"MTP VIDEO: Jefferson Parish Prez --- in Tears --- Begs for FEMA Help"
(152 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 10:18 am PT...
Un-f#cking-believeable! I cannot comprehend how this could happen in America!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 10:41 am PT...
Jesus Christ. Why isn't the head of FEMA in handcuffs?
Welcome, Al Qaida. Do your worst. We can't handle it.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:00 am PT...
Its crews can get in but rescue crews can't ? In the flooded areas, they are using jet ski's...has anyone thought to use bullhorns to call out...people without water and food for days are passing in and out of consciousness.
In the impassable areas, if any are...helicopters could get in and out.
What is the problem?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:04 am PT...
The whole republican party that voted to slash Corps of Engineers money should be tried for treason, or for that matter, every politition that voted to short change that shit
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:08 am PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:11 am PT...
The whole republican party that voted to slash Corps of Engineers money should be tried for treason, or for that matter, every "politician" that voted to short change that shit (my bad)
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:11 am PT...
Notice that the government lowered the flags to half-staff now that Chief "Justice" Reinquist died... Old white Reinquist who lived a long life of privilege...But weren't lowered to half-staff for the THOUSANDS of dead who drowned, dying untimely deaths because of government criminal negligence from Hurricane Katrina...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:15 am PT...
Hi, Floridiot #4 - Yes, a list of names of who voted "for and against" needs to be made and published, so that everyone is informed every day right up to ELECTION DAY! Maybe then a few lemming-like Republicans might have the fear of God strike them, or the fear of death from another "Bush" failure strike them, and they might vote for the MOST QUALIFIED PERSON WITH THE BEST POLICIES FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, WHO DOES NOT HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF LYING, instead of behaving in the typical brainless fashion.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:16 am PT...
Please come to Washington September 24. Let's make the demonstration as big as the 1963 civil rights demo. These criminals have to go.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:17 am PT...
Watch, their going to use Marshall Law to hold down the body count, what you can't count don't matter, (like votes ?)
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:28 am PT...
I'll bet, even Tauzin (sp?) voted against his own district on Corps expenditures, because it probably had some Big Oil cleanup law in the bill
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
kelly Somacal
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:31 am PT...
I am totally smelling not just incompetence but outright malice. CUTTING the emergency phone lines...WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO ? They caused two more individuals, that could be out doing evacuation or rescue, to be taken off point so they can guard the phone lines. Coast guard says come and get fuel so you can run generators and equipment, burn fuel just to make over to dock, only to find out FEMA says no. Wal-Mart sends water and FEMA says they don't need it. I AM AMAZED!!!!! I also heard a man in Biloxi was registered with FEMA in case of a natural disaster, because he has a meat warehouse. He called for two or three days but they never came........he was already registered and he called and called and called but they never even tried to come. The meat just rotted. It could have fed 20,000 people for three days, according to him. It is criminal, heads should roll including the almighty GWB.....just because he kissed a poor, black lady doesnt mean he really cares. He only began to care when it became apparent he was losing percentage points on polls.....what a lame, spineless, dimwit....the blood of thousands more now cover his hands.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:32 am PT...
I read in another editorial today (can't remember where) that we should know that Louisiana isn't far behind Mississippi as the most corrupt state in the Union, with more political and law-enforcement people in jail or under indictment than anywhere else. Where do you think these relief dollars are going to go?
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:33 am PT...
Sorry, Hi Peggy,(so pissed off I didn't read up before posting)
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:40 am PT...
Day 6 A.K. (After Katrina) --
People are STILL trapped in Attics, on Rooftops, Flooded In Homes & DIEING --
AND the Federal Authorities are STILL PROMISING the "CAVALRY IS COMING"
Why did the President ONLY refer to LA as " your part of the WORLD"?? (As though Louisiana is in some Third World Country!!)
Why has FEMA been TURNING DOWN OFFERS of Help from other Countries as well as from Americans?? (City of Chicago offered FEMA Rescue Squads, Policemen, Trucks, other Equipment --- FEMA STILL hasn't called them back!!??)
The ONLY thing that seems to be working well is the National Guard (finally arrived on Friday) & LOCALS TAKING THE INITIATIVE & TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN!! These FEMA officials obviously had no clue how to deal with a well-anticipated disaster that's been predicted for years. I am a New Orleans native and currently live on the fringe of the impacted area. I just saw the officials from Plaquemines and St. Bernard parishes (completely under water since the storm hit) on local TV saying they only saw federal officials in their parishes yesterday. St. Bernard is using the Canadian Mounties (they know how to get the job done!) and State Wildlife and Fisheries personnel to assist with house to house search and rescue. They have 4 National Guard in Plaquemines Parish who rode out the storm with them. It is day 6 and the federal help is just starting. They are just starting to find the people who died in their attics over the last 6 days. Could the feds be any more incompetent if they tried? Or are they deliberately this incompetent? Was Rumsfeld in charge?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:45 am PT...
It is heartbreaking to hear Cindy's narration. Again, there is something we can all do. Donate and IMPEACH! If bush and co. are left to their devices, more people will die! We all know the evil in power now. IMPEACH is the answer!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:49 am PT...
I am enraged!
This administration must be forcibly removed before one more american dies.
I am ready to march into Washington and physicaly drag these bastards out.
They should spend the rest of their natural lives imprisoned for the horrendous crimes they are perpetuating on our citizens.
Sign me up. I'll bring my own pitchfork!
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:55 am PT...
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 11:56 am PT...
"Operation Genocide II" is the name of this diaster
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 12:02 pm PT...
If George Bush was CEO of any company, he would have been fired a long time ago for gross incompetence. Why is he still CEO of the U.S?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 12:06 pm PT...
Impeach??!!! Impeach??!!!!
My good American friends, this Man who I've been dishonoring in every post that I have written in the past 2 years should be locked up with the likes of Saddam Hussein for the rest of his natural life!!!
Him, the FEMA director, and the rest of these giggling lying murderous sociopaths you have in power right now!!!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 12:07 pm PT...
I have seen so much goverment incompetence at all levels it makes me wonder why do we even have a government. I'm not just talking at the federal level either. The City of New Orleans left in a flooded parking lot about 200 buses that could have been used to evacuate citizens out of the area.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 12:20 pm PT...
Doesn't matter Will,
FEMA told them they would be there, and they didn't show
They(Feds) froze every independant operation that was going on at the time and didn't really start gearing up until after the photo-ops
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
kelly Somacal
said on 9/4/2005 @ 12:30 pm PT...
Incompetence maybe one way of seeing the State's behavior in this situation. I see the feds as being outright harmful, not stupid, not ill-prepared but malicious. Why would they cut the phone lines? Why would they turn awat trucks with water? It is murder! They murdered those people and we witnessed it....we have video tape of it...and I pray to God that we never forget it. GWB and all of his political hacks are murderers and I will never forget it.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 1:10 pm PT...
there is too much information out there now for this to be described as "incompetence" - that's too simple of a solution. Just like with 9/11, WMD, etc. our "leaders" got faulty intellegence, government agency's "dropped the ball", "failed to communicate" with each other.
As George W. Bush once said, "Fool me once, shame on me again...."
As it is hard to believe that 9/11 was a result of our entire government/military/air defense/CIA/ FBI all being simultaneously incompetent - so too is the current scenario.
Just as with NORAD on 9/11, I believe that a "stand down" order was issued or implied here.
Simultaneous across-the-board incompetence (to me) doesn't seem as plausible as purposeful wanton neglect/disregard/call it what you will.
I agree with Floridiot (#19). If this were happening in Darfor, Cambodia, (insert 3rd world country here) - what would we be calling this?
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 1:44 pm PT...
Let me get this straight. We had a Category five hurricane bearing down on a city that was many feet below sea level. Experts have predicted a catastrophe in New Orleans for decades.
People were told to evacuate or die. They chose to stay and die.
We are shocked and outraged. Damn that GOVERNMENT!!!!!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:04 pm PT...
They (the poor) didn't have the cash to get out,
end of the month and all, paid their rent and they were tapped out, I was even suprised for NO that the poverty level is as low as it is, even with a service economy
Don't spin the "blame the poor people" too much, it won't fly here, that's just neo-con spin to me
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Shelby Jackson
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:08 pm PT...
There is so much wrong it is hard to know where to start! But I would like to know if the multi-billion dollar corporations that own those nursing homes considered EVACUATING THEIR RESIDENTS! And I'm kind of wondering where the CEO and directors were? That goes for the hospitals too....
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:08 pm PT...
Horses Arse #26
Wrong on all points. You are as aware as you need to be to lead FEMA or Homeland Insecurity.
Read the facts sometime once you find out where they come from.
Clue: it is not from dorky talking point memos of sycophantic incompetents.
It is from levee scientists and engineers ...
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
Michael McAuliffe
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:09 pm PT...
As powerful an indictment of the ruling red elite this is, what immediately follows on the show is the other shoe dropping. Russert cuts away from Broussard to give him time to compose himself, and picks up with Haley Barbour. Barbour's demeanor and party line endorsement of the Federal response is stark enough contrast to Broussard, but then he says (not an exact quote) "I don't know about Louisiana, but Mississippi bore the brunt of the storm" in an unconscionable attempt to trivialize Broussard's tale.
The show's director put up a great split screen shot showing Barbour's aloof attitude, while Broussard was sobbing at the human tragedy. Can there be a better example of the Republic disconnect?
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:11 pm PT...
Is this really happening in the country that calls itself the world's only superpower? Many countries in Europe immediately offered help, but this was declined almost a week ago. Today, America has swallowed its pride and asked Europe for help so we are sending food and water (500,000 food packs are leaving the UK tonight).
The damning part of the interview with the President of Jefferson Parish is prehaps the point that Walmart sent a truck (and we presume it wasn't a pick-up but a large one) full of bottled water to the area, and it was turned back with the FEMA saying it wasn't needed. At least Walmart tried to help with the one thing that is vital to life, just like European countries did a week ago.
Alas, America, which does not have too much credibility in the rest of the world, has a lot less now.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:11 pm PT...
You Americans are nice people, but your leaders, the elite are evil bastards, offspring of murderers and rapists. They are conducting themselves as the selfish pricks they were brought up to be. i believe that they are trying to provoke you, the 'poorer class' (anybody that makes less than 1 mil a year) so that they can kill you off, claiming self-defence. Please be careful, Americans, and know that the world is watching too. there is much to be learned from Mahatma Ghandi, whose peaceful principles brought the entire economy of his country to a standstill, and outraged the world, forcing the brutal overlords out.
i am praying for you all.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:18 pm PT...
Did the indigent in nursing homes choose to stay? Did those bed-ridden in hospitals choose to stay? How were those without cars supposed to get out?
That argument is just naive. Sure, there were probably a few people who chose to stay for whatever insane reason - there always is. But the bulk of the people there - the poor, the sick, the elderly - had no options. The buses could have arrived prior to the storm to help these people out. They didn't.
Our government basically abandoned them to their fate, with people like FEMA chief Brown spewing the same line of logic - we told them to leave. They bear some of the responsibility.
It's disgusting.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Jeff J.
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:45 pm PT...
This is just heartbreaking. I could not believe the clarity, certainty and forcefulness of this incredible human being (Broussard). And to watch him lose it while relating that final story was beyond words.
I agree with most of the comments posted here, The witchdoctor at the top of the totem pole that Broussard talked about is obviously George W. Bush. The words of “comfort” that he had to offer during one of his photo-op press conferences (“…I look forward to sitting on that porch (of Trent Lott’s fantabulous new home that’ll rise out of the ashes of this national disaster...”) surely comforted the starving, dehydrated survivors, waiting for the promised relief from this administration, who’s heads are so far up their assholes they can’t smell the hopelessness, death and despair they have wrought to the region. Yes, Mr. Broussard, this totem pole must be chain sawed off at the TOP, along with all the incompetent cronies who were hired by this criminal, who have killed thousands upon thousands of Americans through their negligence and opportunistic priorities.
Broussard’s emotional plea, when he scolded the Secretary to JUST SHUT UP and SEND US SOMEBODY, along with Mayor Nagin’s admonishments on Friday are the clearest, most heart wrenching condemnation I’ve heard yet of Bush & company’s incompetence, negligence & malice. Bureaucracy has indeed committed murder, and this totally avoidable tragedy was caused by the same administration that allowed 3,000 American deaths in New York in 2001 and 2,000 American deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan the past two years, almost smacks of GENOCIDE. Why would FEMA cut Broussard’s emergency communication lines? Why would FEMA turn back a truckload of bottled water from WalMart? Why did FEMA order the Coast Guard to deny Broussard the shipment of diesel fuel from a barge in Jefferson Parish? Why is the Red Cross not being allowed into the area? Indeed there needs to be a Congressional investigation into these matters, and I suspect that all roads will lead to Rome in these disasters: That this administration is criminal, and deserve to be tried for treason and put behind bars (or worse).
Broussard said it all when he said “We need strong leadership at the top of America RIGHT NOW!” Then he expertly cut Russart to the bone and left him speechless when he replied to Russart’s accusations of blame towards the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of New Orleans (what an idiot!) when he gave the three examples of FEMA’s incompetence (or malice?) listed above.
Broussard ends the interview in tears, crying “Nobody’s coming to get us…Nobody’s coming to get us” which left me in tears as well. And that about sums up how the unelected “leadership” in Washington is “representing” the people of this country: by abandoning them in their utmost moment of need. Too busy playing golf and congratulating themselves. I have never seen a government more disconnected from reality, and it’s costing us the lives of thousands upon thousands of our citizens. Bush reducing funding for critical governmental programs like FEMA (and the civil engineering projects in New Orleans that were underway to shore up the levy system) to fund tax cuts for the rich and an illegal war in Iraq are criminal acts, and he needs to be held accountable for these tragedies, along with all the criminals he’s hired to run this government.
And by the way, where the hell has Vice President Cheney been through all of this? Never mind, I don’t really want to know because I suspect he’s gearing up Halliburton to figure out how to make to most profit out of this disaster, after Halliburton was awarded another contract to rebuild naval facilities damaged by Hurricane Katrina. (See http://www.halliburtonwa...s/hurricane_katrina.html )
There is only one solution to this nightmare of government, and we cannot afford to wait any longer for this administration to cause more devastation to our country. They all need to be impeached and tried for treason. How much more can we tolerate?
My heartfelt condolences go out to all the people from the Gulf Coast affected by this disaster. I cannot fathom the suffering and abandonment you must be feeling and I've made the meager donation I can at this time to assist you. I just don't understand why my tax dollars aren't reaching you.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 2:58 pm PT...
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 3:42 pm PT...
Seriously, I know you lieftist types love centralized power, but do you think EVERYTHING happens in Washington?
The feds said that NO must be evacuated on SATURDAY.
The mayor of NO waited until SUNDAY to declare an evac.
Why were hundreds up on hundreds of NO city school busses left abandoned when they could have evacuated the poor?
You should find out the answers to this before you start squaling about the feds.
PS: It took NINE days for fed help to arrive after hurricane Andrew.
PPS: This storm hit a HELL of a lot more places than NO. Do you know how well the recovery is doing there? Do you care about those people if they can't be used to further your political dreams?
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 3:49 pm PT...
You know we sure talk a lot in America, but we never do anything. There is plenty of evidence to suggest conspiracies on our voting system that put Bush in America. There is plenty of evidence to suggest conspiracies, along with the LIES of Iraq. There is plenty of evidence to suggest conspiracies over 9-11. There is evidence to suggest conspiracies, on New Orleans, because in the USA it does not take the military 4-5 days to bring AID.
And it is a FACT that our Constitutional rights are being stripped away on a daily basis.
What I want to know is if, ONE most Americas realise the OATH a solider takes in the USA?
It is to defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.
Are we trying to say that we do not have enough evidence to try someone here in a court of law, or bring justice to our country against a Domestic enemy?
If you do not know this, then we better start waking up, because the evidence is overwhelming.
PEOPLE, it is time to WAKE UP, and take this country of ours back. Personally I'm tired of all the talk, Americans 150 years ago would of had more sense, taken up arms, and taken back their land from the CORRUPT man.
Does not anyone realise that America is a land:
My God when will we wakeup???
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
J V Heinert
said on 9/4/2005 @ 3:50 pm PT...
I am glad to read the comments on the blog calling for
impeachment for all these incompetent, malicious,
selfish, mendacious bastards running this country.
Call your congressperson and demand that articles of
impeachment be introduced. Or we could just march on
the White House and confront this wicked power on
September 24th...Also, visit:
The ImpeachBush movement headed by Ramsey Clark has
the draft of articles of impeachment prepared,
although the failure to his regime to protect the
people of the gulf coast through cuts in funding to
the Corps of Engineers and FEMA and the gross
mismanagement of the crisis in New Orleans, must still
be added to the bill of particulars...
He should be strung up and hanged.
Death to tyrants out of touch with reality.
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 3:56 pm PT...
Sept. 24, I'll be there, and I'll be glad to rush the fucking White House w/ a pitchfork. Seems to me like lynching might not be such a bad idea, in the case of these thugs.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 4:30 pm PT...
This is genocide. It doesn't have to be called a conspiracy theory. A good friend of mine knew a black woman brought up in NO, Like a high priestess in voodoo. Healed the community of ANY illness. Went to church. Good soul. The voodoo on this administration for killing these people and destroying NO is going to be something to see.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 4:39 pm PT...
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 6:19 pm PT...
I talked to the local coordinator for our relief effort just a few minutes ago. Last time I talked to him, he said, "We are making a schedule, we'll let you know when we need you." This time he said, "Look, we're there, day and night, and we are swamped - just come".
My heart is broken and I am tired, but yeah, I'll show up - just like hundreds of others will show up. I still don't know how many more are coming from the coast - I'm not sure anyone does - but we'll find a place for them, and we'll feed them, and we'll comfort them. I think all of us realize we're not really that far from being in the same position - our place in this world is fragile - our lives can change forever in just a heartbeat.
I got a notice through a homeschooler's network, they're going to the shelter just to play with the kids - something so simple, but so important in this time of sadness.
I'm holding my family close to me tonight - well, as close as a 13 year old will allow. I suggest everyone else do the same - and as we eat our evening meals, consider how fortunate we are.
To those who are giving donations of time, money, and food - thank you...thank you sooo very much. You have no idea how important your efforts are, and how much they are appreciated. And please, forgive my outburst on another thread, I was tired and frustrated but that's no excuse for bad manners, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my language.
I'll be busy for the next few days - actually for as long as they need me - at the distribution center and shelters. I'll try to check in to see what's going on, but if I don't get to post, I'll simply ask that you just please, please, keep giving - you are saving lives.
Let me know if anything exciting happens, y'all know how to find me..well, some of you do - and the rest can figure it out
Keep watching, and keep making noise!!!!
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 9/4/2005 @ 6:28 pm PT...
Bush's government has in its design, cuts to render public services (FEMA for instance) impotent. Going back to the Guilded Age, where government serves the rich, like they think it should, because they pay more taxes. There are no mistakes here, with the 9/11 response and the Hurricane Katrina response...
For Want Of A Nail
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 6:58 pm PT...
I haven't heard one Bush supporter say "Thank God Bush is in office instead of Gore" like they did on 9/11. Those assholes are in hiding now and they better stay there. Lousy hypocrites. Jesus just told Bush He never wanted Him to be President - it was the devil Bush heard whispering in his ear. Intelligent design failure.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 7:33 pm PT...
Pardon me if this has been posted before. I didn't get a chance to read all the comments. This article is scary.
An emerging power struggle
Washington Post Sept. 4, 2005
Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, a source within the state's emergency operations center said Saturday.
The administration had sought control over National Guard units, normally under control of the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request, noting that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law. State authorities suspected a political motive behind the request. "Quite frankly, if they'd been able to pull off taking it away from the locals, they then could have blamed everything on the locals," said the source, who is an adviser and does not have the authority to speak publicly.
Blanco made two moves Saturday that protected her independence from the federal government: She created a philanthropic fund for the state's victims and hired James Lee Witt, Federal Emergency Management Agency director in the Clinton administration, to advise her on the relief effort.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 9/4/2005 @ 8:01 pm PT...
There are some relevant links over on another thread, and it looks like they are from different commenters than are on this thread. So, you may want to read this, this, this, and this.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 8:46 pm PT...
