John Gideon on 5/17/2007, 10:05pm PT
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Today, like yesterday, the majority of the news is from Pennsylvania. Voting machine problems were scattered and long lines seemed to be prominent in some counties even with a turnout of less than 30%. The excuse for the long lines is being blamed on the large number of write-in candidates but the fact is that election officials just didn’t put out enough DREs. In Florida Gov. Crist has announced that he will sign the VVPB bill next Monday. Maryland’s Gov. O’Malley signed that state’s VVPB bill this morning. And, back in Florida, it is important to note that the reports about the “Slammer” worm are in no way linked to the reports of any security vulnerabilities reported by the FSU team.
The stories mentioned above, and many more, are all linked below...
NAtional: EAC Releases Spanish Language Glossary of Election Terms LINK
FL: Crist to sign elections bill in WPB LINK
FL: FL-24 - Independent Investigation - Every Vote Needs To Be Counted LINK
FL: Hillsborough County - Blair Blows Fuse At Votes Chief LINK
FL: Hillsborough County - Board miffed at vote director LINK
FL: Sarasota County - Slammer turns Florida election result into worm food LINK
FL: Sarasota County - Did worm breach system?
Online article hints voting machines in D-13 were infected LINK
FL: Sarasota County - E-Voting Nightmare Becomes Reality LINK
GA: Two UGA researchers: Democrats had cause to worry about the voter ID law LINK
KS: Johnson County - Election bill causes county concern LINK
MD: Gov. O’Malley Signs Paper Records Bill Into Law LINK
MT: Cascade County - Fontana Moore proposes consolidating Great Falls polling places down to one LINK
PA: Beaver County - Snafu in voting results LINK
PA: Crawford County - Don't uncork the champagne yet
3 races in Crawford County hinge on 400 uncounted absentee ballots LINK
PA: Crawford County - 26 percent of voters turn out in Crawford County LINK
PA: Fayette County - Washington Township supervisors protest problems caused by electronic voting LINK
PA: Lackawanna County - Beating the odds: Winning a write-in campaign a tough task, experts say LINK
PA: Lackawanna County - Voting done, election work rolls on LINK
PA: Lackawanna County - Request to impound voting rolls denied LINK
PA: Luzerne County - Write-ins could be wave of future
Thousands cast Tuesday in county as doing so is simple on new electronic machines. LINK
PA: Luzerne County - County election workers will be busy counting write-in votes on Friday LINK
PA: McKean County - Voter turnout less than 30 percent LINK
PA: Monroe County - Glitches mar 'smooth' election LINK
PA: Northampton County - Vote tabulation improves over previous 2 elections
Workers finish earlier than in '06, Northampton County official says. LINK
TX: Port Arthur - Samuels seeking recount in PAISD election LINK
TX: Sherman - Election error corrected LINK
WA: King County - Ballot tracking and accountability recommendations sent to Council: Voters to be able to follow ballot online LINK
Scotland: Disparity in spoilt ballot papers LINK
US Virgin Islands: Federal appellate court denies voting rights in US Virgin Islands LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**