"'Murder, Spies & Voting Lies' Saturday in L.A.; Russian TV on Ron Paul Tonight!"
(16 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/21/2010 @ 10:05 pm PT...
Always good to see Brad in a decent feed instead of the usual grainy, choppy, Bin Laden type!
Nice job!
It is good to see Rand Paul speaking his mind and debating real ideas as opposed to up becomes down mythology feed to us 24/7. I would be livid if I were an original Tea Party supporter and lived to see my movement taken over by people who seem to be either trying to make the movement look foolish on purpose or whatever else they're trying to accomplish. When I refer to them, I'm including the MSM of course.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 5/21/2010 @ 10:07 pm PT...
Good job Brad!
And so glad they made your appearance on RTV for this particular election, since you are the right person to make the point about rampant (should we say 'systemic'?) electoral fraud in Kentucky's votes.
Nice work
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/22/2010 @ 8:01 pm PT...
Brad - You look great on TV - not as good as the interviewer of course! But I must say, you held your ground well, and I would LOVE to see you debate Rand or anyone for that matter. Truth is, almost all politicians are afraid to go into ANY debate with anyone with a brain!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2010 @ 6:32 pm PT...
YES! Brad...
Let's have the debate....!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 5/23/2010 @ 8:19 pm PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 5:01 am PT...
Here's where I have a problem with Rand Paul and Libertarians: they are FOR shop owners being able to discriminate against patrons, holding true to their "less government" philosophy.
Their "magic" philosophies go too far. They think racist shopowners would go out of business, because people in the free market will not patronize the business of a racist. MAGIC! The free market will take care of it! No law needed!
In reality, racist shops would go over well in Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Arizona, parts of California, and many parts of many states.
With health care: the free market will magically produce affordable health care for all! All the insurance companies who deny care to pre-existing conditions would "magically" go out of business! Because they're "bad guys"!
In the financial market, same thing!!! OOPS! We deregulated that already repealing Glass Steagal and look what happened!
BP will "magically" police itself! Bush/Cheney saw to neutering the EPA, FDA, MMS, and dept of interior! The Libertarians should LOVE the BP oil slick!!!
Libertarian philosophy looks good on paper, everything will "magically" take care of itself! In reality, it doesn't work.
They also think the RICH will give to charities and there will be no more poor, starving people, etc...
Here's a good question for them: what was EVER stopping rich people from giving enormous amounts to charity??? They're waiting for everything to be deregulated first? Why wait?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 5:04 am PT...
Poor and middleclass kids would have the same opportunity as rich kids to go to any college they want! Because RICH people will fill the void and "magically" pay for them!!! Why isn't that happening right now? Rand Paul is probably against college aid, right? I don't even have to look that one up.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 5:09 am PT...
Guess who's in the Tea Party with Rand Paul: the RACIST shopowners who say: "Yeah! Rand Paul is right! We SHOULD get to discriminate against patrons! It's OUR business!" Hence, the racist element in the Tea Party!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Adam Fulford
said on 5/24/2010 @ 8:24 am PT...
Was Rand Paul named after Ayn Rand?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 1:15 pm PT...
Rand Paul should be front and center protesting this:
Arizona cracks down on teachers with heavy accents
...because he's for PRIVATE owners being able to discriminate...this is PUBLIC schools. He's making a statement on this right now...right??? He said he's not for PUBLIC institutions having the right to discriminate.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 1:46 pm PT...
Last week I didn't know who Rand Paul was. On NPR, I thought they were mispronouncing Ron Paul. I have to give the guy credit for showing up on the Maddow show, (although he may never do that again.) I watched the interview for the first time just now. NONE of the people who have ruined this country would have the guts to go "one on one" with Rachel, (you know: Cheney, Gingrich, Bush, Rove, Bush "wouldn,t be prudent" 1, Limbaugh, Hannity... you name it!)
Rand Paul would not answer the question about business owners being able to discriminate and now Apple computers is discriminating against people using cash to buy their iPad computer. We're all black and Chicano now, eh?
