IN TODAY'S AUDIO REPORT: Whale Wars turn violent; Obama Administration gets serious --- big moves at EPA, BLM, Interior; Senate retirements threaten climate legislation ... PLUS: Is America's love affair with the car over? ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at GreenNews@BradBlog.com or right here at the comments link below. All GNRs are always archived at GreenNews.BradBlog.com.
IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA': Climate activists jailed over anti-coal statements; Experts: Cold snap doesn't disprove global warming; Science confirms that blowing up mountains harms mountains; 'Silk' organic soy milk not organic anymore; Japanese project to turn CO2 into natural gas; Whole Foods CEO steps in it again, says 'no scientific consensus exists' on global climate change .... PLUS: 7 Energy Efficient Gadgets that Could Be 2010 Game-Changers ....
Info/links on those stories and all the ones we talked about on today's episode follow below...
- Right-wing media baselessly claim CIA has "diverted" resources to climate research (Media Matters)
- The REAL Story: C.I.A. Revives Data-sharing Program with Environmental Scientists (NY Times)
- Countdown's "Worst Persons in the World" for Jan. 6, 2010:
- Whale Wars Turn Violent:
- Anti-Whaling Vessel Damaged in a Collision at Sea (NY Times)
- Video Views of a Violent Clash Over Whaling (Dot Earth)
- Obama Administration Gets Busy in 2010:
- U.S. overhauls oil, natural gas drilling policy: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on Wednesday that big oil and natural gas companies will no longer be "the kings of the world" like they were under the Bush administration, announcing new drilling policies to protect the environment on western federal lands. (Reuters)
- B.L.M. Expedites Review of Energy Projects (Green Inc.)
- E.P.A. Announces Strict New Health Standards for Smog: The proposed range was what scientists had recommended during the Bush administration. However, former President George W. Bush personally intervened and set the standard above what was advised after protests from electric utilities and other industries. (NY Times)
- BLM: Fast-Track Renewable Energy Projects (U.S. Bureau of Land Management)
- FLASHBACK: Environmentalists Sue Over Energy Transmission Across Federal Lands (Green Inc., 7/8/2009)
- Fight Over Solar Power in the Mojave Desert (NY Times) [emphasis added]:
The mere prospect of the legislation has derailed several massive solar power plants planned by Goldman Sachs and other developers. But Mrs. Feinstein, a California Democrat, has included provisions in the bill that could, if enacted, accelerate renewable energy development and ease tensions over endangered species that are slowing other solar projects outside the monument area.In a big concession to renewable-energy advocates, Mrs. Feinstein would allow transmission lines to be built through existing utility rights-of-way in the monument to transmit renewable energy from other desert areas to coastal metropolises. That will not likely sit well with some of the senator’s environmental allies. (Nor will a provision that permanently designates areas of the desert for off-road vehicle use.)
- Desert Vistas vs. Solar Power: Protection of Desert Land Faces Off With New Energy Sources (NY Times)
- READ the Feinstein Bill to protect desert areas: "A BILL to provide for conservation, enhanced recreation opportunities, and development of renewable energy in the California Desert Conservation Area" (Office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein)
- MAP: 2010 California Desert Protection Act Overview (Office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein)
- EPA pushes tougher smog rules (The Hill)
- EPA tallies benefits, costs of new smog proposal: The agency estimates that the proposal unveiled Thursday would yield health benefits worth $13 billion to $100 billion annually in 2020, depending on how strictly EPA ultimately sets the standard. The costs of implementing the regulations would be $19 billion to $90 billion in 2020, according to an agency summary.
- Will Senate Democrats' Retirements Affect Climate Legislation?:
- What might Sen. Byron Dorgan’s retirement mean for climate legislation? (Climate Progress)
- Reports of Climate Bill Death are Greatly Exaggerated (Climate Progress)
- Q&A: what will happen with climate legislation in 2010? (Grist)
- Hold Off On Those Climate Bill Obituaries.... (The New Republic)
- Will the Revolving Door Take Dorgan to Coal Country? (Mother Jones)
- Why Dodd Went Down (Mother Jones)
- Fewer Cars in the U.S. for the First Time Evah:
- Has the U.S. Reached Peak Vehicles?: Forget peak oil --- the U.S. fleet shrank by four million cars and trucks last year. "As this evolution proceeds, it will affect virtually every facet of life", study's author says. (Scientific American)
- U.S. scrapped more cars than bought new ones in 2009 (Reuters)
'GREEN NEWS EXTRA': More green news not covered in today's audio report...
- Climate Activists Jailed For Saying ‘Coal’s Killing West Virginia’s Communities’ (Wonk Room)
- Experts: Cold snap doesn't disprove global warming (AP)
- Science confirms that blowing up mountains harms mountains (Grist)
- Whole Foods CEO Raises Eyebrows With Climate Change Doubt (Environmental Leader)
- Never Mind: Dean Foods pulls bait-and-switch on "organic" Silk soymilk (Natural News)
- Japanese Project Aims to Turn CO2 into Natural Gas (AFP)
- 7 Energy Efficient Gadgets that Could Be 2010 Game-Changers (Solve Climate)