By Brad Friedman on 4/4/2005, 4:53pm PT  

I will be working my way towards Nashville this week for the National Conference on Election Reform where I'll be speaking at several of the seminars on a number of topics, being trailed by documentarians, and (hopefully!) speaking with a lot of media in order to continue to get the word out on all of the below (meaning, the last 5 or 6 months or more of reporting/crime-fighting here on BRAD BLOG!)

Thanks, in no small part, to your generous donations to BRAD BLOG, I'm able to afford to make what I think will be a very important trip!

Of course, if you're in the vicinity, please come on by, say hello and join up for the 3-day conference! And, in case you need more of a reason than saying hello to me to show up, here's another 5 Great Reasons to Come on Down!

Don't know what kind of net access I'll have on the road throughout this week and over the weekend during the conference, so for the moment, please assume I'll be gone for the week, and therefore, I'm turning things over to Guest Bloggers Winter Patriot, Fin and Jaime to help keep things lively in my absense.

Be kind to them, and keeping making noise!

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Gandhi

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