DCCC and Local TV Outlet Declare Nominee in 24th Congressional District Race Before a Single Vote Has Been Cast...
By Brad Friedman on 2/23/2008, 6:54pm PT  

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has found a self-financed millionaire to run against Tom Feeney (R-Abramoff) in the 24th congressional district in Florida. That Suzanne Kosmas brings her own money to the game is apparently good enough for the DCCC, never mind her positions on anything, and whether or not they've already got another candidate in the race who has demonstrated his dedicated fealty to the party, his progressive credentials, his effectiveness on the stump, and his ability to take on Feeney with a great deal of success, as he did in 2006.

That candidate, who has declared he will be running again for the nomination in 2008 to take on the corrupt Feeney once more, is Clint Curtis, the man who worked with Feeney back when they were both Republicans --- when Feeney served as both speaker of the FL House even while serving as the registered lobbyist for a computer firm with state contracts --- and back when, as Curtis alleges, Feeney asked him to create a touch-screen vote-rigging software prototype back in 2000.

Nonetheless, the Democratic Party insiders of the DCCC --- and now, apparently, the corporate mainstream media --- have determined that their choice for nominee, comes before the people's, and before even a single vote has been cast.

Here's the letter that I wrote to WFTV, after they, and their reporter, Scott MacFarlane, recently sent the message to voters that they should just fuck off and not bother turning out to vote, because, according to them, Kosmas is already "Feeney's 2008 Democratic opponent"...

From: Brad Friedman
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 6:34 PM
To: 'news@wftv.com'
Subject: Error in your report, please retract/correct

In your report posted here:

…You wrote:

Feeney's 2008 Democratic opponent, former State Rep. Suzanne Kosmas of New Smyrna Beach, raised more campaign money in the fourth quarter of 2007 than Feeney, who represents Florida's 24th Congressional District.

Granted I don't live in Florida, but I do tend to follow these things fairly closely. Was Florida's Democratic Primary for Congressional seats already held this year?

Last I checked, Ms. Kosmas would first have to win her primary election, against Clint Curtis (and any other candidates who may be fighting for the same nomination) before she could be considered "Feeney's 2008 Democratic opponent".

Or have the rules for elections changed yet again in Florida, and WFTV gets to decide such things on their own instead of the voters?

It seems to me you owe your viewers a retraction, and you owe the Curtis Campaign --- and all Democratic voters in the 24th District --- a swift and complete apology for such shoddy reporting, which may well have a very seriously adverse effect on the upcoming election.


Brad Friedman
Publisher/Editor, The BRAD BLOG

The letter was sent more than a week ago. I've received no reply, and there has been no change to the originally posted story.

You can write to WFTV yourself here: news@wftv.com

For more info on The BRAD BLOG's continuing investigative series on The Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal series, please see:
- A Quick Summary of the story so far.
- An Index of all the Key Articles & Evidence in the series so far.
- Curtis is running against Feeney for U.S. Congress again in 2008.
For more info, see: www.ClintCurtis.com
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