And you have never been told...
[UPDATE! Block on links to AOL users finally lifted! At least for now. See UPDATE at bottom of story for more details! And thank you to those who contacted them with your complaints! - BF]
If you use an AOL email address, AOL is doing you the favor of making sure you do not receive email containing any links to in it.
Not email from a address, mind you, as if I were a spammer or something (which, obviously, I'm not), but any email from anybody that has a link to this site, or to one of our news stories.
I learned this swell news early this week when someone was kind enough to let me know that their attempts at sending a link to this site to a friend bounced back to them with an error message. That error message was "HVU:B2". What is that error?:
That's right, "substantial complaints" from someone, whatever that means, will result in no links to stories at The BRAD BLOG getting through to any of AOL's millions of members. And they will never know about it.
Again, these are not even emails from They are simply emails from anybody to any AOL email address which has my domain linked in the body of the email.
Neat, huh? I wonder what would happen if there were "substantial complaints from AOL members" about, say, Or Or Would that result in millions of members not being able to receive any email that links to anything at those sites? Sounds like a great way to ratfuck someone you don't care for politically, doesn't it?
So what did I do about this? What level of hell have I had to descend to over this past week in trying to solve this problem?...
--- Click here for REST OF STORY!... ---