A Look Back at Our Live 'Reporting' from the Polls Eight Years Ago, During This Last Calm Before the 2008 Storm...
By Brad Friedman on 2/2/2008, 5:04pm PT  

Before I became a real newsman, by the name of Brad Friedman, I played a fake newsman by the name of "Brad Friedman." The results were startlingly similar.

Before we get to this week's Super Duper Tsunami Bloody Tuesday, I thought it might be nice to have a smile before the storm and look back at Super Tuesday 2000. Back when things were still funny.

That year, on March 11th, I headed out to my polling place, with a video camera, as "Brad Friedman," one of the characters I played for a bunch of years on stage in a live comedy show that I co-produced here in Los Angeles called CRIME SCENE. (You can poke around and find some fun stuff to use against me in the old archives here.)

As you'll see in the following (hopefully) amusing video report, some of the candidate names were similar that year. And, as you'll see, then, as now, the line between fake reporting and real reporting was perilously thin. Enjoy...

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