Website Guarantees Results at the Polls Through New Technology...
But Only in E-Voting Jurisdictions...
By Brad Friedman on 10/11/2006, 11:35am PT  

So what shall we make of this?...

Among several of many interesting points on the website...

Winning Elections
The future of election management is today's reality. Election Consultants delivers results - guaranteed.
Outdated Methods
Ineffective strategists, costly marketing and unreliable polls have been a mainstay for centuries of election campaigning. Over hundreds of years, virtually no substantial improvements have been achieved in the reliability of election outcomes... until now.
Guaranteed Results
Election Consultants is so confident in our ability to secure a desirable outcome for your next election, that we guarantee complete satisfaction. If any individual precinct covered by our services fails to deliver promised results, then all service fees will be waived.

EXCLUSION: Guarantee does not include precincts that use non-electronic voting equipment. Click on Technology for a list of supported electronic voting equipment

...And much more. Well, what will they think of next?

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