"Common Cause Says Measure for Emergency Paper Ballots this November Would be 'Ideal'"
(9 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 9/25/2006 @ 5:06 pm PT...
Can this US Congress do the right thing and pass LAVA?
Will it happen???
Put no faith in these robots.
Contact Rep John Conyers jr. in the House or Senator Finegold maybe Senator Boxer (naming her only because she was the only Senator to object to accepting the rigged electoral votes of OH although NV, NM, and FL again were left in the dust) from Bush's last Presidential theft.
Best of luck to you most Honorable American Patriot Friedman AND please tell all if any of the above mentioned respond.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 9/25/2006 @ 5:17 pm PT...
Maybe you can get the kids from Jesus Camp to say a prayer for you!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 9/25/2006 @ 6:13 pm PT...
Hey Brad,
why don't ask a member of Congress (since the majority in Congress represent corporate lobby interests AND specifically oil companies and developers) for the word up on the bill to destroy the Arctic wildlife refuge to be decided in the House which could lower the price of gas 1 penny in 15 years. Or how 'bout the Rep. Pombo (CA) bill to gut the Federal Endangered Species Protection Act all together which already passed the House to be decided in the Senate. Habitat would no longer be protected from such things as pesticides and oil companies and developers would receive big money payouts for NOT DESTROYING WILDLIFE.
AGAIN where's the coverage and outrage in the corporate mass-media???
Applying the Kevin Bacon principle:
We know that Most American jackasses do care about the cost of gas if they care about nuthin else..
Jackass II is widely reported #1 at the box office..
The biggest Jackass in the world is running our country..
Ha ha ha.. Ha ha ha.
So tonight when the greedy criminal lying murderous tool opens his mouth during Monday Night Football i certainly hope GOD causes him to have an out of body experience to say the following:
The US government brought down World Trade building #7 and is partly responsible for 911.
The administration used lies and distorted intelligence to attack Iraq in an act of aggression with the #1 military in world to extract their oil.
Our disregard of all Environmental Scientific evidence supporting the Global Warming Climate Change Crisis as well as reversing over 200 ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS has all been part of our model of greedy human mismanagement to rape and accelerate the destruction of life on this planet.
By controlling the media we have managed to confuse the terrorized American jackass and there is no cause for alarm.
The truth is something inconsequencial that is on a need to know basis only.
The American jackass does not need how we could have avoided the New Orleans destruction and countless deaths which occured under my watch because of my inability to react, however, i George W. Bush promise to remove myself and my corrupt administration immediately from office starting tomarrow for the common good of this country and the world.
Thank you.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 9/25/2006 @ 11:12 pm PT...
I felt burned sending $100 to Common Cause after finding out they weren't even calling for paper ballots a couple of years ago, but I'm a forgiving person and this is good news. If this legislation gets passed, there's NO WAY they're going be able to take the credit away from the man who deserves it the most. Mr. Brad Friedman!
Keith Olberman, believe it or not, Turned the heat up to broil George Bush tonight with his latest and greatest "special comment" called "The End Of The Free Pass".
You could taste and feel Olberman's dissatisfaction with the torture travesty last week, but after Clinton's battle with Chris Wallace on Fox, Keith comes beautifully UNGLUED and punches Bush right in the nose.
Thank you Keith! Go here and click on EMAIL THE SHOW
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 9/26/2006 @ 1:03 am PT...
Unglued is probably a bad description of Keith's "special comment".
Keith could do a perfect delivery if he was being tortured! I'm sure Bush would like to see that tested if he was watching Countdown Monday, but if he realized how many people Keith is speaking for he wouldn't!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 9/26/2006 @ 4:15 am PT...
Olbermann's fury is incomparable. History will remember this guy. If you haven't watched it, do so now. It will raise your spirits to know that this country still has some integrity.
As for LAVA, I have done my part. If you haven't, e-mail your congressmen now.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 9/26/2006 @ 12:36 pm PT...
Well, since I finished with my Congressman and Senator (I'm sorry, I'm not bothering with Smith --- he's a total sell-out to the right wing and I won't waste my time or airminutes on him), I decided to write Keith.
Here's what I said:
Mr. Olbermann & Team:
I watch nothing else on MSNBC but your show. (I watch the west coast repeat at 9 p.m. on Comcast Cable)
I don't know how you are managing to still be on the air, but I am grateful for it. When the history of this period is written, you and your team will be one of the heroes for having the courage to "speak truth to power" at a time when the preponderance of corporate media is either mute, pathetically inadequate or is acting as an outright propaganda arm for the current government. I used to say that "journalism is dead in America" but now I will simply say that "journalism is as rare as a 50 carat diamond in America and Keith Olbermann is one of the few jewels."
I get 95% of my news from the Internet, but you are the other 5% (Stewart and Cobert are fun, but they don't count.)
Thanks again, and watch your backs.
Charlie Lxxxxxxxxx
Portland, OR
It's hard for me to say anything GOOD about the mainstream media, given what damage they have done to our country, but I have to give props where they are due, and Keith and his team are definitely due them.
We'll probably end up sharing a tent in one of the camps.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 9/26/2006 @ 12:54 pm PT...
Actually it would be pretty unhealthy for the Jesus Camp kids to pray to anyone other than George W. Bush because we do not want these kids to use any kind of rational thought processes in their thinking. Jesus Camp is the "missing link gene" and ALL faith should be placed in their savior lord Bush.
You know i remember lord Bushit giving speeches and even though his load of BUSHIT was constantly dripping out the side of his mouth, he generally retained the stylistic appeal of a TV Evangelist Jesus preacher begging for money.
Demonize a country as a terrorist people + actively work to pollute and destroy our natural surrounding =
We know that is written about in your little book so it must be true ain't that right Devil Bush??? i mean leader of losers, cheaters, and a group or greedy criminal warmonger fascists you call your administration, lord presidente Bush.
Do we really need paper ballots to prove you stole the last 2 Presidential elections? NOT when you can put your right hand on the bible and swear to Jesus you phony lying ruster.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 9/26/2006 @ 1:13 pm PT...
(Big) Ed Shultz just gave a the Brad Blog a Nice Big Plug for the: