Guest Host Nicole Sandler with Heather 'Digby' Parton and 'Driftglass'...
By Nicole Sandler on 9/13/2019, 3:16pm PT  

It's NICOLE SANDLER, back to guest host another episode of the BradCast. Brad and Desi are in Arizona dealing with a family medical emergency. Angie Coiro and I will hold down the fort until they're able to return.

The third of the Democratic Primary debates is now history. To recap, discuss and critique, I'm joined by two of the OGs of the progressive blogosphere: HEATHER 'DIGBY' PARTON, founder of Digby's Hullaballoo and 'DRIFTGLASS', who also hosts the Professional Left Podcast with his wife BlueGal Fran.

We watched the debate so you didn't have to!

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