On Air in L.A. and Santa Barbara, on the Internet Around the World...
By Brad Friedman on 3/26/2008, 11:12am PT  

[Updated post-show]

The good folks at L.A.'s Pacifica Radio affiliate, KPFK 90.7 FM, have asked me to drop in today from 2p-3p PT to host a "Special Hour of Election Year Coverage."

As you may have guessed, we'll be looking less at the "horse race" and much more at the "track conditions" today. We'll also be giving away a few DVD's of Uncounted to callers, chatting with a few special guests if we have time, and taking your calls and questions --- hopefully lots of 'em --- at: 818-985-5735.

I don't know that I'll have Internet access in the studio, but you can use this item as an Open Thread to talk about me behind my back during the show if you wish.

Tune in live from 2p-3p PT (5p-6p ET) on air in Los Angeles at 90.7 FM, in Santa Barbara at 98.7 FM, or listen live online right here.

Post-Show Update: It was a jam-packed, fast-paced hour! Featuring the latest on the dopes at Sequoia Voting Systems, a quick interview with Matthew Segal of Student Assoc. of Voter Empowerment (SAVE), call-ins from the "Diebold Document Whistleblower" Steve Heller, Tom Courbat of Riverside County, CA, and SAVE R VOTE, L.A. County's Judy Alter of Protect California Ballots, and tons of calls from listeners. Great fun. Thanks to the folks at KPFK. Hope they'll have me back in the future.

Show archive: You can download the MP3 (appx. 55 mins), or listen online here...

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