To paraphrase Palonius, "...If this be incompetence then there is method in it". Strange how nicely this disaster parots the 911 disater: bush low in the polls, bush needing a Pearl Harbor event, bush in the clear skies of Nebraska pictured with his phone at his ear, bush the 'hero'--and in the wake of Katrina: bush low in the polls, bush needing a 911 event, bush in the clear safe skies pictured looking out at the disaster 2000 feet below.
Everything was 'stand down' in 911, allowing the event to go as 'planned'.
Everything was (is) 'stand down' with Katrina, allowing the storm to produce maximum devistation.
A giddy george becomes a 'war pResident' after 911.
A giddy george becomes a comforter-in-chief after
A giddy george reads a child book while 911 plays out.
A giddy george Guitars while Katrina plays out.
"Watch this swing!"
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 8:49 pm PT...
That's the short version, there is so much more!
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 8:58 pm PT...
anybody heard about people having their cameras taken so no pictures can come out ?
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 9/4/2005 @ 9:37 pm PT...
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Scott Richman
said on 9/4/2005 @ 9:54 pm PT...
I'll say it again!
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 4:51 am PT...
New Orleans is a city that is 6 to 13 feet below sea level. In order to keep the city dry on regular days there are massive generators pumping out the water every second of the day and night.
There is only so much man can do.
We are not in control. We are not G-d.
I'm not saying this is G-d's fault, no.
But I don't think it's right to blame anybody either.
It's no secret that New Orleans has been in trouble for a long long time.
I realize that many people in this situation are poor and didn't have enough money or a vehicle to get out. But on the other hand, they don't seem too poor to have lots of kids they cannot afford either. Where are the people's priorities? I think the government should sterilize them all!
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Debbie Jean
said on 9/5/2005 @ 5:44 am PT...
I would like to thank Aaron Brousard for telling how he helped his fellow citizens. There was also a gentleman in a row boat (flat boat?) who saved more than 400 neighbors stranded in flooded houses. He is a hero. This population needed help immediately when the levees broke. I was horrified to see that two hospitals were not immediately evacuated due to loss of power, food, and water. Those who participated in saving lives are terrific--thank you. Communication seemed lacking. The military drops flyers telling what is going on in an emergency situation--the news media knew more than the people of New Orleans knew during this after-the-storm evacuation. My heart goes out to those impacted by Katrina. I was glad to see the food and water drops occurring--basic human needs (as seen on TV). Thanks to those who are helping now and in the many months to come in helping these people get back on their feet. We love you.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Charlie B
said on 9/5/2005 @ 7:08 am PT...
Too bad ole king George had to cut his vacation short to fly over the devastated area!
The WX people spend a lot of time trying to warn people of WX events such as these in advance.
I say George had the power and knowledge to do something in advance but did nothing... A real leader would have said Damm the torpedoes and got the help on their way before the cane ever hit.
Get rid of the pretender. I can't stand to even listen to him because he can't even make a good speach.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 8:17 am PT...
We need to motivate folks - particularly Congresscritters - toward snuffing the spin cycle before it gets up any steam. I don't want the media to allow false claims by "a senior WH official" to be published without challenge, and - if those "senior White House officials" are purposely lying - I want their names demanded so the public and media will know they have been lied to.
I've already started some degree of this.
Congressman Conyers has an entry on his blog, "Better late than never", where he's looking for more actions that Congress can take to help the victims of Katrina and ensure that such never happens again.
I posted the following:
Congressman - Please post in all locations to which you have access (Here, DailyKOS, TPMCafe, BradBlog, AlterNet, wherever) a short and simple statement condemning the attempts by the Administration to shift blame to the Louisiana officials. WaPo and Newsweek both recently failed to validate (purposely?) stories reporting that the Governor of Louisiana failed to declare a state of emergency.
She not only declared one, she did it before the storm actually hit.
Here's the link to the declaration on the State of Louisiana site:
Joshua Micah Marshall over at Talking Points Memo relates the facts. Here's the link:
(the previous two items by him also elaborate on it.)
Please help kill the spin.
Only by direct, factual contradiction by yourself and any other Congressional members can the type of misleading malfeasance be nipped in the bud.
Without the help of you and your peers, and without calling for the revelation of the identities of those who planted these stories as well holding the media over the fire for not verifying them, more disasters on the scale of New Orleans cannot be avoided.
To all others who read this:
Help kill the spin. Spread this around.
This must stop. We must no longer permit the leadership and politicians to lie and make it sound legal and legitimate by misnaming it as "spin". They must now be held accountable.
We have let it go this far, but no further.
C'mon, people - help kill this spin cycle before it really gets off the ground.
And demand the identity of those "senior WH officials" who are lying to us. Tell the media that if it's Rove - particularly in light of Plamegate - then he needs to be exposed. And arrested.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 8:19 am PT...
This is complete insanity, what is happening on the gulf coast. I am sick and tired of the citizens of New Orleans being called refugees. America may treat them like third-world citizens but they are not. I can get out of my head the lady at the convention center cleaning up in the hopes that someone will come and help them. I say it now America is dead and revolution begins.
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 9:55 am PT...
"Notice that the government lowered the flags to half-staff now that Chief "Justice" Reinquist died... Old white Reinquist who lived a long life of privilege...But weren't lowered to half-staff for the THOUSANDS of dead who drowned, dying untimely deaths because of government criminal negligence from Hurricane Katrina...
I noticed that, too. Oh man, my blood was fucking boiling.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
kelly Somacal
said on 9/5/2005 @ 10:30 am PT...
Something else I found to be a clear view of how the government feels about the poor. When they came back from their recess the first order of business was to repeal the estate tax....before the supplemental aid for the katrina disaster was voted on. Let's take care of our rich buddies and ourselves then we'll think about what can done to save those poor people that are drowning and starving and being raped and shot and held hostage by the national guard. Fuckers!!!!!!
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 10:39 am PT...
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 11:00 am PT...
Valley Girl #46
Just the other night I watched a show on cable - I believe it was on National Geographic Channel. They were showing a documentary on the levees etc in New Orleans and the potential for this disaster. The time reference was up to 20 years in the future. It pretty much laid out everything that actualy happened very accuratly.
Within the document, whenever a prediction was made, they inserted current film of what actualy happened.
It was amazing how accurate their predictions were.
I missed the beginning so I don't know how recent the documentary was, but I got the feeling it was very current.
It's interesting to come here on the weekend, lots of different folks here. Good to see.
My prayers and tears to those affected by this.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
imaginary dana
said on 9/5/2005 @ 11:50 am PT...
Thanks for this great post.
My question though --- why is "Calvary" always in caps? I might be a geeky editor, but I see no reason, except that it's a Christian reference to The Road to Calvary:
I first noticed this on, where the homepage on Thursday was a photo of Bush hugging a victim, with the heading "Calvary" Arrives --- as if Bush were somehow comparable to Jesus...?
"The last week of Christ's life before His crucifixion, saw many prophecies fulfilled and demonstrated the compassion of Jesus upon both His friends and enemies. "
How disgusting...
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Jesus, it's cavalry. C-A-V-A-L-R-Y!!!
AS IN "The freaking cavalry did not arrive SOON ENOUGH!"
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
mike midnight
said on 9/5/2005 @ 12:38 pm PT...
I hate politics in general but this is some real sh!t!!!
someone needs to be held accountable for the weeks worth of neglect. turning wal mart around after there stores have been cleaned out by looters ? when they are trying to drop some humanitarian aid ? - I wouldent doubt it if some of the big oil companys are profiting from this - fu#$ bush and cheney !!!!
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 12:45 pm PT...
Response to # 36 - Yes - that was true and Bush Sr. was President. Like father, like son.
In 1995 - FEMA responded in HOURS to a Category 4 hurricane in St. Thomas - that's right - an island received FEMA aid in hours after a storm!
In Louisiana and Mississippi, all FEMA had to do was drive in.
Having lived in Florida, the Caribbean and New Orleans at various times since 1979, I have become all too familiar with hurricanes. These experiences have also given me a benchmark for post-storm relief efforts by FEMA.
The worst storm I lived through was Hurricane Marilyn (Cat. 3/4) which hit St. Thomas, USVI on the evening of September 15, 1995. The entire island was devastated, with 80% of homes damaged - sound familiar?
On the morning of September 16, a few HOURS after the storm had passed, FEMA was already flying in and delivering relief supplies.
A summary of FEMA's response in St. Thomas is found at:
This begs the question: What has happened to FEMA?
Ten years ago, this was an organization that learned from prior catastophies (like Hurricane Andrew), built upon that knowledge, and improved its response to disasters.
FEMA's weak response now shows that the organization has leadership problems and is a shadow of its former self.
Therefore, I was not surprised to learn that the current administration appointed an estate attorney who had no experience with disaster relief to head FEMA.
I was even more shocked to find out he had been terminated (forced to resign?) from a position at the Int'l Arabian Horse Association.
It sickened me to watch Bush praise the efforts of his friend "Brownie" (FEMA Director Mike Brown)
on Friday.
The people of New Orleans, and America for that matter, deserve better.
They at least deserve the FEMA organization of 10 years ago - that was able to respond to a devastated island within hours.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 1:13 pm PT...
...yeah, watch Brownie get some sort of promotion, thats how it works in BushWorld. Its so obvious we have a fake president, who has no capacity for critical thought, problem-solving, working without a carefully staged script reading when he is in public. Again to state the obvious: the child-President is in way over his head in this job.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 1:25 pm PT...
The murderous thugs and the freepers who still support them are just as guilty of murder. REDRUM :crazy:
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT...
Too bad we cant choose to pay taxes. This is not worth having a government for. They are allowing anarchy down there. This is so angering.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 2:23 pm PT...
I see no point in impeaching Bush because another evil bastard will take his place. We need to shake up the whole system and rattle out all the broken parts first. Then we can go about repairing the governement. In order to remove an infection you must sterilize the entire wound...
By any means necessary. Peaceful demonstrations are nice but ultimately ineffective. It's time to take more aggressive action.
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:11 pm PT...
I'm glad the whole world is watching. I'm glad this is being recorded and shown around the globe.
