabricated are beyond me. The Senator is someone I have had no personal dealings with, ever."
Well, then, that settles it. I mean, what possible motive could a hooker have for lying about whether a wealthy and powerful man was or was not his client?
I speculated in these pages yesterday that Lott is resigning to become a lobbyist, and thus to cash in his 40 years in the capitol. Keith Olbermann had the same idea on MSNBC's "Countdown" last night:
Of course, both schools of thought could be right: Lott is resigning to avoid the full brunt of the scandal and he plans on cashing in on K Street.