"1.1 Million Purged from Indiana Voter Registration Rolls According to State Data, Says BBV"
(37 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 2:02 pm PT...
The New Hampshire Recount
Here is more evidence of the astroturfing attacks on BradBlog.
Posted by: SocraticGadfly on January 23, 2008
Somebody alert Brad Friedman at the Brad Blog to get off his conspiracy horse.
Maybe it's a coincidence the poster's name is so similar to mine.
I guess some folks like to catapult the propaganda. Olbermann had some good reports on how astroturfers {Bush et al} like to repeat things over and over again. The Bivings Group is another one that thinks rumors can go viral.
The fake persuaders by George Monbiot,,715153,00.html
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 2:03 pm PT...
Here's the Plan:
1) McCain has already won; the day to day operation of the conspiracy to destroy American democracy from within now consists solely of making that predetermined result believable to enough Americans that they get away with it.
2) The main techniques they are using are a) stealing primaries for Hillary to keep her in the "race", b) Keeping their presstitutes in the corporate whore media blabbering non-stop about manufactured controversies having nothing to do with how Obama would act as President, and c) treating loony-tunes Grandpa with kid-gloves so he appears as though OTHERS might accept him as president.
3) The scam is not focussing on getting Americans to vote for Grandpa, per se, rather it is to make it seem like OTHERS voted for him. Remember this point, it is crucial.
Just like very few were swayed with the beyond-absurd lying/ranting of the Swift Boat Liars for bush, very few will be swayed by the corporate media lying about Obama and shilling for McSame. That is not the goal. Rather the goal is to get Americans to believe that OTHERS are stupid enough to fall for the lies/spin.
Remember the British magazine cover headline after the 2004 "election" that read "How can 51,000,000 people be so stupid?" (Answer: they weren't. the "election" was stolen with the electronic vote-stealing machines.) That is what is going on here. On the day after the "election" look for the media whores to be wailing about how "racist," "stupid," and "frightened of bogey men" the Americans "voters" were on "election" day, which caused them to vote for a loon rather than a statesman.
It worked last time; it will work again. True, they may have to buy out the integrity of more polling companies to pull off the charade this time, but they have lots of our (tax) money to do just that.
Face it: these vermin can NOT allow themselves to be voted out, since the chances of being arrested and convicted on myriad crimes is near 100% once they are not in control of the executive branch ("Justice" Dept).
Beware 911 #2 if it looks like the election theft operation won't fly.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 2:56 pm PT...
Patriot is correct. The game is to make it appear that this is an evenly divided country. So the last eight years, astroturfers have been screaming all over the internet how evil Bush and Cheney are. That has kept people in the realm of emotions, rather than hard facts. Our problems are institutional.
The astroturfers are going with the viral meme that McCain is not part and parcel of Shrub and Company. Or they go with the but, but, but Clinton Democrappers are no better.
So yes, it appears that this Hillary/Obama fighting has been completely scripted with the aim of bringing the illusion that McCain can compete with Obama.
With all due respect to Godwin's Law, people who think Hitler was the primary cause of Nazi power should take a look at Wilhem Reich's The Mass Psychology of Fascism. He eloquently argued that it was the psychology of the masses which form the bedrock for totalitarianism. I think that is close to an exact quote.
So then you have folks like Hertzberg, Lindeman, Kos Zuniga calling the majority of people conspiracy theorists on hobby horses, and then they run with some lame election integrity movement which calls for paper trails off the machines.
To the bunch of us who keep speaking out, the message is, sure, you figured it out, but no one is listening, no one cares.
But for them to do that, they are stuck with using PR firms, special interests, and useful idiots to keep repeating:
Nothing to see here, move along.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 3:20 pm PT...
Brad - If Indiana's population is 6.5 million, isn't 4.3 million voters(66%) more likely than 5.4 million(83%)? Does anyone know the average percent registered voters to the population? If there are a large number of college students, wouldn't that contribute to a large number of changes? This does seem like a large number of voter registrations removed, but perhaps it is really within standard norms. Need more data to evaluate. I would think the larger problem would be the new voter id requirement.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 3:54 pm PT...