As ashamed as I am of my government right now, I know it's important that it's not presented as just a PARTISAN issue - but as a humanitarian FAILURE.
The folks in the White House are completely out of touch with reality (witness the fact that on the day thousands drowned, our leaders decided it was a good time to be on vacation) - but we can NOT let them slide the blame on this one, as we have on so many before.
Keep your eyes and ears open.
This is the Bush legacy.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:14 pm PT...
BTW, my dad, who voted Republican in every election until Bush, made the comment last night - "If only this had happened during the FIRST term, so the rest of the country could have known what a spoiled brat Bush really is!"
For the first time in my life, my parents and I are on the same side politically.
I figured out why.
For the first time in THEIR lives, they are retired, on fixed incomes, and not in the best of health.
Makes ya think.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:18 pm PT...
I am personally willing to bet money that somewhere high up in the Bush administration; the devestation in New Orleans was somehow compared to "Sodem and Gamora" and equated this catastraphy to God smiting sinners.
I believe that Kanye West undershot the mark with his comments "George Bush dosen't care about black people". It would be closer to the mark to say that George Bush dose not care about the people who don't fit into his narrow world view. George Bushes actions of exclusion of anyone who dosen't share his narrow beliefs show him to be a facist tyrant, not a racist.
I also bet that some of the money taken from FEMA was problally paid in one way (i mean war) or another to HALLIBURTON or someone else in the Chainey gang; and that they (CHAINEY GANG) will probally get some other business opertunity to profit from the KATRINA catastrophy. Plus, rest assured; they (CHAINEY GANG) will receive excutive bonuses instead of receiving prison sentences.
Sure, the director of FEMA will probally be made the SOLE skape goat and fired. After a severa year Congressional Investigation (lasting beyond the next election cycle) that in no way adresses the actions of the budget comittee itself. And when the director of FEMA is fired, rest assured he can sing "Don't Cry For Me LOUSIANA",
because there will be a lucrative position waiting for him at some HALLIBURTON subsidary.
I have friends and family in New Orleans who have lost everything but their lives. I doubt Bush will even lose sleep.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:18 pm PT...
You CAN choose to direct your taxes to a holding group, in protest of your taxes going towards wars. I read it in American Free Press. More and more people are doing it. I believe, that you still have to pay it, but to an anti-war holding group (I'm going by memory from an article I read). I'll have to look it up again, but I believe you can legally do this. Does anyone know what % of our taxes go towards war & military? Is it over 50%?
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:30 pm PT...
how about all you bush vashing morons blame the state of louisiana gov first.
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:31 pm PT...
you know the truth will come out. it will be all you fucken dam liberals who will lose again.The federal goverment is doing the job the local which is run by demcrates failed again.Now they are covering there ASS again.THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT.FUCK THE DEMOCRATES
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:40 pm PT...
HEY ITS NICE TO HEAR FROM the bitch in the ditch CINDY GO HOME
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:43 pm PT...
The following is a reposting of my statement from before with a correction of the word order in the first sentences. Sorry if it came off too confusing.
I am personally willing to bet money that somewhere high up in the Bush administration; somehow compared the devestation in New Orleans to "Sodem and Gamora" and equated this KATRINA catastraphy to God smiting sinners.
I believe that Kanye West undershot the mark with his comments "George Bush dosen't care about black people". It would be closer to the mark to say that George Bush dose not care about the people who don't fit into his narrow world view. George Bushes actions of exclusion of anyone who dosen't share his narrow beliefs show him to be a facist tyrant, not a racist.
I also bet that some of the money taken from FEMA was problally paid in one way (i mean war) or another to HALLIBURTON or someone else in the Chainey gang; and that they (CHAINEY GANG) will probally get some other business opertunity to profit from the KATRINA catastrophy. Plus, rest assured; they (CHAINEY GANG) will receive excutive bonuses instead of receiving prison sentences.
Sure, the director of FEMA will probally be made the SOLE skape goat and fired. After a severa year Congressional Investigation (lasting beyond the next election cycle) that in no way adresses the actions of the budget comittee itself. And when the director of FEMA is fired, rest assured he can sing "Don't Cry For Me LOUSIANA",
because there will be a lucrative position waiting for him at some HALLIBURTON subsidary.
I have friends and family in New Orleans who have lost everything but their lives. I doubt Bush will even lose sleep.
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 3:56 pm PT...
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 4:17 pm PT...
I think it's time for hundreds of thousands of people who see just what a tyrannical piece of shit the Bushite fascist establisment is to march on Washington D.C. and camp out in the streets around the White House and Capitol Building, shut down the thoroughfares to traffic, shut down the Amtrak and the Metro and refuse to leave until the whole entire executive and legislative branches of federal government resign and new elections are called for President and every Congressman. And not just in D.C. but in every major city. Shut the whole country down, bring it to a grinding halt. It is time to tear down the establisment and start over.
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 4:24 pm PT...
If there's 500,000 people or 900,000 people that refuse to leave, what are they going to do? They can't arrest us all, there's no way. If they tried to put it down with the military they'd be in for a bloodbath if some of the protestors were armed for self-defense. I say camp out around the White whoreHouse and Capitol Bldg. and don't let the bastards leave until it's permanently.
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 4:29 pm PT...
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 4:33 pm PT...
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 9:16 pm PT...
I find it utterly disturbing how so many posts from the republican party supporters on this page contain poor grammar and spelling errors. It's just so obvious how ignorant you republicans really are.
As an Australian I am now quite used to having liars voted into office time and time again. The western world deserves to be ruled with an iron fist. We are surrounded by ignorant, cold , mean spirited human waste. I pray reason and humanity will prevail in the end.
You will get what you deserve, I assure you
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 10:06 pm PT...
Hey Enclave,
You missed a period at the end of your last sentence...does that make you an ignorant, incompetent a-hole also?
Oops, that might have been a run-on sentence...that much just make me a bumbling fool for a month or so...until I repent.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
said on 9/5/2005 @ 11:04 pm PT...
Everyone please go to your library and see the October 2004 issue of National Geographic. See page 88. I've never been so disgusted...I can't believe this is happening. I also can't believe some of the disgusting things I've heard some people say about this whole thing. Would some of these coldhearted comments not exist if these people were white or wealthy? Again...please, please see the Oct '04 issue of Nat Geo....everyone who can read must see this if they haven't already.
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 3:21 am PT...
In response to the whining bitching idiocy perpetuated by the marvelously intelligent Republican Right....
Fuck. You.
I'm sorry, but did you just crawl out from under your rock? Your little shrub has been steadily cutting funding for projects --- SUCH AS FIXING THE LEVEES AND PUMPS IN NEW ORLEANS YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL ASSHOLES --- and diverting it all to a revenge tactic in the Middle East. Do you ever pay attention if it isn't on Fox News or Rush? Of course not; that would require thinking. I have yet to meet a conservative who still supports the shrub who does such a thing. He's even admitted in person that the "War On Terror" is more important than bringing back National Guardsmen to help during a disaster on our own soil. I'd have no problem with the shrub having ten whores on the side if he was at least a man in charge instead of a wilting little pussy bitch who surrounded himself with college favours instead of competent people.
And what else have we learned in the past five years? That nothing good comes from the Bush family. It only gets worse as the genes continue to be passed on. Idiocy is obviously not a problem of inbreeding solely. It merely stems from the Republican Party's conservatism.
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 4:43 am PT...
comment 85 get some sleep dick
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 8:05 am PT...
Black people shouldn't breed.
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 8:10 am PT...
You know what im so sick of hearing? im tired of the crying and bitching about bush by the residents down there. I agree, Bush and (Adolf) Cheney isnt doing shit and its been long established that they have been, are, and always will be useless. (speaking of which, anyone seen cheney lately?)
Well, did anyone remember who won those states in the 2004 election? yeah its BUSH!!
Their part to blame for where their at right now. those fucking people voted him in thinking he was the best president and being republican, would help the poor people so well (which makes them double stupid). you know what? Let them suffer for a little while. let them sit on the roofs and die of hunger and illness, shoot eachother, and loot. And doing that, they will have hours and days to think and realize how stupid they were to vote on someone who doesnt care.
not all people affected are at fault, but you know, its another example of how people get fucked by majority.
you people down there pretty much fucked the whole country by putting that man into office for another 4 its time that us democrats get a lil payback.
as far as my donation? yeah i pay it every week going towards their fucking welfare.
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
jeff aka Nexus242
said on 9/6/2005 @ 8:42 am PT...
Our coutry is wide open for an attack and thousands if not millions will die because of our own inaction to prevent and recover from it. Bush has failed the US and has taken over 365 days of vaction time in the process.
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
Ian Burns
said on 9/6/2005 @ 10:45 am PT...
I'm British and have not been affected by the hurricane directly. This video, however brought me to tears. It is a truely tragic stituation that these people are in. This video has motivated me to try and help in some way. It is not my place to say this but - your government has failed you. My thoughts are with you all.
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 10:50 am PT...
The revolution starts here!
All thinking people across the U.S.
Arm yourselves, march on the capitol and overthrow these Nazi scumbags. Violently if necessary. I want to see them led out in handcuffs and chains. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, every single one of them. The New Orleans disaster is the last straw!!!
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 11:40 am PT...
Mike #88
I wish you could speak to these people and ask them how many voted for Bush. You would have a big surprise. No matter what color, poor people know the Republicans have no heart.
Also, for those who think these people are lovin welfare, two, arrived, in Houston on Friday and already have a job, one at Walmart which probably pays $6-$7/ an hour. How many people do you know that would work for that?
There are lazy people of all race and cultures. Just as there are mean spirited people who will write their hateful meanderings on this blog, because they are cowardly.
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 12:05 pm PT...
What a bunch of idiots on this site. How about looking to the mayor of New Orleans and the President of Jefferson Parrish who could not even follow their own emergency plans (probably because they cannot read). The New Orleans plan was supposed to evacuate starting 72 hours ahead of a Category III hurricane using school and municipal buses. I saw the news showing all the buses sitting in the parking lot in water. The President asked the Governor when was she going to declare a state of emergency - she said she would wait 24 hours and see. You stupid liberals that own LA have just shown how your decades of "depend on the government for all your needs" just killed all these people. If your Democrat mayor of No and Democrat governor had a heart they would have acted. They are incompetant. You call Republicans mean-spirited. Look at your comments - look in the mirror. Hypocrites!
