On safeguarding the 2020 election and worsening economic inequailty...
By Desi Doyen on 7/24/2020, 3:33pm PT
We're off today, but we've got a BradCast 'RECOUNTED' for your listening pleasure, with two excellent recent interviews you may have missed --- or just need to hear again. [Audio link to show is posted below.]
- First up is Brad's 6/9/2020 interview with economic inequality expert CHUCK COLLINS, Director of the Institute for Policy Studies' Program on Inequality and the Common Good, on the Institute's new report, "Billionaires' Bonanza 2020", revealing how the wealthy in the U.S. have profited obscenely during the COVID-19 crisis as millions of Americans have been tossed into unemployment, how and why we got here, and what we can do to fight growing economic inequality in the U.S..
- Then, Brad's conversation on 6/12/2020 with voting rights journalist and author ARI BERMAN of Mother Jones, on the fight against Republicans' new surge of voter suppression during the coronavirus pandemic and steps we can take to prevent a stolen election this November.
We'll be back soon!
(Snail mail support to "Brad Friedman, 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #594 Los Angeles, CA 90028" always welcome too!)