The purge explains Clinton's surge.
They are pulling out all stops to have neoCon hillary run against neoCon McCain.
Thanks a log for the Suckology Strider.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 4:25 pm PT...
Question, was this a state purge or a private (choicepoint type) purge?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 5/5/2008 @ 4:39 pm PT...
Update: According to Steve Rosenfeld, the Chief of Staff for the Indiana Secretary of State has told him that the number of registrations "cancelled" does not mean they were cancelled, it means they were changed.
Well that's a relief, because I've been digging further through all kinds of arcane reports going back several years, and the number cancelled in Porter County cannot possibly be justified under any scenario using the listed number of duplicates, moved, died, disappeared etc.
Therefore Porter County just had 115% of the registrations on its list CHANGED. Possibilities: 100% of the registrations were changed in some way, some more than once; or, some of the registrations were left along but most were changed more than once; or, most were left alone but some were changed over and over.
Feel better now?
By the way, I was not too bothered by the rabies attacks on Kos, and the dithering about Indiana having only 6 million people. The EAC reports as of 2004 indicated there were 4.7 million people of age to vote, and had a very high percentage of them voting, with some counties having more than 100% of their eligible voters vote.
I think it's pretty clear that Indiana didn't then have, and quite possibly still doesn't have, accurate voter rolls.
Now let me share with you a scenario that's been bothering me about these voter ID scenarios, and as we all know, Indiana is requiring government-issued voter IDs with a match (but not requiring an "exact" match) on the name and a match on the address.
So I'm in a position to "cancel" or "change" a whole bunch of records. I know that those IDs now have to match name and address. Ya know what? I don't NEED to purge. All I have to do is introduce typos.
I'm going to change Brad Friedman's name to Brad Freeman. People will think it is human error. And if his county uses electronic pollbooks, they won't be able to find his name when they key in "Friedman". To make sure he can't vote anything but provisional, I'll juxtapose a couple numbers on his address. Suppose he lives at 5917 Oak Drive. I'll make that 9517 Oak. Human error. Human error. Human error.
And if Brad Friedman votes provisional will the canvassing board accept Brad Freeman at a slightly different address? Probably not, if they don't feel like it. And if Brad Freeman is the typo introduced while changing the record, Brad FRIEDMAN can be 100 percent certain that his vote won't figure into the network projections.
Not to worry. They say they were only changing the registrations, not purging them...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 4:57 pm PT...
Or maybe Brad Freeman suddenly out of nowhere votes for McCain? Or the electronic pollbook shows that he has already voted...Whose to know if he didn't show up to vote?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/5/2008 @ 4:58 pm PT...
Can I has revolution yet?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 5:31 pm PT...
With electronic voting and registration, we are screwed.
It can be altered from anywhere.
With hand registration, not computerized, it has to be done at the county office.
If they're going to steal them, at least make them work for it
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:09 pm PT...
I agree with Dredd at comment #5: This voter ID law was hurried in to effect by the SCOTUS to benefit Hillary Clinton in the Indiana primary. Are we returning to Jim Crow?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:11 pm PT...
Are we returning to Jim Crow?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:32 pm PT...
Floridiot #8
That is so yesterday and soooooo tomorrow murthafu**er ... all this softwar thingy ... {Ed Note: YouTube full screen links don't work, Dredd. If you'll get the regular one, I'll stick it in here for you. --99} ... and demsum ...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:43 pm PT...
DU Post From A Bash Bev Thread
...I take it you have also asked for --- no, make that demanded --- financial statements ahead of schedule, from --- with over 200,000 members, they raised far more than Black Box Voting. And you regularly ask for DU's financials, right? Or is it that you don't hold anyone else to the same standard?...
It's obvious what's going on. People slander Bev Harris and BradBlog all the time and are protected for no clear reason by the management of Daily{CIA}Kos and the {Un}Democratic Underground.
DU and DKos have been besieged for years by astroturfers. All sorts of slander and attacks are made with no proof. The election integrity movement has been taken over by advocates of electronic voting posing as activists.
How come Verified Voting Foundation isn't coming under fire? It couldn't be more obvious that they are the gatekeepers, not Brad or Bev.
I think Diebold and others deep down are supporting groups like the Verified Voting Foundation.
The goal of the astroturfers is to trumpet out some kind of paper trail for electronic machines. The vendors would keep their contracts, while the limited hangout of noise would carry on with their froths about grifters and tinfoilers.
There's yet another new thread at DU making claims about Ms. Harris with no proof.
Peregrine Took:
Was it ever found out who were the b*stards on the 'net who said he wasn't really sick?
May they burn forever in hell, that's for sure.
Bev Harris was one of them. There were three other ringleaders on the site that we shall not name.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:46 pm PT...
We are returning to Jim Crow (assuming we left it) ... but we didn't ... we right it ...
The rest is an illusion ... no laurels to rest on ... I know ... I lived on laurel just off ... melrose ... recently enough ...
The empire is going down ... save yourself ... embrace the earth ... die with dignity ...
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:48 pm PT...
George Bush said, " I'll take two and then the next one is all yours. We'll have the election machines so screwed up even you can win." John said,"I appreciate it big guy." From then on John McCain liked George Bush. He never really had before. Only prob. with the happy ending. The next eight years were tough on John. His cancer came back..some thought it was eating into his brain. With the internets and all, the news was trickling out John was on 100% disability to the tune of $58,300 some odd a year. Might bother the poorer class who all know you can't work when you get that check.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 6:55 pm PT...
Bev #7
I still got a crush on you luvie ... DU and KOS kiss my sweet booty ... goodbye badbye you empiricist narcolepcy sufferers ... send the empire a valentine ... get fucked ...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:03 pm PT...
Question... can any "john/jane doe" do an exit poll?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:04 pm PT...
Anyone who criticizes Bev Harris for her work on fascism (evote machine style) is challenged to a duel between two sailboats casting off from Seattle and sailing NW to Kodiak Island ... the one who makes it there wins. No holds barred.
I will plant you in the peace of the deep 6 of 7, the garder of surfer delight, the bitch, just to be pacific.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:17 pm PT...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:22 pm PT...
Floridiot #8
What ... Brad was for McCain ... WTF ???
99 #9 (niner nine niner nuef nuef #neuf)
Narcolepsy hath no boundaries ... straight talkin newspaper mattress sidewalk blues ... you has revolution ...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:32 pm PT...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 7:46 pm PT...
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/5/2008 @ 8:01 pm PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 8:43 pm PT...
At worst, Bev is misguided but sincere advocate not deserving of such attacks. But I suspect the hyper-vigilant attacks to muddy any argument, any question she brings to daylight proves she is on to something.
But I dont thing she is misguided, I am sure she is a well-guided, sincere, and of most value of all, persistant advocate. As ancient wisdom of I-Ching says, Persistant Furthers. Perhaps in Bevs case we can say Great Persistant, Greatly Furthers.
For all us folks that are just observers and the chattering class, Brad and Bev work, work, work. Seldom have I seen a guestion raised by Bev prove a fruitless line of inquiry. But even if so, what in the world could a sincere person quibble with a watchdog, watching, standing alert. Sure, watchdogs might bark at a friendly visitor occasionally, but if they are not hyper-alert, always looking out for your safety, what kind of watch dog would they be?
What kind of nuts reject a watchdog as discredited and worthless because of a false alarm occasionally, at the worst. I say the kind of nut that criticizes and disses the watch dog is not sincere about the safety of the people the watchdog is guarding.
But compare track records of the watchdogs compared to their critics. I don't think they have sounded false alarms. Everything Bev and Brad claim and have questioned gets reinforced with time, not disproven with time. Those that predict right should be relied on more in the future,not questioned more.