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 12:58 pm PT...
Glenn #93 - Just read a letter to FEMA on LA's website...8/28/05 asking for help. Before shooting your mouth off, start reading and educate yourself.
AND again, check the news on people ALREADY searching and working, having just landed here in Houston...I'm sure one is working for minimum wage. But with your tax cut I doubt if you know what minimum wage is.
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 1:56 pm PT...
Horse pucky! Cryin' Aaron Broussard on Meet the Press seemed willing to blame everyone connected with efforts to get relief to New Orleans. Yes, the effort was certainly flawed for the first few day and investigations should look at the facts and find ways of improving things for another disaster. People may even deserve to be fired for incompetence but I'll wait to learn the facts unlike some who seemed bent on hanging people before any of us really knpw what went wrong.
And if Aaron wants to blame everyone in FEMA and other federal agencies, perhaps he should first accept some of the blame himself. Let's see how many times you failed:
(1) building and maintaining a major city on the Gulf Coast in the hurricane belt with parts of the city as much as 10 feet below sea level,
(2) building levees for a category 3 storm and praying a more powerful one doesn't strike the area even though a category 4 has about 10 times the power of a 3 and a cat 5 even more
(3) relying on pumps to dry the city out even after even rainstorms but neglecting to make allowances if the power is cut off to those same pumps some of which are 100 years old
(4) waiting until the last minute to order evacuation and failing to provide transport for those unable to afford it themselves
(5) failing to station equipment such as portable generators for emergency stations including police and fire fighters, temporary septic facilities for disaster centers, emergency water supplies for the same centers, flat-bottom boats in case of severe flooding, emergency medical supplies and personnel (6) having emergency crews and equipment able to patch breaks in the levees before damage from flooding is too severe.
Its always easy to blame someone else and cry about mistreatment rather than accept that you in a position of authority failed miserably yourself. Better to blame Washington rather than people right there in the area who should have been most knowledgeable about the risks.
And, though I sympathize with all the people who lost much or all of there belongings and people close to them, why do we as taxpayers continually provide disaster relief in the form of low interest loans for people to rebuild in the same high-risk areas. Providing emergency rescue, shelter and provisions, yes but not for rebuilding in the same disaster prone area. My opinion is to help people out once and should they decide to rebuild in the same are rather the move a little inland or to higher ground, the next disastrous storm effects would be borne by them alone. The same would apply to people who live along major rivers that flood routinely. Building in such high risk areas omce can be considered a mistake. Rebuilding in the exact same conditions is sheer stupidity.
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 2:36 pm PT...
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 3:16 pm PT...
Hey! Don't trash talk N.O. mayor Ray Nagin. I know him because he eats at my sushi restaurant all the time! He's a really nice guy and cares about his city and its people. Plus he's cool and will talk to anyone. He's no coward!
My gosh people, you have to stop blaming others. This wasn't a terrorist act, it came from nature. The mayor told everybody to leave, but some were just stubborn and refused.
Haven't you ever heard "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"? I'm sure those buses would've been moving if there were people willing to fill them BEFORE the storm hit!
Get a clue already, we are only people, we don't run this world, we play a part, but I think G-d's holding the map.
You cannot depend on Bush or anyone else, the Titanic sunk too, who would've thought! Wasn't that guaranteed not to?! So even if the levee was made for a category 500 hurricane, there's just no promise that it won't break.
By the way, California is dead meat too in 2010.
COMMENT #98 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 4:21 pm PT...
I wish I lived in the States just for 24 hours.I would take all that time to post this sign all to all places.
What is the matter with all you people in that country?Why doesn't anybody question why the levee or levees blown up after the storm blew over?
What was the purpose?Everything I saw and read that was done after the effect of Katrina speaks Genocide to me.Bush is no better than the Iraqu president was.
COMMENT #99 [Permalink]
km arizona
said on 9/6/2005 @ 4:58 pm PT...
I feel the whole state of Louisiana bears a lot of the responsibility for this disaster. The parrish President Broussard said he was tired of all the federal idiots. Well I'm tired of that idiot. What did he do in the preceding 40 years that made that situation any different than what happened. No, it is always much easier blaming someone else. I think every time he looks in the mirror he sees a dumb ass.
COMMENT #100 [Permalink]
km arizona
said on 9/6/2005 @ 5:01 pm PT...
Eva when you look in the mirror what do you see. Dumb ass.
COMMENT #101 [Permalink]
km arizona
said on 9/6/2005 @ 5:09 pm PT...
Kraig when you look into the mirror, what do you see? A dumb ass.
COMMENT #102 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 5:43 pm PT...
COMMENT #103 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 6:52 pm PT...
Eva dam u are an idiot. only a fucken dumb ass makes a statement like that . You must be a lesbian
COMMENT #104 [Permalink]
said on 9/6/2005 @ 8:52 pm PT...
Aaron Broussard is a Real American! Not a coward like GW Bush! The Bastards can kill our children in Iraq - but we can't find $$$ to save New Orleans, Missippi and Alabama maybe these areas had high levels of Democrats. But these folks are AMERICANS not Refugees. This is America!
COMMENT #105 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 3:37 am PT...
well thank you comment 105 great name
COMMENT #106 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 3:42 am PT...
broussard is a typical liberal; dont try to help yourself get the goverment to do it then blame it on the goverment local and state fucked up plain and simple they are just passing the buck. They had no plan to get there people out, the facts will come out the liberals fucked up again
COMMENT #107 [Permalink]
Uncle Deercamp
said on 9/7/2005 @ 4:43 am PT...
COMMENT #108 [Permalink]
nameless, faceless
said on 9/7/2005 @ 7:25 am PT...
My husband is there. By *there*, I mean working all along the coast from Pensacola to just inside Louisiana. They can't get into New Orleans.
They have cameras. Photos will be coming out as soon as they can find a way to email them to me. In his words, believe what you see on TV if you want. There's no way the censored images we see on TV can accurately show the truth about this situation.
Two nights ago, he and his crew were stopped by the police, although they were in a work-truck and had a curfew pass for their job. The police in that town (imported from another state) searched their bodies, rummaged through their equipment and personal belongings, held them at GUNPOINT, and after approximately 45 minutes, told them to get the hell out of there because they didn't NEED THEIR HELP!
The world has gone MAD.
COMMENT #109 [Permalink]
robert m
said on 9/7/2005 @ 7:27 am PT...
why did the great almighty president of the u.s turn his back on his fellow americans ?
and just who was calling the shots for fema ?
why would fema want the com lines cut?
is there a secret plan to silence the pleas for help ?
can people actually be so ruthless,and cruel as leave the nation crippled beyond repair.?
can george bush really turn this into more of his witty speech campain?
it really pains me to know that the same soilders who are out defending this so called great country of ours,have people here at home that have died might still be laying in the street?
not knowing yet as to how america has turned it's back on it's own people?
i think it's heartless
why when russia HAD FOOD SHORTAGE america sent 400 MILLION DOLLERS WORTH OF FOOD?
COMMENT #110 [Permalink]
nameless, faceless
said on 9/7/2005 @ 7:35 am PT...
"why would fema want the com lines cut?"
Interestingly enough, that is my husband's job....the restoration of communication.
"is there a secret plan to silence the pleas for help ?"
That is the question he and his crew have been asking themsleves over and over.
COMMENT #111 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 9:21 am PT...
COMMENT #112 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 10:15 am PT...
Today I learned that the people who evacuated in town weren't allowed to bring their pets along to places like the Superdome or on buses. It is ILLEGAL to abandon your pet and leave them to die. But those people were TOLD to do just that!
And besides the household pets, all those sweet little donkeys, horses and mules that work hard pulling tourists around all year long in the swealtering heat and even cold, who get whipped all day long and don't get enough water to drink were left to die in the flood. Where's the love for the innocent?
COMMENT #113 [Permalink]
nameless, faceless
said on 9/7/2005 @ 11:46 am PT...
I saw footage of the superdome yesterday and it was just appalling. There are people who are imprisoned for animal cruelty for leaving animals in situations like that with the filth and lack of food and water, regardless of why they did it. Law enforcement doesn't care if a person is ill or poor or whatever. There is no excuse for leaving an animal in that type of situation, so why was/is it ok for all those people to have been left there?
Is anyone going to be held accountable or will this, like so many other things, just be buried under mountains of BS?
COMMENT #114 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 12:42 pm PT...
Gee. There's some real smooth talkers here. All those convincing arguments, facts, figures and researched data, not lowering themselves to name calling and personal attacks. No wonder the Republicans win elections, look at the outstanding calibre and character of their voters.
COMMENT #115 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 2:06 pm PT...
Since this happened in Louisiana I've discovered there are people being mislabeled as racists when in reality they don't like humans period.
This would explain why some of the comments on this board are just plain pathetic and heartless. It's easy to make light of people and their situations when deplorable conditions are their living circumstance and not yours.
The New Orleans fiasco is and will cost the entire country BIG, no matter if you think it was God punishing the welfare recipients, or because "those people" elected the president. Like it or not you're still going to have to pay $$$$ dearly for it happening.
That's right blame political parties, clear the hype from them both and you'll see they're really one in the same, members suffering from indifference. So why go there. I think there's more to this disaster than meets the eye.
Watch out natural dsasters could happen in your neck of the woods, is this the type of response you want from FEMA.
COMMENT #116 [Permalink]
said on 9/7/2005 @ 2:12 pm PT...
Since this happened in Louisiana I've discovered there are people being mislabeled as racists when in reality they don't like humans period.
This would explain why some of the comments on this board are just plain pathetic and heartless. It's easy to make light of people and their situations when deplorable conditions are their living circumstance and not yours.
The New Orleans fiasco is and will cost the entire country BIG, no matter if you think it was God punishing the welfare recipients, or because "those people" elected the president. Like it or not you're still going to have to pay $$$$ dearly for it happening.
That's right blame political parties, clear the hype from them both and you'll see they're really one in the same, members suffering from indifference. So why go there. I think there's more to this disaster than meets the eye.
Watch out natural dsasters could happen in your neck of the woods, is this the type of response you want from FEMA.
