Throws 'C'est La Vie Comrade Rather' Political Fundraising Event!...
While continuing to protect actual Communist spies with whom he worked in Florida.
By Brad Friedman on 3/5/2005, 6:16pm PT  

As reported in yesterday's The Hill:

Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Fla.) is hosting a fundraiser Wednesday at the Capitol Hill Club to celebrate the last broadcast of veteran "CBS Evening News" anchor Dan Rather, who has long vexed conservatives with what they see as a liberal bias.

The "C'est La Vie Comrade Rather" event - for the benefit of Tom Feeney for Congress - will be held from 5-7 p.m., during which attendees will watch Rather's final newscast at 6:30.

Feeney told The Hill that the open bar will remain open only if guests drink from their left hands.

We find the irony of Tom Feeney hosting a "C'est La Vie Comrade Rather" fundraiser to be full of more hubris than can possibly be described in a single blog item.

So we'll just leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions on that matter while reminding them that Feeney himself was, for years, the corporate counsel and registered lobbyist for a Florida software company run by Chinese nationals. A firm which has been confirmed by Federal officials to have employeed an illegal Chinese alien who has recently been convicted of committing espionage against the United States of America for illegally shipping Hellfire anti-tank missile chips to Communist China during the time in which they were represented by Feeney.

Feeney continues to have direct and sympathetic ties to apparent Communist harborer, Yang Enterprises, Inc. (YEI), an Oviedo, FL company which he represented until being elected to the U.S. House in 2002. The owners of YEI, and their attorneys, Feeney's former law partner, Michael O'Quinn, continue to be large contributors to the Congressman. As well, Feeney's 2004 campaign headquarters is still located in the YEI building, and YEI threw a private party/fundraiser for their longime friend Feeney in May of 2003.

Feeney continues to dodge all public comment about his years-long relationship and continuing close friendship with the Chinese owners of the firm where a convicted Communist spy was allowed to work openly during Feeney's tenure. He has also been accused of conspiring to create a "vote-rigging software prototype" at the firm during the same period.

Perhaps Comrade Feeney should be more careful what he crows about.

On the other hand, time in jail seems to have done wonders for Martha Stewart. So perhaps Comrade Feeney will soon find plenty of enlightening time in a gulag in the "red state" of Florida to reflect upon the difference between actual treason against this country by actual Communist operatives and friends of his who harbor them versus the made-up stuff he seems to enjoy using for his own political self-aggrandizement and financial opportunism at the expense of the livelihood of others.

(Hat tip BRAD BLOG commenter and patriot, "American Woman" for calling our attention to this story.)

For those just learning about the Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal, please see:
- A Quick Summary of the story so far. -
- The Index of Key Articles & Evidence in the BRAD BLOG investigative series. -
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