"'Daily Voting News' For September 12, 2006"
(5 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 9/12/2006 @ 5:04 pm PT...
I already warned you people that the state legislatures have been working steadily under the radar to change election laws to control the results. No one can count on Demeocrats to advocate for the people because it's about keeping the power in the hands of those who already have it and out of the hands of the growing minority who will soon become the majority. As everyone knows, in a democracy, the majority rules (unless there are laws, disenfranchising procedures and a network of corruption to ensure election results.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 9/12/2006 @ 6:16 pm PT...
Since the crocked minority eliminated majoroty rule and took complete control of election results. I was not paying close enough attention to know exactly when it happened but clearly democracy is dead and gone.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 9/12/2006 @ 6:30 pm PT...
Since when is "it's close enough" a good response when talking about our elections?
Agreed - but it is the prevailing attitude at the self-proclaimed "superblogs" - I won't mention any by name, trying to be respectful.
Anyone that claims to want to see postive change but will not discuss the "issues" of vote fraud and electronic voting is actually saying "it's close enough"
Rather than point the fingers at others, let's start in our own backyard - why can't you get any links from or support from the "advertise liberally" crowd.
Its a legitimate point - perhaps a delicate one - but one that will need to be addressed before we can go forward. 92% of American's want free, open verifiable elections - yet the topic is banned on the "superblogs".
Why do they get a free pass and we are just suppose to sit here and complain about the right?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 9/12/2006 @ 11:22 pm PT...
Patriotforpeace..I was banned from two blogs for asking questions about where does your funding come from. Kos"Do you take diebold money?" Americablog"aipac money" for their continuing attacks on Cynthia McKinny. When questioned by other bloggers John said he called McKinny a nutjob because she advocates for palestinians. Firedoglake has done some good work with getting Lieberman out of Conn. so I give them a pass on writing about what the baby is doing and i've got a fresh pot of coffee on. HMMMM.I'm too old for that drivel. Didn't really like it when I was young either.The "liberal" blogs slam people like Alex Jones and Wayne Madsen, although RFK Jr. had them both on Ring of Fire. It's right wing efforts of the DLC. They all know each other and act like the little groups in high school. Currently, I am concerned that up here in Maine the Dem. candidate has a good chance at beating Olympia Snowe and no blog mentions it. She isn't corporate enough. Organic farmer and peace candidate...getting NO MONEY from the dem. party over a technicality. Very similiar to the blogs. You are either with us or against us. It isn't that Jean Hay Brite is winning but Snowe won't meet with families of troops. Mainers support the troops in a big way. There is a big group that meets troops coming home day or night at the airport. Mainers or not . Just to make them feel appreciated. Coming home was a big deal with the Vietnam vets. These people make a difference. Wouldn't be surprised if Snowe loses. Her tv spot does not mention republican. Independent. votes with bushco 80% of the time.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 9/13/2006 @ 9:18 am PT...
... molly said on 9/12/2006 @ 11:22 pm PT...
Good points, but damn it, this is an issue we should be WINNING on - 92 percent of the population wants VERIFIABLE ELECTIONS yet the mainstream media, both parties, and even the so-called-liberal blogs ban it.
Yes, part of it is the click thing and it would be interesting to know more about who finances what. This type of dialog even gets banded here - the comments here tend to be few, so most don't come back often.
If you do, you will see that things get deleted and banned even here - EVEN THOUGH THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THE IMPORTANCE AND VALUE OF THESE ISSUES AND THE WORK IT TAKES TO REPORT ON IT!
Failure to create a dialog about this before the midterms (and it is too late now) just means that the mechanisms and the court decisions are in place now to steal key races. That, in turn, guarantees that chimpy will never be held accountable.
It also means you can kiss Social Security goodbye - just like in 2005, that will be the distraction that prevents us from talking about vote fraud or other important news stories. This time, however, they will probably succeed - after all - even chimpy admits that he has spent the Social Security Trust Fund and refuses to pay it back.
Constitution be damned - and it all started with VOTE FRAUD AND THEFT OF ELECTIONS!