COMMENT #117 [Permalink]
David Henderson
said on 9/7/2005 @ 6:03 pm PT...
Having lived most of my life in LA and 4 years in NOLA, I can tell you, anything coming from a LA politician is pure BS. LA is a bannana republic. People died because of years of crooked LA admisnistrations year after year. I never saw anybody working on those Jefferson Parish levees the whole time I lived there under Clinton. I havnt listen to the video. It s a wate of time. But if any of you interested, you should do your homework on LA politics
COMMENT #118 [Permalink]
Charlene from Canada
said on 9/8/2005 @ 12:40 pm PT...
I've just seen the heart wrenching video, been watching the news/internet and just wanted to comment from outside the U.S. on Katrina. What is going on is so shocking, but not unexpected in our greedy and selfish world. Politics and corruption here in Canada are just as bad...there more hidden that's all. When a disaster happens that's when the truth comes out. In our local and national television news (here in Canada), we ( Canadian Red Cross, hydro workers from Ontario and Quebec ) were ready to sent aid, money, clothes, food, workers, etc, immediately after Katrina...BUT where told by the American Red Cross, that, I quote, "America has VAST resources and help was NOT needed at this time." I was sickened and outraged, this whole mess is something that still has me in utter shock and horror. I just wanted to let those suffering and in pain know that there are many good people all over the world and here in Canada, who really care and are trying their best to help in any way possible. We haven't forgotten you!
COMMENT #119 [Permalink]
said on 9/8/2005 @ 9:54 pm PT...
It's obvious that the federal government, state government, and the prez don't care. There are even cops missing and yet they show off like some prized dog about how "we're doing all we can". F'n BS. Even Communist countries at least give a shit.
COMMENT #120 [Permalink]
said on 9/9/2005 @ 1:33 am PT...
For a price I'd do about anything except pull the trigger
For that I'd need a pretty good cause
Then I heard of Dr. X, the man with the cure
Just watch the television... Yeah, you'll see there's something going on
Got no love for politicians, Or that crazy scene in D.C.
It's just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes, There's a growing feeling
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due
I used to trust the media to tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?
Revolution calling, Revolution calling, Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling, Revolution calling
Gotta make a change, gotta push, gotta push it on through
I'm tired of all this bullshit they keep selling me on T.V. About the communist plan
And all the shady preachers begging for my cash
Swiss bank accounts while giving their secretaries the slam
They're all in Penthouse now or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell
I guess Warhol wasn't wrong fame fifteen minutes long
Everyone's using everybody, making the sale
I used to think that only America's way, way was right
But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives
Gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies
Revolution calling, Revolution calling, Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling, Revolution calling
Gotta make a change, Gotta push, gotta push it on through
I used to trust the media to tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?
Revolution calling, Revolution calling, Revolution calling you
[There's a] Revolution calling, Revolution calling
Gotta make a change, Gotta push, gotta push it on through
COMMENT #121 [Permalink]
said on 9/9/2005 @ 1:06 pm PT...
I feel sorry for the uninformed Bush hate fan. Your hate is missplaced. The Dems. who were in power for 40years have created the dependent state. Free handouts make people dependent on the Gov. for everything.(housing,food,heath care,school,safety-responsability) It's easy to blame the current addminastration of 5 years. When you don't know the facts. I'm just so glad that the complainers are a minority(dems.) and the Rep. are in power.
COMMENT #122 [Permalink]
said on 9/9/2005 @ 8:00 pm PT...
You people who blame Bush need to look closer at Blanco what a leader ! She is a embarrassment and should be recalled. The democrats had the congress for 50 years why wasn't something done about the flooding then? No one blamed Clinton for slow response during hurricane Andrew. Except for the people of Florida. I think the blame game needs to stop and people stick together and rebuild
COMMENT #123 [Permalink]
said on 9/10/2005 @ 6:19 pm PT...
Why don't you all storm New Orleans on Sept 24 instead of the White House? Fosuc your attention on helping the victims rather than making war and more casualties.
COMMENT #124 [Permalink]
said on 9/10/2005 @ 6:21 pm PT...
Why don't you all storm New Orleans on Sept 24 instead of the White House? Focus your attention on helping the victims rather than making war and more casualties.
COMMENT #125 [Permalink]
said on 9/10/2005 @ 11:07 pm PT...
RE: Mr. Broussard's "heart breaking" story. Pay attention to the details people! Doesn't it strike you as ood that this elderly lady in a nursing home can call her son four days in a row, but no one else in New Orleans is able to get any phone, cellular, even satelite connections? Doesn't it seem odd (as another poster pointed out) that this gentleman who was in charge of the emergency responders in neighboring Jefferson parish would tell mom "someone" would come get her, rather than go himself? Doesn't it seem odd that she "drowned" on Friday night, when high water was Tuesday and Wednesday and had started to recede by Friday? Have you done a directory search for St. Bernard Nursing Home where Mr. Broussard claimed this woman died? (There is no such place, but there are many Nursing Homes in St. Bernard's parish- keep reading.)Actually the person that Broussard refers to as "the guy who runs this building I'm in,..." is one Tom Rodriges who, according to his appearance on CNN, is the former Director of Emergency Management for the Louisiana National Guard. He was according to CNN directing emergency personnel in Jefferson Parish during the hurricane. Mr. Rodriges 92 year-old mother was a resident of St. Rita's Nursing Home in St. Bernard's Parish. His version of his mother's death goes like this (as told by himself to CNN); He was out of town when the evacuation order was issued by Luoisiana and New Orleans. He called the nursing home (Sat 27 Aug evening) to see when they were evacuating. The management informed him they had decided not to evacuate the patients. He insisted they needed to. He called again Sunday 28 Aug evening and was told by St. Rita's management that they were going to try to evacuate. He then called the sheriff's office in St. Bernard's parish and told them that the nursing home was stalling in evacuating the patients. The sheriff more or less told him he could not do anything about it because he had his hands full. Mr. Rodriges mentioned no pleeding phone calls from his mother. No one has been able to contact the nursing home owners regarding this unfortuate woman's death, or the deaths of the other 31 people reported to have drowned in St. Rita's Nursing home. The Attorney General of Louisiana is also trying to locate those parties responsible.
COMMENT #126 [Permalink]
said on 9/12/2005 @ 7:14 pm PT...
I agree it is bad down there, real bad.
I think the feds should help out with the mess.
I think the state should help out with the mess.
I think every one of use should help with the mess.
I have, and my wife has, we sent money and clothing, school supplies, toiletries, towels, sheets and blankets
Stop here, or read the entire entry. What I say next is not pretty and not kind.
I buy property insurance, and flood insurance, and I expect that to pay for rebuilding here if I need it.
We had floods here a few years back, and the govenment did very little. What did the government do for people during the dust bowls, and that was slow damage.
Where do people get the expectation the government is going to bail them out or even help them?
There is not law, and no part of the Constitution or Bill of Rights or any of the amendments that says in the event of a natural disaster, the feds shall come in and save us. No promise of money to rebuild, no promise or even a suggestion, of doing door to door search for people who won't or could not leave.
Local police and fire, and the local Civil Defense group ( usually mostly volunteers ) are better suited to that function.
We don't have a standing army to speak of, and we most certainly don't have a standing emergency corp, trained in crowd control, evacuation procedures, emergency pump repair, feeding the thousands. Nor do we have governemnt buildings of capacity to house 250,000+ people on a moments notice in 20 different locations.
Maybe we should have an emergency corp, but the only way to get that is by conscription. To pay and support that force will require more taxes.
Sure many of us pay taxes, and maybe some small portion of that goes to support emergency prepareness centers and training.
States also like to think they are in control. They don't usually want the fed to come in and fix or solve their problems, no matter how large.
State governments need to request the feds to help.
The governor is the one who is supposed to call out the National guard.
THE we help other countries why not our own fallacy:
We send them excess food; bottom of the barrel quality food. I have seen it, loaded it, transported it to those in need. Rice, corn, and wheat and dried milk, years old and by the rail car load . Where does it comes from? You bought it with your tax money, gas money, and grocery money. Ever hear of farm subsidies. Government buys the "excess" grains and such to artifically raise the price, so that farmers don't have to deal with real market value, but instead what they want their products to be worth.
Ask your congress person or senator about why the world price of sugar is 6 cents a pound . DO you pay 6 cents a pound?
Most other aid to in need countires comes from the Rwd Cross, a multitude of church and civic groups, and volunteers.
I almost forgot, the government is real good on sending in advisors to tell the other countries where they need help, and those advisors come armed with a huge list of American companies ready to sell the "in need" countries exactly what they need.
The real bottom line, all political bashing aside, is the federal government has no one to send in to help, and no monies to pay for that help. We are not alone in this, no country does.
One real bad thing no one is mentioning,: As far as real natural disasters go, this one is small potatoes.
If Yellowstone Mountain decide to pop like Krakatoa or Thera, is we get hit by a small asteroid, or some other global impact event, 50 Million could die in the first few days, 100+ Million in months and not a single government, or all of them combined could not do anything to help.
We are on our own.
Nature is too strong and too fickle.
There is no one to be sent to help.
We have to help ourselves and each other.
Bash the government if it makes you feel better.
They are inept, and have no experience in disasters
The needie and hurt people are better served by you and I drinking a little less Starbucks, and eating a few less burgers and fries, and send them the difference out of your pocket. Be strong and send them this week's beer money! Give until it hurts.
My wife ran a free lunch and shelter program, 7 days a week, all hours, 100% volunteer. She probably put in 80 hours a weeks and never drew a cent. Many times our "fun" money went to the program.
My experience:
The smart people usually go the other way when some one from the government shows up and says,
"Hi, I from the government and I am here to help you."
yes, the email address is fake, I get enough email
reply here if you have a polite response
COMMENT #127 [Permalink]
nicole marie briggs
said on 9/12/2005 @ 8:44 pm PT...
My name is Nicole Marie Briggs. I am only twenty but... even I know how to help people in need.
Yes, I have family, my roomate has family, and an old friend of mine all have family not accounted for at this time due to Katrina... But I didn't come here to post about that...
I came to say that... I hope that Bush does the right thing and steps out of office.
Good for him that he gets to still keep doing his little tour from state to state with written scripted apologies... but I personally have had enough of it...
Our Government STINKS... Its time for a change... Just wait until my generation grows up... There will be a change...
Im sorry for everyones losses... and I can only say that I have been donating at every opportunity.
COMMENT #128 [Permalink]
said on 9/16/2005 @ 9:52 am PT...
COMMENT #129 [Permalink]
said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:26 pm PT...
All you people are sheep. No thought, no ability to do anything for yourself. This Broussard story was FAKED. It was as staged as a John Kerry photo-op. Mr. Rodriges's mother died on the 29th (along with most other St. Rita's residents, who were left to die by the (liberal) owners of the establishment. If Mr. Broussard's story is right, Mr. Rodriges talked to his dead mother for 4 days on what appears to be the only phone line in New Orleans.
You blind Bush haters fail to blame the Democratic Mayor, Ray "250 School Buses" Nagin and The Democratic Mayor Kathleen "24 Hours" Blanco... if you don't know what their nicknames are for, look it up. Knowledge to power, and Liberals have none of either.
COMMENT #130 [Permalink]
Mike Zack
said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:08 pm PT...
As a REPUBLICAN I am sure you emotional cripples now have found out this whole episode was a fake, all bull! Thats what happens when you respond emotionally before you know the facts. An Oscar to Aaron, what ever you do Aaron, dont watch 'ol Yeller, we will need to fire up more pumps. What a fraud, where did she get a phone?
COMMENT #131 [Permalink]
said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:37 pm PT...
Thanks for the last 3 posts! Finally, someone with a little bit of common sense. You're exactly right, this whole story was made up somewhat. Those people were left in the nursing home by the owners, not GWB and they were left there before the storm came in. My question is should that guy with the crocodile tears be charged? He seemed to have known a little bit more than what we are lead to believe.
Thanks Mike, Paul and Jay!
COMMENT #132 [Permalink]
said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:45 pm PT...
Thanks for the last 3 posts! Finally, someone with a little bit of common sense. You're exactly right, this whole story was made up somewhat. Those people were left in the nursing home by the owners, not GWB and they were left there before the storm came in. My question is should that guy with the crocodile tears be charged? He seemed to have known a little bit more than what we are lead to believe.
Thanks Mike, Paul and Jay!
COMMENT #133 [Permalink]
said on 9/20/2005 @ 1:12 am PT...
This was an outright lie and Mr. Broussard knew it. I just finished reading this from MSNBC--be sure to catch the title:
"An emotional moment and a misunderstanding."
Translation, oops, I got caught in a lie, I mean to say, misunderstanding.
Dan Blather would be proud.
COMMENT #134 [Permalink]
Kevin Porter
said on 9/20/2005 @ 8:23 am PT...
This only proves that the left will use any means to push their socialist agenda. Lies, lies, lies. Next they will be saying that it is OK since it might have happened that way and they can hurt GWB. Libs get a clue, get a plan. Show me something that is not I hate GWB, I hate the way things are. New Orleans should have been the liberal mecca, it has been run y Democrats (even now) for decades. They democratic way had kept the poor people poor. Where is the socialist Utopia that should exist there? You want to blame the current administration for decades of local government corruption. I say "bah" to you. Sit in your little worlds and pass judgement on things you know nothing of.
COMMENT #135 [Permalink]
said on 9/20/2005 @ 8:35 am PT...
Story of a mother’s desperate calls from nursing home skewed
• ‘She drowned Friday night’
Sept. 4: Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish, La., breaks down while telling NBC's Tim Russert the story of the death of the mother of one of the parish’s employees.
Meet the Press
MSNBC and NBC News
Updated: 10:55 a.m. ET Sept. 19, 2005
WASHINGTON - The Jefferson Parish president's emotional retelling of a mother's desperate calls from a New Orleans nursing home included details that conflict with the timeline of the tragedy.
The story, of a colleague's mother begging her son for rescue as flood waters rose after Hurricane Katrina, came to prominence on Sunday, Sept. 4, when Aaron Broussard, president of Jefferson Parish in New Orleans, was interviewed by Tim Russert on NBC's Meet the Press. (MSNBC is a Microsoft-NBC joint venture.)
New details and interviews with the son whose mother died in the flood show that the tragedy unfolded from Saturday through Monday, Aug. 29 — not Monday through Friday, Sept. 2 as recounted by Broussard. The owners of the nursing home were indicted Tuesday for the deaths of more than 30 residents, which officials say occurred on Aug. 29.
Story continues below ↓
In the course of the interview, in which Broussard was expressing frustration with the slow-footed response by the federal government to the hurricane, he related the personal story of a man whose mother had died in the flooding caused by Katrina. Broussard, who did not identify the man by name at the time, broke down in tears as he related the story. As the Meet the Press transcript shows, Russert paused the interview to allow Broussard to compose himself.
BROUSSARD: ... The guy who runs this building I'm in, emergency management, he's responsible for everything. His mother was trapped in St. Bernard nursing home and every day she called him and said, "Are you coming, son? Is somebody coming?" And he said, "Yeah, Mama, somebody's coming to get you. Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday. Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday. Somebody's coming to get you on Thursday. Somebody's coming to get you on Friday." And she drowned Friday night. She drowned Friday night.
RUSSERT: Mr. President...
BROUSSARD: Nobody's coming to get us. Nobody's coming to get us. The secretary has promised. Everybody's promised. They've had press conferences. I'm sick of the press conferences. For God sakes, shut up and send us somebody.
RUSSERT: Just take a pause, Mr. President. While you gather yourself in your very emotional times, I understand, let me go to Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi.
Since the broadcast of the interview, which elevated Broussard to national prominence, a number of bloggers have questioned the validity of Broussard’s story.
Subsequent reporting identified the man whom Broussard was referring to in the Meet the Press interview as Thomas Rodrigue, the Jefferson Parish emergency services director. Contacted on Friday by, Rodrigue acknowledged that his 92-year-old mother and more than 30 other people died in the St. Rita nursing home. They had not been evacuated and the flood waters overtook the residence.
The chronology of the phone calls described by Broussard came under particular scrutiny by bloggers.
Rodrigue said he didn’t see or hear Broussard’s comments on Meet the Press. When told of the sequence of phone calls that Broussard described on Meet the Press, Rodrigue said “No, no, that’s not true.”
“I can’t tell you what he said that day, why he was confused, I’m assuming he was under a tremendous amount of pressure,” Rodrigue told MSNBC.
“I contacted the nursing home two days before the storm [on Aug. 27th] and again on the 28th of August,” Rodrigue said. “At the same time I talked to the nursing home I also talked to the emergency manager for St. Bernard Parish,” Rodrigue said, “to encourage that nursing home to evacuate like they were supposed to and they didn’t until it was too late.”
Broussard must have been confused “because I was calling, not my mother calling me, I was calling her,” Rodrigue said. Further, Rodrigue says he never made any calls after Monday, the day he figures his mother died, based on conversations he’s had with another person who had a family member perish inside St. Rita’s. Officials believe that the residents of St. Rita’s died on Monday, Aug. 29, not on Friday, Sept. 2, as Broussard had suggested.
Broussard could not be reached for comment Friday, but Jackie Bauer, a spokeswoman for Broussard who was present during the Meet the Press interview, said "it was a misunderstanding."
Late on Friday, Bauer told "I was there when he (Broussard) was doing that, when he was saying that, I think he was meaning that he was calling, he was calling and trying to talk to Tommy and telling him ‘don’t worry,' trying to console Tommy, 'don’t worry, we’ll get her out, don’t worry we’ll get her out.'"
When asked how Broussard could have gotten the details of his mother’s story so wrong, Rodrigue said, Broussard “was emotional, absolutely and he was from the time that he found out that, you know, that my mother had died and I was here doing what I’m required to do for the citizens for Jefferson Parish.”
Rodrigue said he hasn’t spoken with Broussard since the Meet the Press broadcast. “He’s been busy, I’ve been busy,” Rodrigue said. “I haven’t really had a chance to sit down and talk to him.”
The husband and wife owners of St. Rita’s nursing home in the New Orleans suburb of Chalmette have been charged with homicide in the case.
“The pathetic thing in this case was that they were asked if they wanted to move them and they did not,” Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti said Tuesday. “They were warned repeatedly that this storm was coming. In effect, their inaction resulted in the deaths of these people.”
“They had a duty and a standard of care to people who could not care for themselves,” Foti said of the owners. “If you or I decided we are going to stay, we do it of our own free will. ... The people at the nursing home don’t have that choice.”
“Thirty-four people drowned in a nursing home when it should have been evacuated. I cannot say it any plainer than that,” Foti said, his voice rising with anger.
© 2005 MSNBC Interactive
COMMENT #136 [Permalink]
said on 9/20/2005 @ 1:09 pm PT...
As a former Louisianian (Baton Rouge, Lafayette resident) I was appalled with the Russert/Broussard interview.
I said this the day I saw the Broussard piece and still can't believe no one has said it before, or perhaps I missed it. I know Russert never mentioned it. But if it were my mama calling me for help to rescue her from rising waters, I would have been down there instantly in a bass boat to get her out. And if I couldn't find a boat I would swim to save her. Now we find out it was all an act and Russert fell for it. Anyone gullible enough to buy into this piece of trash Broussard's story should take a long look at the next one they feel compelled to believe and embrace. Hey Timmy, are you listening?
Furthermore the very thought that the federal government is to blame for the levee break due to lack of funding is absurd. In the early 1990s the state of Louisiana passed casino gaming. Some of that money earmarked for the levee board was diverted towards building casinos and marinas.
Someone above summed it up perfectly. Louisiana politicians have been crooked for years. Just read the stories about Huey P. Long then compare them to the Edwards administration.
Besides LSU football, the Saints and parts of the Quarter, the only thing I truly miss about Louisiana is the food.
COMMENT #137 [Permalink]
said on 9/20/2005 @ 5:54 pm PT...
and now we know the story was a fake. How foolish do you people feel?
COMMENT #138 [Permalink]
said on 9/22/2005 @ 1:01 pm PT...
