By John Gideon on 5/2/2008, 8:00pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Yesterday Cuyahoga Co announced that in preparation for a lawsuit against Diebold/Premier they were going to have their old DRE voting system inspected by Systest Labs. This is a clear conflict of interest because Systest is presently testing the new Premier Assure voting system for EAC certification. Today the news from Ohio is that Secretary of State Brunner wants to get rid of the requirement that voting systems used in Ohio must be federally tested against the voting systems standards and federally certified. She wants the state to hire a lab to do the work [is there any doubt which lab?] for the state and to the state’s standards. Today’s news was accompanied by a statement that Brunner wants to eliminate the need to have the equipment also meet federal standards for accuracy, security, and reliability. What the reporter, or more likely whomever he spoke with in Brunner’s office, does not understand is that accuracy is a mandate of federal law. HAVA dictates the accuracy of voting machines; not the voluntary voting system standards....

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