All the electronic voting concerns have expotentially expanded with more research, more experience. All the science such as exit polls, stats, computer science profs, etc confirm what these "lay" advocates foresaw. Poll-tapes in garbage in Florida in response to a public records request, 16,000 votes dissappear on electronic machines that are "certified", Ohio election staff convicted of rigging a recount...come on, the watchdogs saw danger when it was coming and we are arguing about whether the dog barks too much. We are too much.
Brad and Bev are hard working heros, taking time to do the tedious, hard work of documenting the travestry of our election systems, only to get dissed and attacked over and over again by supposed liberal and pro-democratic rights blogs and communities. Brad and Bev are nuts; not conspriracy nuts, but nuts to keep working against such odds.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 10:53 pm PT...
They have gotten attacked far too much for this to have been an organic or spontaneous response to their work.
Do people know that Andy Stephenson was in contact with a Mike Vreeland, that Andy dabbled into the tinfoil himself?
He isn't here to protect himself, so I won't rip into him, but none of the attacks on Brad or Bev add up, unless people are willing to dig deeply into it.
A hopefully-useful Kos-Armstrong timeline
December 2002: Dean Campaign Manager Joe Trippi invites Jerome Armstrong, creator of, to Burlington, Vermont to assist the Dean campaign. (Armstrong's account)
January 2003: Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas, creator of Daily Kos, form Armstrong Zuniga, a political consulting firm.
June 2003: Trippi hires Moulitsas, and Armstrong, for consulting at a rate of $3,000 a month for four months. Armstrong describes his duties as “coordinat[ing] and direct[ing] the expenditures of all internet advertising for the campaign.” ...
January 2005: A Dean staffer, Zephyr Teachout, claimed the two were hired “largely in order to ensure that they said positive things about Dean.” Kos and Armstrong vehemently deny any wrongdoing. Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi and Dean's Director of Internet Communications, Mathew Gross, dispute Teachout’s version of events. Kos enthusiastically backs Dean's bid for chair of the Democratic National Committee....
April 2005: Democratic Congressman and potential Senate candidate Sherrod Brown hires Jerome Armstrong’s Political Technologies LLC firm for "Website Design & Hosting". They pay $12,000 on 4/21/05, $12,000 on 6/16/05, and then $5,000 as a recurring monthly fee....
But that same day, Brown contractor Jerome Armstrong makes clear he prefers the Democratic candidate who, um, hired him. Armstrong writes:
People should check out that whole article. In short, Kos is a political pimp who mysteriously rose to the top of the blogosphere despite being a below average writer.
He is a fellow at the New Politics Institute begun by Simon Rosenberg and Andy and Deborah Rappaport....
Zúniga "served in the U.S. Army and was involved in the technology community in San Francisco before founding Daily Kos on May 26, 2002 (rhymes with 'prose') and becoming a leader in the modern progressive movement and blogger community. He maintains the site from Berkeley, California. In its first year, Daily Kos attracted over 1.6 million unique visits and about 3 million page views. Currently, it receives about 12 million unique visits per month and is the most highly trafficked political website in the country."—Source: NPI accessed May 18, 2005.
The technology community in San Francisco? That would have included Steven Hertzberg, correct?
Oh, would it surprise anyone that Robert Hertzberg made a donation to Joe Lieberman? It's true.
Do people realise that Robert Hertzberg as a California assemblyman sponsored one of the first election technology funding bills after the 2000 election was stolen? It's true.
I could write page after page of prose on everything I've absorbed. Sometimes it gets me into trouble. But I've had to scrape and claw to get my voice out. When I make a mistake, I admit it. Now how did Kos rise to such power so quickly?
Ok, pardon my indulgence, one more link-
One of the sessions was described as thus:
Social architecture for the Masses - lets make it fun!
So all these people were invited to this same conference?
Markos Zuniga,
David Dill,
Steven Hertzberg, VoteWatch
Arthur Keller, Open Voting Consortium, UCSC
Just say no to electronic voting machines. Just say no to Lindeman and the Verified Voting Foundation. Just say no to corporate pigs dressed in progressive clothes.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 5/5/2008 @ 11:45 pm PT...
