Nick @ 2 said:
The whole idea that there's something good about Obamacare is bullshit!
You'll have to explain that to the 10 million+ who have access to health care now who did not before.
It's a right-wing program that gives a big gift to the insurance companies, does not cover ANY dental coverage, AND has a huge copay for catastrophic care.
It IS a right-wing program, as I've acknowledged virtually every time I've discussed it or written about it, including when I wrote about how the program is now personally saving me about than $300/month or $3,600/year.
And, of course, as I noted on air with you, it is also an obscenity that private health insurers who do nothing in the health care process, other than profit off of it, are allowed to remain in the "business", much less receive billions of tax dollars via the law.
Don't know what you're talking about in regard to "huge copay for catastrophic care" (feel free to offer some information on that), but your suggestion that because it doesn't (currently) cover dental care is a good reason to keep allowing someone with cancer to not receive health care is both preposterous and as obscene as those private companies profiteering off the law in exchange for absolutely nothing.
So for you to say that at least all these millions of people would have insurance that normally would not have any is ludicrous WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION BEING THE HOMELESS AND POOR.
Ah. I see. Those millions of homeless and poor people now receiving health care should go fuck themselves, so you can make your political point? BTW, you are absolutely wrong about that "EXCEPTION", but even if you weren't, your point would still be absolutely absurd, unless you think those folks don't deserve health care until you can get free dental care --- or whatever your incoherent position is.
Single payer or nothing I say because Obama care is mostly useless insurance
Except to the millions of Americans for whom it isn't. And the hundreds of millions more that are also receiving better care now (such as free preventative care, reproductive care, etc.) because of it.
Your argument would have been swell (and was not unlike mine) when the law itself was being hammered out. There was no reason to negotiate with ones selves as the Dems did when passing a very sub-standard law. But to be so foolish as to pretend that the good things the law has actually done are not happening at all, is to live in a denialist dream land.
If you think it is "fence sitting" to acknowledge the good effects of a law, even while arguing that it is an extremely flawed law which should be made much better, well, you got a different idea of fence sitting than I do.
If you'd like to deny health care right NOW to millions of your fellow Americans becuz "single payer or nothing!", it means you also have a different idea of both "health" and "care" than I do --- not to mention "morality". It also means you apparently don't know anybody who currently desperately needs health care, but had been unable to get it until now. So in addition to foolish, you are also exceedingly selfish or just plain ignorant.
Again, good luck with your advocacy and thank you for taking it to the public airwaves last Wednesday during the show. Always more than happy to put folks on who don't agree with me, even those with ill-considered positions. Makes all of us wiser. Don't be a stranger.