"'Daily Voting News' for November 9, 2005"
(9 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/9/2005 @ 6:38 pm PT...
The funniest part is Clermont County, Ohio is on the list. The same county that had the "glitch" in August that once remedied gave Jean Schmidt the win over Paul Hackett for the House.
I think Clermont is one of the only counties in Ohio that did not go to the new touch screen system. Gee I wonder why.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
George Walker Bullshit
said on 11/9/2005 @ 9:17 pm PT...
I love Ohio!!! Oh how I love Ohio!!!!!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/9/2005 @ 10:08 pm PT...
Here is an Excel Interactive Election Model which you can download and run.
Analyze a 200 trial simulation of 2004 pre-election state and 18 national polls as well as 51 post-election state exit polls and the National Exit Poll.
See why the Final National exit poll time line which matched to a corrupted vote and had Bush a 51-48% winner (1:25pm Nov.3, 2004, 13660 respondents) is bogus (the "How Voted in 2000" demographic weightings are mathematically impossible). And see why the 12:22am NEP (13047 respondents) time line is close to the truth (Kerry won by 51-48%)
A challenge to those who still believe Bush got more votes than Kerry: Play what-if. See if you can come up with just ONE plausible Bush win scenario.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 11/9/2005 @ 11:28 pm PT...
Everything must have gone well. Bernadette Noe assured me we had a good election in Ohio.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 11/10/2005 @ 5:01 am PT...
What a great election day we really put W in his place. This was a sweeping election for all those that are against anything the President does. Before the election the Republicans had 28 State Governors and now they have...... lets see.....24,25 ...... um um ....... 28 .. that can't be right. 28??? Someone help me here.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 11/10/2005 @ 5:38 am PT...
I am happy the elections have produced Democratic office holders. I want to know in fairness, however, how were these elections conducted. How did they differ in handling from the previous, seriously impaired elections that Brad and others have criticized? I too think the 2000 and 2004 elections exposed great problems, possily deceit and tampering. I think an examination of the present cycle also deserves attention to see if they were any fairer, or if the results were perhaps closer than they appear. What do you think?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 11/10/2005 @ 6:49 am PT...
Gtash - I agree that all the results demand great scrutiny. I myself believe that there is a certain point of unpopularity beyond which even Diebold can't help.
Ho Commander - It's always nice to hear from you - it means we're on the right track!
Love and Peace to all my fellow Bradvillians, from Prague!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 11/10/2005 @ 7:17 am PT...
MoveOn was scapegoated as a left-wing organization of "outside agitators," in the same way civil rights workers from the North were stigmatized during the 1960s.
MoveOn is a good-government organization. To the G.O.P. in Ohio, clean government is a left-wing concept. When crooks can't defend their own conduct, they always respond by defaming their critics.
Ohio won't change until Ohioans demand change, and that means getting rid of Blackwell, Ney, both Noes, Taft, Petro, LoParo, and most of all Diebold and the cesspool of corruption that surrounds it.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 11/10/2005 @ 1:40 pm PT...
It would be nice if the MSM would open up and discover the story ... the story of the sorry state of elections here in the US.
We used to be the example to which various international organizations looked. Amnesty International, for example, held us in the highest regard up until the past few years. After bu$hit took over, things in the neighborhood went downhill fast.
As a microcosm of american politics of the last few years, therefore, I offer this story:
The winner of a school board election didn't campaign, attend forums or even go to any school board meetings before the vote - because he was in jail.
(link here).