By Brad Friedman on 10/1/2004, 11:59am PT  

Well, apparently these guys have got nothing. Even Rush was hard pressed to come up with any ammo to use against Kerry. They seem to be trying to get some mileage out of Kerry's "global test" statement. But in light of what Kerry actually said in the debate, once the media filter was out of the way, such attempts to misstate Kerry's comments don't seem to be working anymore. They all seem so...September 29th.

More on all that shortly, but for now, Rush has been flailing for the last three hours, and the best he can come up with is calling Senator Kerry "that little S.O.B." in the first hour. Later, he spoke of the "hate groups on the Left who are coming unhinged."

What does that tell you about the vacuity and desperation of these folks on the right? Oh, that, and "Kerry was getting primped and coiffed and manicured in preperation for the debate, while Bush was touring the devasted areas of Florida". So apparently he didn't really have the time to prepare. As usual, there is always an excuse for everything Bush does. Nothing is ever his fault.

They're shooting blanks, folks.

UPDATE/AFTER-THOUGHTS: Sean is still trying to sell his "I've never seen the President more passionate and more articulate" line as of the opening of his radio show today. And to Rush's "little S.O.B." comment, I'm reminded of Bush Sr's reference to Clinton/Gore as "those two bozos" in the waning days of his failed Presidency. So far, we haven't heard Bush Jr. himself turn that verbally desperate --- yet --- but if things keep swinging against him, listen for it. It's coming.

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