By Brad Friedman on 7/29/2006, 9:39am PT  

Four great letters to the Union-Tribune editor, as published today in reply to their horrendous, irresponsible, factually incorrect and unsigned editorial posted a few days ago (which Emily Levy angrily and adeptly blogged about here a few days ago.)

One of the letters published comes from San Diego County Democractic Party Chair, Jess Durfee, who the original editorial smugly referred to as "the local Democratic Party boss." Biased much, Union-Tribune?

Want an extra laugh? This rightwing rag has been calling themselves a "watchdog" for the people in a series of recent TV ads. No, seriously. That's what they tell people. As laughable: Their published Mission Statement says: "Journalistic excellence is our commitment to readers. Above all, integrity." Apparently, they were just kidding.

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