John Gideon on 5/17/2006, 5:06pm PT
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of and VoteTrustUSA.Org
From Arkansas today we learn that ES&S is selling vvpat thermal paper rolls for $8.50 per roll and each roll will handle around 100 voters. A quick search of paper suppliers shows that the same paper can be purchased retail for $50 to $60 for a case of 50 rolls. ES&S wants to milk and bilk every single penny they can from their customers. A large majority of the news from Pennsylvania was in praise of the myriad of new voting machines being used throughout the state. I'm not sure if this is because everything worked well or because the media has not been given all of the facts. Let's hope it is the former and not the later. There were few voting machine problems reported from Kentucky today. However, some local election officials seem to have found a new way to scam the machines as they tell voters not to finalize their votes. Voters walked away from the machines and poll workers then may have gone in and changed the votes....
NAtional: Diebold - Latest Security Vulnerability in Paperless Electronic Voting
Underscores Urgent Need for Paper Trail; Auditing LINK
MD: Diebold - Worries mount about voting machine security. Critic says new software problem is so bad that he won't detail the vulnerability LINK
NAtional: Train Wreck - More E-voting Concerns Surface with State Primaries Underway LINK
NAtional: Train Wreck - Cold Shoulder for E-voting Whistleblowers LINK
AR: Train Wreck - Voting machines should be ready by Tuesday primary LINK
KY: Garrard County � Train Wreck - Garrard incumbent mulling recanvass request LINK
PA: Train Wreck - Suburbs slow in tabulating totals. Philadelphia had about 100 cases of its 3,500 voting devices malfunctioning early in the day. LINK
PA: Train Wreck - Electronic voting debuts 'smoothly,' though not error-free LINK
PA: Allegheny County � Train Wreck - Problems reported with electronic voting machines LINK
PA: Crawford and Erie Counties � Train Wreck - Electronic Voting Machines Cause Some Problems LINK
PA: Luzerne County � Train Wreck - New voting system brings its share of problems for Luzerne County primary LINK
TX: Jefferson County � Train Wreck - PAISD Board Members Question Integrity Of Electronic Voting LINK
TX: Tom Green County � Train Wreck - Recount sought. Veribest district: Machines didn't count some votes (ES&S) LINK
AL: Worley: Chapman plan is a 'stunt' LINK
AR: All Ark. counties except Jefferson to use electronic machines LINK
AR: Washington County - County's new voting machines to debut during May primaries LINK
AR: White County - Paper shortage for electronic voting machines worries election commission LINK
AZ: ID requirement, polling site changes confuse, rile voters LINK
AZ: Pima County - County puts off buying ballot machines LINK
CA: Alameda County - E-voting consultants seek OK from county LINK
CO: Eagle County - New voting machines to be used this year (Hart) LINK
CO: Garfield County - New electronic voting machines to be in place for next county election LINK
KY: Clay County - Secretary of State to investigate fraud allegations in Clay County LINK
MD: Early voting safe from fraud, Lamone says LINK
MS: Jackson County - Dems to use paper ballots LINK
NY: Voting Machines for Disabled in New York City LINK
NY: Senator seeks $10M to aid disabled voters LINK
NY: State, federal officials near voting-machine deal LINK
OH: Franklin County - Ethics concerns cloud purchase of voting carts LINK
WI: Winnebago County - County rejects grant for voting machines LINK
WV: Candidates seek election recounts LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**