Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
By John Gideon on 8/31/2008, 4:16pm PT  

True to form Florida is in the midst of another election nightmare. Is it a few less than honorable election officials in a couple counties; or, is it the simplistic process the state uses for certifying and accepting voting systems for use; or, is it vendors who have no problem at all selling counties voting systems that should never be used in elections work and that they don’t even warrant as being manufactured to be used in elections? Or, is it all of the above? I suspect it is all of the above. Indian River Co. decided to test a new system that would modem results from the poll sites to the main tabulating room. They decided to do this test in the middle of an election and they ended up doubling results from 40 polling sites. The results from Palm Beach Co are still a mess big enough to boggle the mind but there seems to have been thousands of votes that went uncounted originally while the final total vote count went down by over three thousand votes in one race after a machine and manual recount. And there is still a recount underway in Broward Co. Who knows what reports of problems will come from that recount. Is this a portent of things to come in November? It very clearly is that. ...

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