By Brad Friedman on 2/2/2015, 3:00pm PT  

It seems a slow news day. So please enjoy this very short "nature documentary"...

For the record, like the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, the Energy East pipeline discussed above is also a project of the TransCanada Corporation. Unlike Keystone XL, which would ship the world's dirtiest oil from Alberta, Canada all the way south through the U.S. to the Gulf of Mexico for sales and export over seas, the Energy East pipeline would ship the world's dirtiest oil from Alberta, in western Canada, all the way across the country, nearly 3,000 miles, to Quebec in eastern Canada for sales and export over seas. It would be, if completed, the longest pipeline in North America.

What could possibly go wrong?

"Energy East would put hundreds of communities in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick at risk of a tar sands oil spill," according to Environmental Defence, which produced the video above. "Canadians would see few benefits. Nearly all of Energy East’s tar sands oil would be exported unrefined."

Moreover, the pipeline's opponents note, in addition to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the plan calls for "two massive new export terminals for oil tankers --- one in the St. Lawrence River, threatening where an endangered population of beluga whales raise their young, and another in Saint John, risking oil spills into the environmentally sensitive Bay of Fundy."

But, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...


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