(NOTE: This entry guest blogged by Johnhp)
Howard Dean was placed in the echo chamber by the right (yet again) this week. They are now claiming that he said the Tom "kiss your sweet ass goodbye" Ridge raised terror alerts on a purley political basis.
The folks over at SkewedRepublic have gotten their panties into a serious twist over this suggesting that Gov. Dean "says there is no terror alert that the Bush administration is just using a fear facter because the Bush campaign is in trouble and this is a last ditch effort to win votes!!!"
In fact, the one Skewed who pinted out that such a take was in error was ignored.
One other kook of note also makes the claim that "Screamin' Dean" was all over the news channels saying that the NYC terror alert was nothing more than a political ploy by the Bush administration to keep the voters afraid."
Those of us who saw the interview are completely shocked: