By John Gideon on 7/5/2008, 3:56pm PT  

New York state has a very real problem with the new voting machines they must have state tested and certified and county tested and ready for Nov. The state is getting the ballot marking devices to be used by voters with disabilities from Sequoia. The state is rejecting 50% of the machines they are testing. One county, Nassau, has rejected 85% of the machines they’ve received from the state. Either the state has failed to catch flaws when testing the machines or the machines were damaged in shipping. Either way, unless the shipping process is set-up to man-handle and damage the machines, the vendor is responsible. Sequoia’s quality control seems to be lacking totally if 50% of what the state receives is rejected. Sequoia’s product is poorly designed if shipping from one place in New York to another causes damage to 85% of the machines received. Of course, Sequoia will blame it all on everyone else. It is never Sequoia’s problem....

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