I applaud you for jumping up and down over the recount issue for Prop 37. I was so hoping it would pass and the rest of the nation would follow suit. I was heartbroken when it didn't.
That being expressed, the fact that you see issues and fraud in the Prop 37 initiative but, don't see any issues and fraud in the Obama election is laughable. I've got news for you, and you strike me as being smart enough to figure this out all by yourself...THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT. This just blows my mind:
Why isn't the FBI or the Justice Department investigating the "widespread voter fraud" that a number of Rightwingers are claiming enabled Barack Obama to win the 2012 election?
The simplest answer is that there is nothing to investigate --- at least no evidence to suggest as much at this time. Lacking such evidence, such fishing expeditions are a waste of taxpayer money, particularly when the evidence of "fraud" forwarded by Republicans to date is easily dispatched with little more than a Google search and a few clicks of the mouse.
All existing evidence suggests that President Obama soundly defeated Mitt Romney by an electoral vote margin of 332-206, and a popular vote margin of 50.9-47.4 percent. Yet, the myth that "widespread voter fraud" swung the election for Obama continues to persist on Rightwing web sites and blogs. These myths are usually divorced from the facts altogether or grounded in baseless speculation.
And, here...your "about us" on your Velvet Revolution site:
Mission Statement: Velvet Revolution US Inc. (Velvet Revolution) is a non partisan 501(c)4 organization founded for the purpose of providing a means for citizens and organizations to mobilize and create a clean, transparent and accountable government. Velvet Revolution focuses on election protection, media reform, and corporate and government accountability. It uses various means to shine sunlight on these issues, including working with whistleblowers, social media, law enforcement officials, and members of Congress. Velvet Revolution was co-founded by Justice Through Music and The Brad Blog, and it is a 501(c)4 activist, education and lobbying organization.
This is a joke, right? You genuinelybelieve that Obama is "... clean, transparent and accountable government..." ???
And, before you toss a "right wing" dart in my direction, I'm no Republican. I'm no Libertarian. I'm no Democrat. I've no politics to speak of. I gave up voting when it occurred to me that there was no one worth voting for. When you are left with the lesser of two evils, something is terribly wrong!
I want peace and kindness for everyone. But, the truth of the matter is, ALL politicians are corrupt, by one degree or another, including your beloved Obama. The fact that you see corruption in one place but, not the other tells me just how partisan you really are. If you leaned any further left, you would fall over.
Most of what I see on this site is you slamming Republicans. Why? You actually think that Democrats are better? They are both opposite sides of the same coin.
Wake up and be a REAL journalist. Again, I'm very glad you are in a snit over Prop 37. I am too. But, for Pete's Sake, stop hacking at only one side. Our entire government is corrupt...ALL OF IT, not just "their side".
V.L. Jones -
So let me get this straight. You are quoting from text from two different websites, written about 10 years apart, by several different people, to conclude, somehow, that The BRAD BLOG believes that "Obama is '...clean transparent and accountable government...'"??? Really???
First, you quote from our December 2012 article which thoroughly, painstakingly and accurately debunks Rightwing theories about Obama having stole the election last November. Then you quote from a 2005 mission statement at VR (which we helped to co-found) to come up with the idea that The BRAD BLOG has somehow argued that the Obama Administration is "clean, transparent and accountable government"? Seriously?
You'll pardon me, if I don't see either the connection or the evidence for your assertion. And, of course, you are commenting right here on an item which includes my radio show from last Wednesday in which I complained (if you bothered to listen to it) during the "Quick News" segment:
Obama Admin offers legal defense for killing U.S. citizens abroad with drones… Due process? We got your due process right here. It's perfectly legal, the Administration argues, they just want to keep that perfectly legal reasoning a complete secret from the American public. While a leaked 16 page White Paper summarizes some of the Administrations legal justification for giving themselves permission to kill Americans with no oversight from Congress or the Judiciary or anybody else, they still refuse to the release the full legal memos which are said to make their case…just as the Bush Administration refused to release their legal justification for torture, which the Obama Administration pretended to be offended by. So much for that.
That, of course, followed up our article on Tuesday, headlined "U.S. Department of Justice Leaks 'White Paper' 'Legalizing' Murdering Americans With Drones" which was exceedingly critical of the Obama administrations policies and secrecy.
So, in short: What the fuck are you talking about?