To sum up my rant: Rand seemed a little prudish.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
John Washburn
said on 5/24/2010 @ 4:59 pm PT...
Here is link articulating Rand Paul's position on private property as is relates to racis
Can you refuse service to Robert C. Byrd?
The question is does (or should) the 1964 Civil Rights act extend to private property such as restaurants? Should politics and the force of law or should the framework of private property be used to resolve the conflict:
Alice wants to use a bit of space time for X and Bill wants to use the same bit of space time for Y.
Under the political framework the Judge/Bureaucrat/Statute decides the dispute between Alice and Bill. Under the property rights framework once the question: "Who owns this bit of space time?" is answered then the dispute is reduced to:
What does the owner say?
Coming back to the restaurants (since most are leased space) the answer would most likely be: "You are out of this space. I am tired of the hassle your restaurant brings me and my other tenants."
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
John Washburn
said on 5/24/2010 @ 5:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 5/24/2010 @ 6:06 pm PT...
Rand Paul Exposes the Real Tea Party
By Robert Parry
May 22, 2010
In its first year of existence, the Tea Party movement made clear what it was angry about: the first black American President, health-care reform, taxes, deficit spending, “lib-rhuls,” socialists, Hitler, emergency “bailouts” to stave off a new Great Depression, and – in general – Big Government.
Now, however, with its first genuine national spokesman – Republican Senate candidate from Kentucky Rand Paul – the public is getting a clearer sense of what the Tea Party is actually for. It is a movement intended to enshrine “owner rights,” along with states’ rights, as the bedrocks of the American system.
That is why Paul would question enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and other federal laws designed to stop segregation, including the then-common practice of restaurants, hotels and similar businesses denying service to people because of the color of their skin.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
John Washburn
said on 5/24/2010 @ 8:58 pm PT...
We real tea part brigades were dumping tea into Boston harbor, lake Austin and Lake Michigan to protest President BUSH's undeclared wars, transporting people across the sea to try them for pretended offenses, extending Clinton's warrantless wiretapping program to all carriers, denying American the benefits of trial by jury, and the looting of the American Treasury by bailouts, TARP, and the AIG CDO/CDS conduits.
The fact is that the Obama half of the Bush-Obama regime has accelerated every tittle and jot of the Führerprinzip created by the first half of the Bush-Obama regime.
The fact is there are two disparate groups trying to lay claim to the term Tea Party; The Ron Paul Republicans, constitutionalists, and libertarians who were opposing Fuhrer Bush since 2001 and the Johnny come lately Republican co-opting neo-cons such as Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter.
To tell them apart ask about the occupation of Iraq or Afghanistan. Tea party activists call for the withdrawal of US troop (BTW when is the Nobel Laureate going to get around to that bit of change?) Neo-con, faux Tea Party approve of President Obama expanding Bush's 3 front war on terror (Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Homeland) to 5 fronts (Pakistan and Yemen) and are fully onboard with Obama opening up the six front in Iran.
Race has nothing to do with my opposition to the war mongering, globalist scum in the White House and that opposition has carried over to President Obama because he not only approves of these policies he is actively expanding and accelerating them.
What worries hacks like Beck, Palin, Coulter, Romney, and Spector is that we are on to their fraud and will abide it no more. Glenn Greenwald has his eye on this fault line.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/25/2010 @ 2:59 pm PT...
Re: John #15:
The fact is there are two disparate groups trying to lay claim to the term Tea Party; The Ron Paul Republicans, constitutionalists, and libertarians who were opposing Fuhrer Bush since 2001 and the Johnny come lately Republican co-opting neo-cons such as Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter.
Well said. I think its unfortunate that Ron Paul (and probably Rand if he's similar in views to his father) will get slimed by media distortions of what their positions are, simply because the teabaggers of the Beck, Palin, Coulter strain are such nutjobs.
I get the feeling Brad doesn't agree with Ron Paul (or presumably Rand), but at least gives them a lot more respect than the average GOP politician. He was pretty good about not slamming Rand in that piece and instead said "yeah, lets debate that issue in the open", the other politicians won't touch that topic with a 10-foot pole.