You people (or should I say y'all) NOT from New Orleans need to understand New Orleans. The crime is high. The people are lazy, and yes, they have kids they cannot afford. There are plenty of neglected and abused children by their parents (if you can find them). But saying that New Orleans did not get help because of race is inaccurate. Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish, which surrounds New Orleans did not get help either. These areas are mostly white and DID NOT receive help. So anyone trying to make it a racist agenda is IGNORANT! If you want to comment, come live in New Orleans with me. Oh yeah, I GOT OUT. I listened. And if you are interested, yes, my house flooded and received a lot of damage.
COMMENT #139 [Permalink]
said on 9/22/2005 @ 1:01 pm PT...
You people (or should I say y'all) NOT from New Orleans need to understand New Orleans. The crime is high. The people are lazy, and yes, they have kids they cannot afford. There are plenty of neglected and abused children by their parents (if you can find them). But saying that New Orleans did not get help because of race is inaccurate. Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish, which surrounds New Orleans did not get help either. These areas are mostly white and DID NOT receive help. So anyone trying to make it a racist agenda is IGNORANT! If you want to comment, come live in New Orleans with me. Oh yeah, I GOT OUT. I listened. And if you are interested, yes, my house flooded and received a lot of damage.
COMMENT #140 [Permalink]
said on 9/22/2005 @ 1:02 pm PT...
You people (or should I say y'all) NOT from New Orleans need to understand New Orleans. The crime is high. The people are lazy, and yes, they have kids they cannot afford. There are plenty of neglected and abused children by their parents (if you can find them). But saying that New Orleans did not get help because of race is inaccurate. Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish, which surrounds New Orleans did not get help either. These areas are mostly white and DID NOT receive help. So anyone trying to make it a racist agenda is IGNORANT! If you want to comment, come live in New Orleans with me. Oh yeah, I GOT OUT. I listened. And if you are interested, yes, my house flooded and received a lot of damage.
COMMENT #141 [Permalink]
said on 9/22/2005 @ 1:06 pm PT...
You people (or should I say y'all) NOT from New Orleans need to understand New Orleans. The crime is high. The people are lazy, and yes, they have kids they cannot afford. There are plenty of neglected and abused children by their parents (if you can find them). But saying that New Orleans did not get help because of race is inaccurate. Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish and Plaquemines Parish, which surrounds New Orleans did not get help either. These areas are mostly white and DID NOT receive help. So anyone trying to make it a racist agenda is IGNORANT! If you want to comment, come live in New Orleans with me. Oh yeah, I GOT OUT. I listened. And if you are interested, yes, my house flooded and received a lot of damage.
COMMENT #142 [Permalink]
Bertois Cambron
said on 9/25/2005 @ 8:19 am PT...
With his second appearance this morning (9/25/05) on Meet The Press, we all were laughing it up at the stupid yankee Tim Russert. Talk about being "Stuck on Stupid!" Can't imagine Broussard having this kind of luck!
Two chances on national TV to make the Feds the goat, so that he can use that in his future bribery and rackets trial.
Aaron Broussard is the biggest crook in and president of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. He was an enforcer for the New Orleans mob before he became parish president.
He is currently under Federal investigation for bribery and racketeering.
To know him is to despise him.
The real story behind people trapped by floods when the levee broke hasnot been told yet, as anybody from N.O. knows. We all do know.
Governor Blanco HATES Mayor Nagin with a pasionate revenge seeking spite. This arose from when Nagin endorsed Bobby Jindal for Governor in 2003. Nagin and Blanco are Democrats and Jindal is a very popular and highly regarded Republican. He's a U.S. representative now.
So Nagin endorses Jindal. BOOM! Oh boy, did the fireworks blow up. You would a thought they was gonna fight the battle of new orleans all over again.
You never ever go against your own party anywhere, but in Louisiana, it's worse than political suicide! It actually could be real suicide. Kinda like our neighbor state's "Arkanicide" deliverd by FOB's in years gone by.
Moving on, Blanco says that she will never forget this and privately it was widely reported in the press that wanted to "get Nagin", no matter what.
Dumb Nagin gave her everything she wanted. He gave such a weak evacuation warning and order on a local Sunday morning talk news show that maybe 12 people heard it. When the storm hit, she thought it was perfect. But then the levees started to collapse. She had made no preparations for caring for the city or it's residents.
Busted, she was. And, Mary Landrieu just backed her up. Stupid is as stupid does. Oh my! "We in a pickle together, trying to eat our way out of this." (old cajun expression)
People who knew this kinda dirt, just got up and left town before the storm. Only the stubborn and the poor stayed. It never pays to be poor, you will always be screwed by a Louisiana politician. I guarantee it.
COMMENT #143 [Permalink]
said on 9/25/2005 @ 6:49 pm PT...
Let’s see, this man’s Mother was in a nursing home on the coast with a hurricane approching and she was calling her son on the phone to come resuce her. And everyone was waiting on the Calavary.
Can’t the local folks evacuate a nursing home? There is the city, parish and state that should have evacuation plans for hurricanes. What about her son, can he not go rescue Momma?
Mr. Broussard you are making Louisiana folks look helpless. Damn, take a little initiative people.
This story is as pitiful as the one a fews years ago when we were told Florida democrats couldn’t vote by themselves.
Will turkeys really drown, if let out in the rain?
COMMENT #144 [Permalink]
said on 9/27/2005 @ 7:34 pm PT...
COMMENT #145 [Permalink]
said on 10/1/2005 @ 1:13 pm PT...
Dear man,
I hope you to help me and to understanding me right.
I hope you to understanding my English too.
I live in Sofia-capital on Bulgaria.
Personale history:
Please for you help.
My yang mother dead from cancer.
I haven't father too.I know that God is in you and He can to help me by you,the why He is in you.I don't know did you want to help ?I live only with my grandfather.
He is very old and half blind.He have little pension so'so 100$for one month.
I haven't work for now.Hope God to help me I to have work.I hope you to understanding my write to you and help on us with some money help.please.Please, write to us did you want to help,Yes or No.You can to write to: If you want you can to help on us with money:
BANK CODE:15091501
Please send money if you have on heart to:
Zornitsa Dimitrova Petrova
I love you hug and kissess...........
COMMENT #146 [Permalink]
said on 10/1/2005 @ 1:14 pm PT...
Dear man,
I hope you to help me and to understanding me right.
I hope you to understanding my English too.
I live in Sofia-capital on Bulgaria.
Personale history:
Please for you help.
My yang mother dead from cancer.
I haven't father too.I know that God is in you and He can to help me by you,the why He is in you.I don't know did you want to help ?I live only with my grandfather.
He is very old and half blind.He have little pension so'so 100$for one month.
I haven't work for now.Hope God to help me I to have work.I hope you to understanding my write to you and help on us with some money help.please.Please, write to us did you want to help,Yes or No.You can to write to: If you want you can to help on us with money:
BANK CODE:15091501
Please send money if you have on heart to:
Zornitsa Dimitrova Petrova
I love you hug and kissess...........
COMMENT #147 [Permalink]
said on 10/1/2005 @ 1:16 pm PT...
Dear man,
I hope you to help me and to understanding me right.
I hope you to understanding my English too.
I live in Sofia-capital on Bulgaria.
Personale history:
Please for you help.
My yang mother dead from cancer.
I haven't father too.I know that God is in you and He can to help me by you,the why He is in you.I don't know did you want to help ?I live only with my grandfather.
He is very old and half blind.He have little pension so'so 100$for one month.
I haven't work for now.Hope God to help me I to have work.I hope you to understanding my write to you and help on us with some money help.please.Please, write to us did you want to help,Yes or No.You can to write to: If you want you can to help on us with money:
BANK CODE:15091501
Please send money if you have on heart to:
Zornitsa Dimitrova Petrova
I love you hug and kissess...........
COMMENT #148 [Permalink]
said on 10/1/2005 @ 1:20 pm PT...
Dear man,
I hope you to help me and to understanding me right.
I hope you to understanding my English too.
I live in Sofia-capital on Bulgaria.
Personale history:
Please for you help.
My yang mother dead from cancer.
I haven't father too.I know that God is in you and He can to help me by you,the why He is in you.I don't know did you want to help ?I live only with my grandfather.
He is very old and half blind.He have little pension so'so 100$for one month.
I haven't work for now.Hope God to help me I to have work.I hope you to understanding my write to you and help on us with some money help.please.Please, write to us did you want to help,Yes or No.You can to write to: If you want you can to help on us with money:
BANK CODE:15091501
Please send money if you have on heart to:
Zornitsa Dimitrova Petrova
I love you hug and kissess...........
COMMENT #149 [Permalink]
said on 10/1/2005 @ 1:22 pm PT...
Dear man,
I hope you to help me and to understanding me right.
I hope you to understanding my English too.
I live in Sofia-capital on Bulgaria.
Personale history:
Please for you help.
My yang mother dead from cancer.
I haven't father too.I know that God is in you and He can to help me by you,the why He is in you.I don't know did you want to help ?I live only with my grandfather.
He is very old and half blind.He have little pension so'so 100$for one month.
I haven't work for now.Hope God to help me I to have work.I hope you to understanding my write to you and help on us with some money help.please.Please, write to us did you want to help,Yes or No.You can to write to: If you want you can to help on us with money:
BANK CODE:15091501
Please send money if you have on heart to:
Zornitsa Dimitrova Petrova
I love you hug and kissess...........
COMMENT #150 [Permalink]
said on 10/2/2005 @ 11:48 am PT...
Aaron Broussard stole lyrics from Red Sovine's - Roses For Mama tune. "are you coming son"
I say, leave The Big Nasty flooded. Bust the levys, make New Orleans a city of canals. It'll be romantic and save the Uncle Sam a bundle. Trade your pirogues for gondolas.
New Orleans, the Venice, Italy of America. Ah, beautiful man!
COMMENT #151 [Permalink]
m cleve
said on 10/26/2005 @ 6:10 pm PT...
:)I met aaron in hendersonville tn in 1969 when he was initiating our charter chapter of Phi Lamda Episilon national ed fraternity and found him to be a wild and crazy guy .He conducted himself in a very fraternal and dedicated manner.We later met at Fort Smith ar. convention and had a gloriously fine time.He was passionate about things then and seems to be now.LMNO.Aaron. Mike cleveland,Fraternally.
COMMENT #152 [Permalink]
said on 4/26/2006 @ 8:03 pm PT...