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2008 @ 12:06 am PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2008 @ 4:40 am PT...
All one has to do is look at the demographics and ethnicity of the voters who will be discouraged from voting. Election fraud and not voter fraud is what is going on and what went on in 2000 and 2004.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2008 @ 5:53 am PT...
Indiana can join Michighan and Florida in the "votes dont count line."
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 5/6/2008 @ 9:05 am PT...
There is evidently big turnout in both Indiana and NC ... good for the people.
Make it hard for them to throw the '08 election.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Mark Cook
said on 5/6/2008 @ 11:10 am PT...
Reply to DBran #4.
Your argument is right on the money. Indiana has a population of 6.3 million with 5.4 million register voters. The problem is, of the 6.3 million, only 4.73 million are of voting age (2006 census records show 25% are under age 18). The national average for those who will register to vote was 72% in 2004. That means that Indiana's voting rolls should be much closer to 3.4 million, not 5.4 million.
With current registrations at 4.9 million, Indiana's voter rolls are no where near accurate.
Fair elections include accurate voter rolls.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Mark Cook
said on 5/6/2008 @ 11:21 am PT...
naschkatze #11
"This voter ID law was hurried in to effect by the SCOTUS to benefit Hillary Clinton in the Indiana primary."
This law was used in the 2006 Indiana General Election, how is this now a "hurried" law?
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Mark Cook
said on 5/6/2008 @ 11:31 am PT...
From the article,
"That's a different concern, but still very much a concern. At least, in Indiana (I think), it does no good to go in and alter a Democrat registration to make it Republican, because Republicans can vote in the Democratic primary. I'm not sure it goes the other way though."
Since Indiana does not register voters by party, how would someone "alter a Democrat registration to make it Republican"?
Indiana is an open primary state. A voter can asked for a primary ballot for either party.
"Think about this: You don't have to purge if you can just go in and alter a bunch of spellings, or addresses."
This argument is not based in fact. Indiana's ID law does not require correct address on the ID.
The Indiana SoS website says the id must have a photo, be current, have the voter's name, and be issued by Indiana or the Federal Government. No where does it state that it must have the correct address.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 5/6/2008 @ 12:24 pm PT...
An ID can hardly "be current" if it does not have the correct address on it Mark, and if anyone can ask for the ballot from any party, do you mean to imply that all that caterwauling about Democrats registering aliens and/or dead people is really Republicans requesting Democratic ballots for their perfidy?
Have you thought any of this through?
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
Mark Cook
said on 5/6/2008 @ 1:00 pm PT...
Agent 99, comment #35
"An ID can hardly "be current" if it does not have the correct address".
How does a previous address change the expiration date on an ID card??
The fact is, it doesn't. I pointed out, the Indiana SoS website does not support the argument that an ID is required to have a current address.
I voted in Indiana today, along with several members of my family. I can tell you for a fact that the polls accepted a photo ID with a previous address. They were concerned with the expiration date, not the address on the ID.
Whoever is trying to pass the "current address" is required as fact has not properly educated him/herself on the facts. They are flat out wrong.
As to "crossover voting". Indiana doesn't register voters by party. A voter can ask for either ballot. Having worked elections, I have seen primaries in the past where voters overwhelming decided to vote in one party's primary over another's. I am sure that happened today all over Indiana.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 5/11/2008 @ 11:15 pm PT...
The bottom line is that the elections were stolen in 2000 and 2004. No one wants McCain. No one wants war. This is not a bitterly divided country. The people in charge right now either need to flee to Argentina or be prosecuted.
Obama is going to have to be held accountable. The War Industry must be whittled down by 90%. We need 100% disclosure and accountability with everything.
We need more protests. If McCain is cheated in, then f#!@ it, time to take everything up much more than a notch.
2006 was a big letdown. We are really going to have to hit the streets. Students, Professors, Union leaders, all extra-governmental groups need to mobilize to take back this country.
No more war. No more corruption.